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Next morning, i woke up and went to my room. I saw that jungkook was still sleeping. So i just took a quick bath and went downstairs . I wore this-

I saw jin oppa cooking breakfast

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I saw jin oppa cooking breakfast. I helped him.

"Anna you didnt sleep yesterday in your room right"he asked

"How do you know.."i asked "suga told me yesterday. Dont worry we will talk to him after breakfast. "HE said and patted my back.

All of them came down. "SMELLS good. Did you do the breakfast today?"v oppa asked

"aniyo. I dont even know how to cook. I just know how to make pancakes"i said and others laughed

"Jin oppa you need to teach me how to cook please."i asked

"sure buddy i will teach you" he said

All of them know that me and jungkook had an argument yesterday. We all talked and waited for jungkook to come down. At last he came. I saw that he was really still angry at me cause he didnt want to see my face. I just looked down to my plate.

"ha maknae .atlast you came we were waiting for you. I am really starving"jhope oppa said in his cute voice. I just chuckled at his cuteness.

We ate calmly when jimin oppa talked "RM hyung do we have any schedule today"

"no we dont. Today is free just that we need to introduced Anna to armys by doing vlive"

"good then we can get to know each other well today"jimin oppa said

We all ate and the hyng line decided to talk to jungkook about his behaviour.

We all gathered in the hall. I was really nervous as what jungkook will do or react.

"jungkook we need to talk about something"RM oppa said and looked a me

i just sighed."what is it"he asked

"yesterday night did you and Anna had an argument ?right"suga asked

"ya we had an argument so what"he said rudley and glared at me. I just looked down.

"stop being so rude to your hyungs"jin oppa ordered him.

"First thing jin hyung i hate this girl. Now you all take her side instead of me. She will take my place and you will all forget me.So i just dont accept this girl"he said and turned around to walk away

I took his hand before he goes away. He looked at me and then at me hand.

"look jungkook,i know you are angry at me that i came to the group unexpectedly and it is really unfair for a girl to come in the group. I totally understand that,but please listen to me i never thought of taking your position or anything from you. I even talked to PDnim appa about the lines. I asked him to give me less lines as possible as i dont want to ruin your songs and the group. So i never thought of being in your position"i said and looked at him.

"dont act so smart in front of me. Just dont lie. just go die somewhere just like your sister"he yelled at me

He just yanked my hand really hand that it hit the vase which was laying on the side table. Everyone gasped at the sudden reaction of jugkook. I saw that my hand was bleeding as it hit the vase and it was stinging and paining. Tears were just rolling down my cheeks due to the pain in my hand and the way he told about my sister. I tried hard not to cry . He stared at me shocked of what he has done.

"Are you gone nuts jungkook. See what have you done to her"suga oppa yelled at him

TAe oppa,jimin oppa and jhope oppa held me and my hand. All of them just stared at jungkook in disbelief. Jin oppa was really shocked to see me crying my eyes out. I just took my hand away from Tae oppa and just run to my room. I couldn't take it anymore. Why the hell did he bring up my sister in this conversation. i was sad about jungkook acting like that.I just threw myself on the bed and cried my heart out not caring who heard me.


"Anna...wait"jhope oppa yelled but she ran away.

"what have you done jungkook. What is this behaviour? you just hurt her you know that . And Pdnim also warned us not to bring up the topic about her sisters death."RM yelled at him

"i-d-id-nt mean to do it"jungkook shuttured as he was looking down in disbelief not believing what he has done.

We all run to her room except jungkook . We hear her loud cries and continuously saying NO that she didnt do anything wrong.

"Anna please open the door. We are really sorry for jungkook's behaviour. Please open the door"jin said

"I dont want to talk to anyone. Just go away and leave me alone."she said and started so sob really loudly.
They sighed.

"Just leave her alone. Let her have some time alone. She will be fine dont worry"RM said

We went to the living room and saw jungkook still standing there."you need to fix this problem jungkook"jimin said and all of them just went to their rooms.


what have i done. I just hurt her . i saw her face and she was crying her heart out. PDnim told us not to talk about her sister but i did and because of me she is crying like this. I may be angry but i am not that type of a person to hurt anyone. I just cant believe what i have done. I called pdnim and asked him whether Anna asked him to give her less lines.HE said yes. I just cant believe that i hurt Anna so much. I couldnt help but just cry. All the hyungs are disappointed because of me.

i went to the room but it was locked. i heard sobs getting louder."i am really sorry Anna"i said left from there.

Anna's pov

I was crying my heart out in my room. I just try hard not to cry but i broke my dad's (own dad)promise that i wouldnt cry . I was just left alone again. I stopped crying at last. I look at my hand. My wound is not treated yet. I just took a bandage and covered it. i saw it was lunch time so i went to the bathroom to wash my face. My eyes were red and were puffy. I washed my face but it remained the same. I took a deep breath and went out of my room. To be frank i am not at all angry on jungkook cause he didnt know the reason behind it.

i went downstairs and saw everyone looking at me. i just smiled at them telling that i am really good.

//Hope you like it guys//

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