Prank on Anna

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As usual our schedule was hectic. I woke up feeling refreshed. I looked at my right to see jungkook still sleeping soundly.
I went to bathroom and got changed quickly.
After a quick shower I went downstairs to see no one.
Not even Jin oppa and namjoon oppa.
I went to their rooms to see sleeping.
They must be really tired.~~
I let them sleep while I made my way towards the kitchen.

I prepared breakfast for them.
After a while everything was completed and slowly all the members came down.
" awake" Jin oppa asked while rubbing his eyes ,still in his RJ pajama.
"Good morning.." I said and hugged him.
"Well I prepared breakfast so let's wait for everyone to come down so we can eat.." I said while setting up the plates.
After waiting for a while everyone came down.

"It smells good.." Tae oppa said.
"Well I made it so it's going to be amazing" I said while flipping my hair in a sassy way and then laughed out.
"Well I will die then eating it.." jungkook said while he sat down and gave me a teasing look.
I puffed my cheeks and pouted .
"Yoongi oppa jungkook is teasing me..." I said and pouted in a cute way .

"Woah when were you this cute.." namjoon oppa said while pinching my cheeks.
Yoongi oppa just laughed while looking at me.
"It's so embarrassing.." I said while I covered my face in my hands and hid behind Jin oppa who was sitting beside me.
All them laughed at me being cute and then getting embarrassed at it.

"Well I promise that my pancakes and the drink is eat up" I said while eating .
Well not bad...
All of them were eating and had a simple expression..
"So it's good right??" I asked them while eyeing them.
"Well if my dongseang did it , so it's amazing.." Hobi oppa said while smiling widely.
All of them smiled and continued to eat.
We got interupted by a phone ring.
I looked up to see it was namjoon oppas phone.

He picked it up and answered it..
"Yes manager nim.. yeah we all are here...but why do we need to come..ok we will come soon" he said and cut the call . He had a frown .
He sighed and sat back.
"What happened namjoon??" Yoongi oppa asked.
"Well manager nim called me and told us to come to bighit" he said still a frown on his forehead.
"Then why are you frowning..." Jimin oppa asked.
"Well it's seems that pdnim is really angry and looks like he is going to burst anytime and manager nim and the rest of the staff are really disappointed by something and it's something related to us , so he called us to come quickly..." Namjoon oppa said while he deeply sighed.

"What...did we do something.." Hobi oppa asked while I just sat there processing everything.
I may have a mini panicked attack.
"Calm down guys ...we will go there and find it" Jin oppa said .
"Now let's get ready and go there.." Tae oppa said.
I nodded and went upstairs.

BTS pov

"What is going to he gonna scold us badly" jungkook asked.
"We'll see it's just a prank.." namjoon said while Chuckling.
"What the...what prank..take it serious namjoon Hyung " Jimin said.
"Well listen..manager nim called me and told us that lets prank Anna with was pdnims idea
So he told me to tell you guys about it and put that act along.." namjoon said.

"Aww poor kid..why her though she will for sure have a mini panicked attack " Jin oppa .
"Well hyung it's going to be fun" jungkook exclaimed..
"Well here is the plan..pdnim will scold us while we just act as if we are really sad and upsetting about it and let's see Anna's reaction.." namjoon said.
"Well for sure she is going to cry " Yoongi said.
"Ok let's go .." jungkook said while they went to their rooms to get ready

Anna's pov

I got ready and went downstairs to see boys waiting.
We all went to bighit.
I was way beyond nervous. I rubbed my palms cause it was sweaty.
I took a deep breath a d went inside the building.
"Is he going to scold us that badly..??" Jungkook asked while looking innocent.
"Well I don't far as I heard when he is angry ,he is out of his mind and can cancel our plans.." Jimin oppa said while I stared at him with wide eyes.
"Nothing will happen..don't freak me out like that and also don't get freaked out..." I said while gulping .

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