Family song with GFriend

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We all woke up and got ready to go to the studio. We were informed that we will sing a family song with Gfriend. I am really happy about it as I can now spend time with girls and have a girl talk.

 I am really happy about it as I can now spend time with girls and have a girl talk

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"Good morning oppas"I said and sat down for breakfast

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"Good morning oppas"I said and sat down for breakfast.
"We are going to record the family song with Gfriend"said Jimin oppa happily.
"Y are you so happy about that."asked Suga oppa in the teasing way.
"Ya oppa why are you so happy. Meeting someone huh"I said and wiggled my eyebrows.
He hit my head."Nothing like that. Just happy to collaborate"he said.

It is really fun teasing Jimin oppa."I am really happy cause I will have a girl talk with my new friends. " I said
"Are you not interested in us" jungkook said and pouted.
'aniyo. Just happy to make good friends with them".

We finished eating and went to our car. The driver took us to the place. We went inside to see the location. I saw that Gfriend came before us. I greeted them. We went to the studio to record. We thought we would be together for recording but unfortunately no.

"Yah the lyrics are really good"said jhope oppa
"Yes it looks cool by the way" said Jin oppa.
"Ok guys come on we should record"said RM oppa.
We started recording . We had a lot of fun recording the song. The maknae line were jumping up and down. We did some stupid dances. We laughed at each other dances. The recording ended and it was Gfriend turn.
We went outside to meet them. They all were having fun making jokes and fun of each other.

"Anneyonghaseyo" we said and bowed.
"Anneyonghaseyo"they said.
"Girls it's your chance now to record. Hwaitingg"said Jin oppa.
They went as we went into our dressing room.
"Oppa how do you know them"I asked him oppa as we went inside the room with others.
"Oh that we all know them because our choreographer had composed a dance for their song. So we know them like that" jin oppa said

All were changing there clothes and did there make up.
"Did you guys finish"I asked as I was standing outside the changing room.
"Wait one minute. We will come out"said v oppa.
They all came out .
"wow you guys look like those hot bullies in the high school"I said.
"Ya this is how you compliment us"Suga oppa said and hit my head.
"Y do you guys hit my head everytime"I said and pouted at them.
"Because you look cute when we hit you head" RM oppa said.
"That doesn't make sense at all"I said and stared at him. All of them laughed at my cutiness.

"Now go I need to change my clothes to"I said and pushed them outside. They just laugh at me. I wore my uniform and went to stylish innie for makeup. I had my make up and went outside.

 I had my make up and went outside

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"How is it. Does it look good on me."I asked the boys who were staring at me.
"You look beautiful" jhope oppa said.
"Thank you oppa" I said and gave him a side hug.
"You really look good in the outfit"said jungkook.
"Thanks"I said and head for the shooting place.
I saw Gfriend with there uniform. They look good. I went to them and greeted them.
"Anneyonghaseyo"I said.
"Omo you look so great Anna"said sowon unnie while squealing.
"Thanks unnie" I said.
"It's really nice to meet you Anna"said Yerin unnie.
"Yes. We have been waiting for meeting you" said eunha.
"Yes. It's nice meeting you" I said and talked with them.

We all were dancing and playing tag. I saw that BTS were enjoying their own time. Me and the girls went outside and took some pictures. I became close with Yuju and sowon unnie. The other members to were really happy to be with me. We chatted for a long time.

"You know what Anna eunha thinks Jungkook and Jimin are cute"she said to me as she was teasing her.
"Really haa... What is it. Tell me"I asked her and punch her arm playfully.
"Ya you girls it's nothing like that. I just thought they were cute that's it"she said in a friendly way.
"Oh ok then I will tell them"I said stood up.
"Kookie I want to say something.....Eu-"I said but got interupted.
"Ha you girl . Stop it"she said and hit my arm. Me and all the girls were laughing hard and we're teasing her.
"What is it Anna you called me" jungkook asked as he came towards us.

"Ya tell Eunha"teased umji. We were all laughing at her and we're teasing her. It was fun teasing eunha.
"Ntg she just called you randomly"said eunha to jungkook and turned towards me giving a glare.
"Yea ntg much. Now you go "I said and he walked away confused.

"You got saved eunha"said sinb.
We were laughing and playing stupid pranks on each other. We learnt the dance and we're getting ready for the shot.
I was in the middle between BTS and Gfriend. We danced and finished the shot at last.
It was fun meeting you Anna"said sinb as we said goodbye.
"Yes we really had a lot of fun" said Yuju.
"Let's meet up afterwards"I said and bid good byes.
BTS to thanked them and we went to our dorm.

"I guess you really had a lot of fun with them"said v oppa a bit sad.
"Yes you didn't even care about us"said jhope oppa as he pouted. I didn't realize that today I didn't spend time with BTS.

"I am sorry oppas"I said and looked down at my feet.
"Ya they are just joking"said Suga oppa as he hugged me. All of them were laughing as I fall for there stupid prank.
"Ya you guys are so mean" i said and pouted.

"Kyeopta"said Jimin oppa as he ruffled my hair.
"I guess you had a lot of fun with them"RM oppa asked smiling.
"Yes I really had fun with them. Doing our stupid girl stuff"I said and smiled.
"One thing why did you call me"asked jungkook.
"Oh that we were actually teasing eunha"I said.
"Oh how does it relate to me"he asked.
I was laughing as I remembered that incident.
"Y are you laughing all of a sudden"asked Jin oppa.
"Ok the thing is that eunha told that Jimin oppa and jungkook look cute. So we started teasing her by shipping her with you guys"I said and bursted out laughing. All the members were laughing except jungkook and jimin oppa.

"That not funny." Jimin oppa said
"Ya we girls just had fun teasing each other. And listen you both are not cute"I said
"Woohoo you just got roasted"said v oppa.
"Savage girl"said Suga oppa.
Both of them glared at me and tackled me.

"Ok stop you look cute"I said and stick my tongue out. Before they catch me I ran up to full speed to my room.
I went and just throw myself on bed as I am tired. I slept again and went to my Dreamland.

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