SBS Gayo Danjeon

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//First thanks a lot for all the people who are reading this book and are liking it. It's such a great honour for me. Thanks a lot guys for reading my book. I reached 1k and that's because of you people. Hope you support me like this and I will sure give you an update. Thanks a lot once again supporting me//

We were invited to SBS gayo Dajeon. It's such a great honour to celebrate the new years eve with all the celebrities. SuGA oppa was coming for the first time.
"Oppa you seem excited" I asked him as I was in the changing room.
"Ne it's my first time to attend " he said giving a grumpy smile.
I smiled and patted his shoulder.
"Some hot girls are coming oppas" I teased them. The stuff unnie bursted out laughing.
"Yahhhh Anna shut up." Jin oppa said.
I glared at him.
"Ok fine" I said to him.

"Aish now I can't say who is the maknae"RM oppa said sarcastically.
"Oppaaaaaa" I whinned.
"Fine. I am sorry" RM oppa said.
"Unnie I need my dress" I asked areum unnie. Unnie was a bit tired. I looked at her and she was walking so tiredly. I went to her and hold her arm.
"Unnie are you fine??" I asked her. She just sighed.
"Ne I am a bit tired" she said and rubbed her forehead.
"Unnie I guess you need to rest for a while . Others are there for helping us. Just rest" I said.
"Ani I am fine. Just leave it. It's not worse" she said and got up.
Jungkook was about to say something but shut his mouth.

I looked at her and she had a bloddy nose. The blood was running from her nose. This causes when she is stressed out. I know her a lot. She doesn't even take care of her self.
"Unnie just sit and rest. See blood is coming from your nose. Just don't be stubborn" I said to her a bit loudly. She just sighed and sat on the couch with her head raised up to stop the bleeding. The members saw it and just stayed there.
"Noona wait her I will go her you some tissues and medics" Jimin oppa said.
"I will get you water" Tae oppa said and went to the staff for help. They got it and I helped unnie to take some water and medics.
She thanked us.
"Just rest these people are there for us noona" jhope oppa said. She smiled and nodded her head.

We were getting ready for the SBS .

We were getting ready for the SBS

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"You guys look so cute" I said and pinched Jimin oppa cheeks

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"You guys look so cute" I said and pinched Jimin oppa cheeks.
"Thanks a lot Anna. You look beautiful too" Jimin oppa said.
"Is it a bit you know..." Jin oppa said while he scratched his neck.
"I know I can't help it now. They selected this dress and I need to wear it" I said and adjusted my dress.
"Yeah it's ok. You look amazing " jungkook said.
"You guys are there for protecting me" I said and looked at them.
"As if" Tae oppa said.
"Yahhhh. You are so ...I don't know" I said to him.
"Haaaaaaaa you look cute my dongseang" he said and pinched my cheeks.
"Now is your lovely dovely thing over. We need to go" RM oppa said.
"Yes sir" we all said and laughed at him.

We walked on the carpet and posed for some pictures. The MC was calling out our names so we came from the backstage and bowed to them . We walked and stood next to red velvet. I hugged Wendy.
"You look pretty" she said . I thanked her.
"You too. Where's yeri" I asked her. She pointed at yeri who was depressed and was hidding being seulgi unnie.
I went to her and hugged her.
"Everything will be fine" I said and patted her back. She was depressed because of joghyun oppas death. They were really close. I looked at my members and told them I was fine.

"What happened to yeri. Why is she hidding like that" jhope oppa whispered.
"She is a but depressed about the death of joghyun oppa. Fans are bashing her out" I said.
"Is she fine. Hope she is doing good" Jin oppa said. I smiled and looked at her.
"Someone is staring at someone" I teased jungkook who was looking at IU sunbea.
"Huh???" He said.

"He is truly a huge fan boy" RM oppa said. I nodded and chuckled.
"Whemm we are over her Kookie" I said and tapped his shoulder.
"Oh what is it" he asked.
"Someone is fanboying. He is getting immersed in her" Tae oppa said.
"Yahh hyung stop it"jungkook said.
"You are such a fan boy you need to talk to IU sunbea" I said.

"Huh shut up" he said and hit my shoulder. He was blushing a lot. This guy is so shy when he is near IU subae. We were going backstage to get ready for the Performance. I saw that they held yeri up and helped her walking. I sighed and went with my members.

"Guys get ready. Your performance is going to be up" the staff said. We got into our dance outfits and we're getting ready.
"You guys ready"RM oppa said.
"Wait I need to set my mic" I said was adjusting it on my ear. Jin oppa came and helped me up. I smiled at him and thanked him. We went to the stage and performed the dance.

The SBS was coming tonnes end. We were on the stage and thanked the army's.
"Guys come we need to thank them" Suga said. We all stand in a line and bowed to them as we hold our hands. We hugged each other and patted each other heads. I went to the girl groups. I saw Sunni unnie. I went and hugged her.
"Unnie you did a good Performance" I said and smiled at her.
"Thanks a lot Anna. You too. You look beautiful" she said.
"Thanks unnie" I said.
"I guess some one is getting jealous of you" she said fans pointed towards RM oppa and Tae oppa. They were looking at me. I called them.
"Oppa come over here" I said. They came and greeted sunmi unnie.
"Anneyonghaseyo sunbae" they greeted.
"Yeah hello. You guys did great" she said and patted there backs. The others members to greated them and thanked her.
"Sunbae your dance gashina is so sexy" jhope oppa said. We chuckled.
"Ne I know. Thanks a lot by the way. I need to go. Will meet you soon" unnie said and hugged us. The fans were screaming a lot.

I went to red velvet members. I saw yeri she was calm and quiet. She was upset and sad. All of them gave her strength and supported her.
"Hey you fine right" I asked her and hugged her.
She just nodded. "Everything will be fine" I said and she sobbed quitely. I covered her and bought her back stage while the boys and the redvelvet members were following us.

"Yeri just don't cry. We all are there right" I said and hugged her. She just sobbed quitely. We all list a person who was a true brother to us. Joghyun oppa was really close to yeri. She talks to him a lot. She sees him like her own brother. He used to support her a lot when she felt down. But when this strategy happened she was really shocked and was really upset.

We all made her calm down and assured her not to cry. We bid goodbyes and I went with the boys. I came to the fitting room and flopped up in the couch.
"I am tired" I said and sighed.
Jungkook flopped over me and then Tae oppa and then Jimin and slowly everyone flopped over me and I was becoming a sandwich down there.
"Hahhhbb get up. I am getting sandwiched over here. I can't breathe" j said and pushed jungkook. All of them moved and they were on the ground.

"I am sleepy" Suga oppa said.
"When are you not sleppy head" Jin oppa said. We just chuckled.
"You guys just fresh up and we will sleep in the car" RM oppa said. We nodded and went to change our dresses. I wore normal short and a long loose shirt.
"It was fun today. I was really happy" Jimin oppa said.
"Ne me too" I said.
Jhope oppas head was on my shoulder and sugas oppas head was in my lap. I smiled looking at them. I slept as my head was resting on the seat.

What a day it was. It was really amazing with these guys to be on the side.

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