Jeju trip

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I woke in the morning with a fresh start.
"Kookie get up... We need to go to jeju" I said and shook him.
He didn't even budge at all.
I sighed and took my pillow and smacked him with it.
"Now get up" I said....
"Yuh what is it.???. I want to sleep." He said.
"Get up we need to go to jeju today. Want to have some fun or not" i said and made my way towards the bathroom.
I took a quick shower and wore this-

I took a quick shower and wore this-

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"Kookie did you get ready or not...."?? I asked.
"Ne I am up" he said lazily.
"Get up and go " I said to him and pushed him to the bathroom.
He came out after a while.
"Now come the other guys are waiting downstairs" I said .
We both went down together.

"Hello everyone..." I said.
"Good morning Anna and jungkook" Jin oppa said.
"Did you guys pack everything... whatever you need for today" RM oppa asked.
"Ne" we said.....
"Now let's go I want to sleep" Yoongi oppa said.
I chuckled.
"Oppa give me your bag I will carry it. Now go and sleep in the car you seemed tired" I said to him and carried his bag.
"Thanks Anna" he said and ruffled my hair. He went to the car and slept while we were getting our luggages.
"Ok let's go Anna" Alice said.

We all went outside and put our luggage in the car.
"Ok let's goo. Here we come jeju" Micheal and Sammy shouted.
We all just laughed....

Car seating arrangement----
Jin. RM
Jimin Anna Alice Michael
Tae jungkook jhope Dawon unnie
Yoongi. Sammy

We sat down and we're just enjoying the scenery. We blasted out the songs and sang a lot. After a while all of them were tired so some of them were fast asleep and some of them were just on their phone. Jin oppa was driving for a while and Yoongi oppa changed with him to drive. Me and Alice were reading books. Jimin oppa and Tae oppa were in phone. Rm oppa was tired so he took rest with Sammy.

Michel and jungkook were having fun together. Unnie was on her phone. Jin oppa was just looking outside dreamingly.
"Guys we are here. Wake up Yoongi hyung,Sammy, Alice and jimin. Let's go inside" RM oppa said as he parked.
We woke them up.
"Ok well let's go to our rooms and then come down to eat." Jin oppa said. We nodded.

Me,Alice and unnie were in one room. While rest of them were dividing themselves. We went to our rooms . After a while we all went down to eat.
"Guys I am hungry come..." Jhope oppa said and dragged us.
"What are we gonna do after eating..." I asked.

"Let's go to beach.." Jimin oppa said.
"Yeah I am fine with it... " Unnie said.
"A bitch????" Tae oppa said.
We all bursted out laughing.
"It's beach" me and RM oppa said.
"Ok let's go. Get your swim suits fast..." Yoongi oppa said. We rushed to our rooms to get our swim suits.
"You both have your dresses" unnie asked.
"Ne we have it Unnie. Now let's go. Take some face products stuff and dump it in a bag" I said while I was getting my bag out.

We 3 headed downstairs. All the boys were waiting for us.
"Aish how much time do you guys take to get ready" jungkook said.
"They are girls jungkook. So obviously they will take late just like Jimin hyung" Micheal said.
"Oh really come over here you potato.." Jimin oppa siad and chased him. While this was getting interesting so me and Alice chased jungkook. Jhope oppa and Tae oppa too joined in the chase.

We ran till the parking lot.
"Kids these days...." Unnie and Jin oppa mumbled.
"You guys are getting old"jhope oppa said and ran away from them. While Jin oppa was yelling at us. Yoongi oppa was just calm seeing us enjoy. A smile crept on his face to see their members having fun.
"Ok now guys common let's go" RM oppa said while giggling.

We went to the beach. We went to the lockers to change our dresses

 We went to the lockers to change our dresses Mine--

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Dawon unnie

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Dawon unnie

We wore these and came out to see boys all with their eyes widened out

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We wore these and came out to see boys all with their eyes widened out.
"Why you guys wearing these. It's so much exposing" Jin oppa yelled while he and Yoongi oppa covered me with a towel. While jhope oppa was with his sister covering her.
And RM oppa was with Alice covering her. While the other boys were staring at us.

"Oppa this is not that exposing too. Don't say you never seen girls wearing bikini. This is way better. You should be thankful that i didn't wear a stupid one" I said and moved away.
"Ok then you look good by the way" he said and ruffled my hair.
These guys are so overprotective when it comes to these kind of stuff. I just chuckled.

"Why you guys staring at them like that??" Yoongi oppa asked them a bit irritated.
"HM nothing..." Jimin oppa said .
"You guys look hot" Tae oppa and jungkook said together.
They received a smack in their heads by Jin oppa and RM oppa.
They pouted and we just chuckled. I was chilling out while out if nowhere jungkook came behind me and caught my arms with a smirk.

"What are you doing Jungkook??" I said .
"Hyungs come let's drown Anna down.." he yelled while he called the others. Others came running.
"No don't I don't want too. Don't you dare do it guys" u said and started to wiggle. But the boys just laughed out and drowned me in the water .
They just laughed.
"You guys....." I said and chased them . We were all laughing and had a lot of fun.

Sammy and Micheal were doing model poses while we were making fun of them... We laughed out a lot today. The day came to an end. We went to our rooms to freshen up for dinner. We came down and ate in the hotel.
The next day we all packed our stuff and went to our dorm.

We enjoyed a lot in these few days. Alice,Sammy and Micheal went to America as they have their own schedules. While unnie too went as she has work in her industry. Now all me and boys were just chilling out in the dorm. Having fun and we're getting ready for new album release...

//Guys thank you so much h for reading this book. It has got 2k views. Thanks a lot once again. Sorry for not updating soon cause I was busy these days. I will try to update soon and early. Hope you like my story and keep supporting. Thanks a lot once again ..//

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