Prank gone wrong

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Jungkooks pov

Anna was sleeping peacefully while I woke up and took a quick shower..
I went to the room to see her still sleeping..I saw her necklace laying next to her on the side table...

I smirked at my idea. I slowly took it and put it in my pocket... I thought of pranking her cause she teased me a lot during all these days.. now the naughty Kookie side had come 😂

I ran downstairs and dragged Jimin and taehyung hyung..
"Why are you dragging us like this??" Taehyung hyung said as he took his arm away..
"Is there something you want to show us.." Jimin hyung asked.
"Well ok what do you say about planning Anna..." I asked them
"Well that will be fun.." Jimin hyung said.
"But what are we gonna do though" taehyung hyung asked.

I took out the locket from my locket and showed them ..
"What no...she will be angry" Jimin hyung said.
"It will be fun hyung" I said and pouted ..
"Ok fine.." he agreed..
"Now what's the plan..??" Taehyung hyung asked..
I told them the plan

Anna's pov
I woke as sunlight hit my face which was coming from the window.. I rubbed my eyes and adjusted my eyesight..
I took out my phone and Checked the time. I looked to my right to see jungkook not there in the bed....

I got up and took a quick shower . I was wearing my dress while unconsciously my hand landed over my neck.. I touched it and realized I didn't had my necklace ...

I went to the room and checked it everywhere... I couldn't find it..
"Ok don't panick Anna" I said to myself.. I took a deep breath and checked it again...
I ran downstairs to be met with Jin oppa.
"Oh good morning Anna ." He said.
"Oh good morning oppa" I said.
"You looking for something.." he asked
"Ne my necklace..I couldn't find it ." I said and checked near the couch area...

"What really..!!" Jhope oppa exclaimed..
"Ne " said..
"Ok let's check it..we will help you " Suga oppa said as he came downstairs..
We started checking the hall area first... And the. The kitchen area
"Yeah don't worry it will be somewhere here.." namjoon oppa said as he patted my back.. I gave him a worried look and nodded my head..

That was my last memory and a gift from Eliza... I can't lose it. It's oso precious to me...
"Oh what happened.. what are you guys doing.." Tae oppa asked.
"Well Anna's necklace is missing so we are looking for it .." jhope oppa said.
"Oh ok let's help you then ..."jungkook said...

We checked everywhere..from the top floor to the top floor... From every single room..
"Oppa I can't find it..." I whinned
"Yeah lets check will be here.." Jin oppa said.
We checked it again. I last remembered it putting on my dressing table.. so I ran to my room while boys were looking downstairs.. I looked over again but I couldn't find anything...

I was panicking a lot. I face palmed myself that I lost it... How can I do it ??!!
I came down..."oppa it's not there..did you guys find anything"
"Sorry Anna we couldn't find anything..." Suga oppa said .
I put my hands on my head and ruffled my hair in frustration...
I teared up a bit which turned it loud sobs...
"How can I do it ..its the last gift I had from Eliza" I cried due to frustration...

"Yeah it will be fine...we will check it again .." namjoon oppa said.... Jin oppa came and comforted me...
I looked at the maknae line they were exchanging there looks...I got suspicious..
"Jungkook what is have my necklace..give it to me" I asked him.
"What are you talking I don't know if anything..." He said..
"Ok well what about taehyung oppa and jimi. Oppa have it..I saw you guys exchanging the don't play games and give it..."

"We don't have it.." they said..
"Don't play games now just give it already.." I said and looked at them..
"Well--we are-- so-ory" they said.
"Why?" I asked them..
"We-ll we by mis-tak-ely broke your ne-ckla-ce" Jimin oppa said while shuttering..
"What!!!" I yelled at them.
"Don't play guys guys...I really hate it.." I yelled at them...
"Guys don't be stupid just give it already..jhope oppa said to them...

" We are telling the truth..we by mis-tak-ely broke it.. jungkook show it to her.." Tae oppa said ..
Kookie took out a broken locket from him pocket.. I gasped..
"What the fuck could you.. " I started crying..
"Why are you guys so totally ruined it" Suga oppa said to them who was really upset at them..

I don't know what to do I started crying more..
"That was stage last gift from Eliza now it's all could you do this..." I yelled at them..
They looked at each other a d bursted out laughing...
"Why you guys laughing if something serious happened..."namjoon oppa yelled at them..
"Really you guys beloved it.." jungkook said s f laughed again...

"It was just a prank Anna...the necklace is safe it's not broken don't worry...we just thought of pranking you.." Jimin oppa said...
" Oh my good it was so funny..." Taehyung oppa said he took out the necklace from his pocket..

I snatched it from his hand.. "You guys are so's not funny guys..."Jin oppas said..
They all became quite. And looked at me who was still sobbing..
'You made her feel bad guys... This was not meant for a could have done something else though"Suga oppa said..

'We are sorry anna it was the maknae s plane.."Jimin oppa apologized..
"We are sorry..."they said..
I just nodded my head and went to my room..
I was happy as well as sad that boys have made it as a prank. I clutched it and three myself on my bed.. I don't know but I get really sensitive sometimes ... I would have never forgiven myself if I lost the necklace..

I cried in relief..

BTS pov
"Jungkook what have done??.. you know is that it's do precious for her...she must be crying right now...' namjoon scolded them.. the hyung line scolded the three...
Jungkook felt more guilty of doing it...
"You guys should go talk to her.." Jin said.
The maknae line nodded and made there way towards Anna's room ..

Anna's pov
I heard the knock so I wiped my face aNd opened it to see the maknae line..
"We are sorry anna. " They said..
"We thought that it was fun making a prank on you so yeah...we didn't know it would hurt you lot .." tae oppa said.
"We are sorry for everything. Please forgive us.." Jimin Oppa said.
"If you want to be angry then be on me I have done this all not the hyungs...don't hate them.. I am sorry again Anna " jungkook said.

I went towards them and hugged them..
"Yeah it's fine...I can't be angry on you guys for long time though so yeah... apologies accepted.." i said and smiled at them ..
They smiled at hugged me..
"The prank really did work ..i truly fell for it ." I said while Chuckling..
"At last I succeeded" Jk said as he pumped his fist In The air .
Jimin oppa smacked him in the head..
"All because of this whole drama"he said while Chuckling...

"Lol yeah.."jk said as Tae oppa and jimin oppa stated laughing while I too joined in there laughter
But obviously I was planning on pranking them later... I am not gonna leave them..😂😂

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