MAMA Japan 2018

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After AAA and MMA awards , we had few days to practice for our performance in MAMA Japan. We were in hotel room. Everyone were really tried and stayed late night for practice.
I was sleeping peacefully while someone bragged into the room and started to scream and shout.
I opened my eyes and looked at them.
It was Jimin oppa, jungkook and taehyung oppa.
"Oppa please go away . I need to sleep. I am really sleepy" I said to them and closed my eyes.
"Yeah no we have practice today.. come now" Jimin oppa said while taking my blanket off.
"No!! Go away" I said while I kept tugging my blanket really hard.
"Aish get up.." jungkook said while he jumped on my bed.
"Aish...ok I am up. I give up" I said and got up.
Taehyung oppa was standing there and just looking at what was happening while laughing.
"Gosh..ok now you up. Go and take a shower and come down to eat" he said while ruffling my hair.

I went and took a quick shower. I lazily wore my dress and went downstairs to eat in the hotel dinning.
"Good morning sleepy head" Jin oppa said. I smiled at him.
"Well come eat now. We have practice today " Hobi oppa said while stuffing his mouth with food. He usually is the first person to go to practice .
I giggled and nodded at him.

"Let's go to practice room" taehyung oppa said. I looked at him confused.
"We got a separate room for the practice and we just called it as practice room." Jin oppa said while giggling. I chuckled.
I ate quickly and went with namjoon oppa Inside the practice room .

We practiced for a long time.
Everyone were really exhausted and tired.
"Aish my shoulder is aching a lot" Suga oppa said while massaging it. While others where just enjoying their time .
I went to him and dragged him and told him to sit. He was confused at first but just sat down and relaxed.
"Well you look so tired and you should take rest oppa" I said to him.
I massaged his shoulders while he relaxed .
"Well thanks a lot Anna. "He said while smiling at me. I smiled back and nodded at him.

"Guys one last practice.." Hobi oppa called us.
We all went and did our practice.

We practiced intro,fake love , airplane pt-2 and idol.
"Oppa it's amazing" I squealed while Jimin oppa , Hobi oppa and jungkook danced to the intro.
They giggled.
"Thanks " they said . After the practice we all were scattered acRoss the room. I was really tired ,so I just leaned towards the wall and closed my eyes. I fell asleep.

Hobi pov

Everyone were really tired and we were scattered in the room.
"Aish..that felt good after a lot of dancing"Jimin said. I smiled at him.
"What was so tiring.." Jin hyung whinned cause his body was aching a lot.
I just giggled.
"Guys calm down Anna is sleeping" namjoon said while we all turned towards them.
"She must be really tired.." Yoongi hyung said while putting her head properly.
"I will take her to the room" I said and approached them.
I carried her in my arms and went to her room.
"Sleep well" I said and put a blanket on her and kissed her forehead.

I went downstairs and told them to have a break.

Anna's pov

I had really good sleep. I woke up feeling fresh. I looked around to see that I was in my room. I last remember sleeping in the dance room maybe one of the boys bought me over here.
I took my phone and checked the time.
It's 7:00!!! OMG!!!
"Oppa!!!" I screamed.
I went outside to see all the boys in hallway and were really startled of me screaming.
"What happened Anna?" Jin oppa asked who was bombarding me with questions.
"Calm down oppa. I screamed cause you didn't wake me up. " I said and pouted while they came inside. I sat down beside Yoongi oppa.
"Well you were so sleepy and we didn't wake up you" Jimin oppa said.
"Yeah I know. I am sorry that I didn't make it up to practice " I said while scratching my nape.
"Hey it's fine..if you wanna do it now you can. We didn't change any formations" jungkook said. I nodded at them.

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