Huge fight and Pissed off like hell

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We were in the dance room practicing our songs. It was 8pm and we still didn't eat anything. I was getting really tired. My body was not responding properly. We just practiced . I want it to perfect.
"Anna come on enough of practice" jhope oppa said.
"Just take rest for a while" jungkook said. All of them were just telling me to take rest.
"It's ok I just want to practice more so that I can be perfect" I said.
"Anna don't be so stubborn just take rest for a while" Tae oppa said. I was really getting pissed off.

"Guys what the hell is your problem . I am not a baby and I don't need a babysitter to take care of me. I can just take care of myself" I yelled at them.
"Why are so stubborn and reckless. You dont need to shout for that" Jimin oppa yelled.
"You guys are literally torturing me. I am just going" u said and went away.
"Don't be so stupid Anna. Come back here now" Suga oppa yelled but I just went away.

I was really getting pissed off. I am getting stressful day by day. I feel like dying because of the hate I get. I ran out of the dorm and went to a nearby bar. It was not that packed too. No one recognised me. I am thankful for it. I just sat and order a drink. I was continuously drinking. I guess only 5shots maybe I don't know. I was getting tipsy. I was so drunk. I was getting calls but I just ignored it. I put my phone on the table while a random guy came to me.

"Hello beautiful. Why is a beautiful lady sitting here all alone" the man.said as he was stroking my thigh.
"Just fuck off stupid asshole" I said while I was still drunk.
"Ohhh I like it when women are dominate. It's ok you will have fun for sure" he said and moved closer still stroking my thigh. I was so drunk that I didn't even bother. He was getting closer to kiss me but suddenly he landed on the ground with a big this. I looked who it was and it was....JIMIN OPPA.

Jimins pov
"Yah what has got into her" RM hyung yelled.
"I guess she is stressed out" jungkook said.
"She is acting so stupid. I am so angry at her right now" Yoongi hyung yelled.
"Hyung calm down I will go behind her" I said.
"Ok just get her to the dorm safely ok. Be safe" Jin hyung said .
I nodded and made my way outside the dorm. I roomed around the streets. I called her multiple times but she wouldn't lift at all.
"Aish where are you Anna. Be safe" I said and brushed my hair due to frustration.

I called her again and to my suprise she lifted.
"Anna where are you. Tell me" I asked her.
"Sir I am the bartender over here. And a girl over here is really drunk. She is not lifting her phone so I did it. Could you please come over here" the man said.
"Yes sir. Thanks a lot. I will be coming. Which bar" I asked.
"The one on the other side of the road" he said.
"Thanks sir. I will be there. Could you look after her for a while income over there" I asked.
"Sure" he said and cut the call.

I quickly ran to the bar. I ran inside to see Anna fully drunken and also a stupid man with her. He was touching her. I just went and punched him on the face.

"Anna's pov
I saw Jimin oppa punch him on the face. "Don't ever touch her" he said and kicked him. He thanked the bartender and dragged me outside. His grip on my hand was really tight. It was paining.

"Let me go" I yanked my arm and yelled at him"what is your problem" I said .
"Don't act so stupid Anna. Come with me now to the dorm" he yelled.
"Just get lost I don't want to come" I said.
"Come with me or else" he said . He just took my hand really hard. He didn't care at all. I was shouting at him. He was really angry do I just shut my mouth.

We came to the dorm.
"Did you bring her" RM oppa asked.
Jimin oppa just pushed me in front while all of them were just staring at me.
"What the hell Anna. Why are you drunk" Suga oppa yelled. I didn't tell anything.
"What is your problem. I got drunk what will happen" I yelled at them.
"Don't act like a stupid brat Anna. You are going overboard" jhope oppa yelled.
"I just don't care. Get lost" I said and made my way to go up. But Tae oppa pushed me.
"What has gotten over you. Why are you acting like a bitch" Tae oppa asked.
I just didn't speak anything.

Jimin oppa caught my arm and made me turn towards me.
"This girl she got drunk in this bar and she was literally making out with other man. Thank god I was there" Jimin oppa said.
"What you have any idea what you are doing" RM oppa asked.
"You are being stubborn and are acting like a stupid brat. " Jungkook yelled.

" I hate you guys a lot. Just get lost. I am like this because of you. You guys are hurting me. I am getting all the hate because if you. You are just using me. And the maknae line if you so much problem with me why dont you just fuck off. I hate you guys so much." I said to them.

I literally insulted very one. I talked shut about them. I was telling them how cheap they are and we're just using me for god's sake purpose. I don't know what has gotten into me. I was drunk and I just talked some shit whatever came into my mind.

I got interupted by getting a slap from Jin oppa. My head was turned to my right side. Tears were just rolling down my cheeks. I never expected Jin oppa to slap me. I looked at him and saw that he was really angry. He was controlling his temper. Each and everyone were angry.
"I hate you guys" I said and passed out. I hit the cold surface.

BTS pov
Anna was speaking all bullshit. We all were offended. Yoongi was suppressing his anger. All of them were angry on Anna. They didn't expect her to be like this. Suddenly she got interupted my Jin hung giving a tight slap on her face. We all gasped at what he has done. We saw him and he was really angry on Anna.
"I hate you guys" she said fans passed out. She hit the ground but before that jungkook caught her.

"Jungkook take her to the room" Jin hyung said. He was still angry. Jungkook just nodded and Jin hyung went to his room.
"Guys go sleep. We will talk about this later" RM said. We all made our way towards our room. This has gone really overboard.

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