Knowing their mistake

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I was in my room sitting on my bed. I was staring blankly at the ceiling. Someone came into the room I looked up to see Jin oppa and Yoongi oppa.
"Anna you fine right??" Jin oppa asked as he hold my hand. I flinched a bit.
I just nodded.
"Come let's eat something. Just forget everything and come on" Yoongi oppa said.
I shook my head saying I won't eat. I looked down and covered my face. I feel so bad breaking down like this in front of them. Jin oppa came and hugged me.
"Please for us eat something" Jin oppa said. I sighed and nodded.
Yoongi oppa caught my hand and helped me up. I walked with him head down.
"Sit down Anna" Tae oppa said and helped me. Now all were sitting down ready to eat. Even Yunhee and the others were there. I sat next to Tae oppa and RM oppa. RM oppa patted my back and told me to eat.

I didn't had energy at all. I took my spoon trembling. I don't know why??. Tae oppa hold my hand and rubbed it in circles . It was calming. I took a bite slowly. We were eating peacefully. Unnie was there too looking at me while eating. I avoided their eye contact and started to eat. While we were eating peacefully Yunhee broke the ice.

"Oh what are we going to do today" she asked.
"Let's go out today. It's free day" Jimin oppa said.
"Yes I am ok with it" jungkook to told.
"No guys we should not. We can't leave Anna alone and go with ourselves. And about the fans to they will be free today so we can't go" RM oppa said.
"Soo you guys forgive her already of what she has done to me. You believe her more. Why can't we leave her and just let's go" Yunhee said.
"We don't care anymore just shut up or I will cut that tongue off" Yoongi oppa yelled at her. I flinched back. I was nearly close to crying. This is all because of me it's happening. My whole body was trembling.
"Yoongi hyung please don't shout" Tae oppa said and looked at him signalling that I was cared of him. Yoongi oppa sighed.
"Yeah eat up Anna" RM oppa said. I flinched again. I looked at him with scared eyes. I looked at others and I feel so insecure right now.

I shook my head and got up.
"Were you going just eat up" Jin oppa said. I looked down . I shook my head again.
"Have you gone dumb or what. Why aren't you speaking" jungkook asked. I looked at him and then jhope oppa. He was upset on me. He too had a worried expression..
"Please jungkook just shut up for once" Jin oppa pleaded. Jungkook looked down. I took my plate with my trembling hands. I went and washed it. I directly went to the room not caring about others.

BTS pov.
"Why do you guys do this.?? She didn't even eat properly. Can't you just shut up" Yoongi shouted at them.
Jhope got up and went to his room.
"Hobi ---" Jin called him . He just sighed. All of them just left the place only Yunhee,Jimin and jungkook were eating.

After a few hours the door bell rang . Jungkook went and took the door.
"Hello how are you. Suprise" Alice screamed. And she smiled. Micheal and Sammy to were with her. They all came together.
"Hello how are you??. Why all of a sudden here??" Jungkook asked as he helped them come with luggage.
"Haaa we wanted to spend time with Anna and you guys. So we came here" Sammy said smiling. The others came down except Anna. They all greated each other.

"Where is Anna??" Alice asked.
"Yeah she didn't come here. Does she know that we are coming" Micheal asked.
All of us looked at each other. Taehyung looked down. Just then nonna and Yunhee came downstairs.
"Ohh we have guests here. Hello I am hobis sister" Dawon nonna said .
"Oh hello nonna" Micheal and Sammy said and greated her.
"Hello unnie we are Anna's best friends" Alice said and hugged her.
"Ohh so she got minions too" Yunhee said which caught Alice off guard. She frowned.

"What did you just say" Sammy asked her as he heard her. He gave her a disgusting face.
"Ok anyways we missed you a lot. It's been a while that we didn't meet each other" Jin said.
"Ne oppa we missed you guys too" Alice said.
"Hyung where is Anna. She is there??" Sammy asked. We all looked at each other.
"What happened why are you guys not answering us??. What happened too her?? Is she fine??" Micheal panicked.

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