Vlive with Taehyung

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"Hello Army...." I sing and wave at the camera. Taehyung oppa was eating casually beside me.

"How are you guys..??" I asked looking through the comments.

It's been so long you both did a live...

I am doing pretty good.

I am going to have a class in 5 min but I am happy watching you guys going live together.

"Lol..don't miss your class because of us. You don't want the teacher to scold you" I shrug and read the rest of the comments.

"We didn't eat yet. I bought her food, so here we are having a good tome with army's.." He cooed. He smiled at the camera.

I sat crossed leg on the chair eating and chatting.

"We have practice after lunch." Taehyung Oppa answered.

Awww look at Tae he looks like a baby right here..

Can you recommend some songs to us.?. What style of music you like the most..?

"Huhh..It depends on my mood again. I can't really say what I like the most in music genre cause I really listen to all the styles.." I shrugged and looked at Tae.

"Me..I like slow songs. I won't mind much. Mostly retro version in 90's" he bob his head.

The comment section flooded with comments.

"It's so hard to read them" Tae whined. I nodded  understandingly. 

"So, oppa what did you do yesterday?" I asked as I turned my body towards him.

"As it was a break I watched few dramas and movies. Listened to songs and played with Yeontan. I didn't do much" He pout shaking his head.

"I heard you wrote songs.. Talk about that to army's . What should they be looking forward too?" I asked looking at him.

"Oh..yeah. I wrote 3 songs. It was absolutely fun. I want to show more about what I am capable. I matured in terms of completing the song. I put all my emotions while writing these songs. Hmm..but mostly I won't use them.."He shyly scratched his nape. He gave the shy smile and looked down at his food.

I laughed out.

"Why..i am sure it will turn out good. Army's will like it too..Right??" I exclaimed and patted his back.

I heard Anna gets tipsy only after drinking 2 shots of soju..

"Yeah..I cant handle soju. I am really good with any kind of wine.." I stated. Tae laughed his lungs out as I give him a confused look.

"Remember that time we had a small party in our dorm and we had soju. " He wriggled his eyes.

"Oh please shut up. It was so embarrassing" I hit him on his bicep and shushed him.

"Oh Please MS. Anna. It was so hard to control you that time. Even though I was a bit drunk,I could remember it well. You couldn't stop whining like a kid for a god damn candy" He laughed as he covered his mouth.

"It was so funny how you cling onto Hobi hyung and asked him for a candy" He imitated it.

I hit him on the chest and hid behind his bicep.

"Shut up will you!!!" I muttered embarrassingly. He pat my head and giggled at my embarrassment.

We goofed around for a while singing songs and talking about our good days.

Are you looking forward for the upcoming concerts..

"Yeah I am really excited to meet Army's from different countries. It will be fun in the concerts. What are your thoughts Taehyung shii??" I asked . He was done with the food. He kept away the boxes and seated well in front of the camera.

"The most memorable moment is always concerts and army's. It's such a bliss being and living at the current situation. I am excited to show the really me who is more matured now. I want to give a good outcome and set an example.." He gave the boxy smile. I smiled in return and nodded

"So guys stay healthy and take care of your surroundings too" I smiled widely while waving my hand.

"Armys love you. We should get going for practice. Bye see you soon again" He said looking at his watch. He waved like a small kid. I smiled widely.

"Bye everyone.." We said and ended the vlive.

I stretched my arms for relaxation.

"Help me with these trash" Tae oppa called out for help. I stood up and helped him take out the trash.

We soon reached the practice room.

"Why did you come late??" Jungkook asked.

"We were doing vlive." I said and tied up my hair.

"You were live together?" Hobi oppa asked. We both nodded. We did some stretching before starting off.

"Ok guys. Lets start the practice. Buckle up everyone" The dancer master yelled out clapping his hands. We took our positions and started the practice.

The day went by us practicing and correcting the mistakes.

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