Recovery (continuation 3)

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I was sitting on my bed while I was day dreaming. I was just made to take rest for the whole week. And still more 3days are left. I am getting impatient and bored. The whole time I just sleep or listen to music or spend my whole day reading novels. Boys too are busy in there practice. They ask me whether I am fine or not. I am just sitting in my room while the boys are practicing.

I got of my bed. I still had bandages wrapped around my stomach.

 I still had bandages wrapped around my stomach

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I wore a comfortable short and a sweat shirt. I went down to the practice room. I walked slowly and reached there. I went inside to see boys practicing Not today. Our last concert for this album is up to come. And I need to recover fast.
"How are you guys" I asked them as I went inside and made my way to the chair.

They stopped for a while and looked at me.
"Why did you come up. You need to take rest" Jin oppa said.
"Go to the room and rest for a while" jhope oppa said.
"Oppa I am really getting bored in the room so I came to see you dance. The whole day I become lazy and just read novels" I whinned and pouted.
"Ok ok just stay here . Don't dance but just enjoy" Jimin oppa said. I nodded

They all were dancing while I just looked at them. I corrected their mistakes. They were quite exhausted. They all lay down on the floor. I took and gave them the bottles. I bent down a bit to give the bottle to RM oppa. I just groaned in pain.
"Argh" I groaned and clutch my stomach.
"What happened you fine right. Where does it pain. Let me check. Just take rest for a while" RM oppa ranted. I just chuckled.
"Oppa I am fine. You are too much" I said and gave him a smile. He just sighed and smiled back.

I sat down while my back was on the wall. The maknae line came and sat next to me. Tae oppas head was on my shoulder while jungkooks head was on the lap and jimin oppas head was on my legs.
"Boys what is this. You guys are all stinking. Go away. " I said pushed them. Now all the boys are surrounded and we're sitting in a circle.
I pushed them but they didn't even move. I didn't had enough strength so I just gave up.

"Now tell me how is Annas tummy" Tae oppa asked
"Oppa you are asking me as if I am pregnant" I said and chuckled.
"We would react in the same way if you were pregnant" Suga oppa joked.
"Yahh Hajima" I said and smacked his hand.
"Or are you really....." Jungkook said.
"Shut up u guys. No and it's so embarrassing" I said and covered my face.
"Is someone blushing" Jimin oppa teased. I just kicked him with my leg.

"Ok now kids just stop it. How is your stomach Anna. You fine right" Jin oppa said. Thank god he saved from embarrassment.
"Ne oppa I am fine." I said and smiled at him.
"I miss the fun. Dongseang"jhope oppa said and pouted. I just laughed.
"I will be soon cured and will return to normal then we will have fun " I said to him. He gave me a high five.

Some of the staff were also there. The camera men, and few other staff unnies were there.
"Guys I bought you food" areum unnie said. We all got up. I ran to her and hug her.
"Unnie I missed you" I said and hug her.
"Me to. How are you feeling" she asked.
"Fit and fine" I said.

"Ok guys come I bought food to you. Let's eat" she said.
"Thanks noona" jungkook said. He grabbed his chopsticks and munched up.
"This guy will never change" Jin oppa and unnie said together. We all laughed together.
"Eat ok. If you need anything just call me" she said and went to other staff for giving food.

"Let's all do a vlive. It's been a while. On the occasion of Anna's recovery" Jimin oppa said.
"Wow what a title" I sad sarcastically.
"You got no jams Jimin" RM oppa said. We just laughed. Jimin just pouted.
"It's ok life is hard" Tae oppa said. We just chuckled while Jimin oppa but Tae oppa playfully. After eating, Suga oppa came and back hugged me.

"Oh what is it oppa" I asked.
"Nothing I just missed you. Get well soon dongseang" he said.
"Ne" I said.
"You still have your bandages on" he asked while he turned to me.
"Ne I just changed it today morning" I said.
"Good is it healed" he asked.
"Ne a bit. It pains when I bend down" I said and rubbed my stomach.
"Just be careful ok. Now kaja we will start our vlive" he said and took me.

We all sat on the couch of the dance room.
"Ok sit down now"RM oppa said.
"Where should I sit now. There's no place" I said and pouted.
"Yeah come over and sit on my lap" Jimin oppa said.
I went and sat on his lap. I stretched my legs on to jungkook and jhope oppa. I smiled at them.
"You look like a queen" jhope oppa joked.
"Because I am a queen boy" I said.
"Ohhhhhhh"Jin oppa said.

The vlive started.
"Hello army's how are you. It's been a while we came on vlive. So today we are doing vlive cause of Anna's recovery" RM oppa said.
"Oppa you look like a speaker now. The MC of the group" I said. All of them laughed.
"Hello everyone. How are you all. Hope you fine cause I am fine." I asked.
"Ok now let's read the comments"Jin oppa said.
"Ok someone asked who do you feel Anna. Are you feeling good. And is the injury healed" Jin oppa said.
"Ne I am totally fine. I am feeling good but the injury is not healed properly. It still pains when I bend" I said.
"Jinjaa you didn't even tell us" RM oppa said.
"Mianhe I just don't want you guys to worry about me" I said and smiled at them.
"Ohhh is out dongseang caring about us" Suga oppa said.
"Ne" I said.

"Ok next one" Tae oppa said.
"Omggvvggvv my jianna ship is sailing" he squealed. We all just laughed.
"Stop it taehyung hyung you look like a girl now" jungkook said.
"Ok next one. Anna this is for you. Are you going to get an other tattoo. I really love your tattoos" jungkook read.
"Oh thanks a lot. I am actually thinking of it. It's been a while. So during the last stage I will show you guys all the tattoos I have" I said.
"I am excited for that" Tae oppa said.

We chatted for a while. We ended the vlive .
"Ok guys let's go. I am really tired. And you need to take rest Anna" Jin oppa said. I nodded and jhope oppa helped me to get up .
"Ok I will get going" I said.
I went and took a bath. I was wearing my night shirt and my pajama. I took out my shirt so that I can redress my wounds.

I was in my sports bra. I was taking out the bandages slowly while someone came into the room. I looked around to see Jimin oppa.
"Oh I am sorry I didn't see it"he said while he turned around.
"Oppa it's ok come in. What do you want" I asked him.
"Oh actually I came you to call down for dinner" he said.
"Oh thanks oppa" I said and did my business.
"Wait Anna. I will help you" he said and came inside.
"Thanks oppa" I said.
He helped me to take out the bandages.
"The injury is not healed yet. Is it painful" he asked with concerned.
"Ne it makes me feel so disgusted when I see this"I said to him. I redressed the wounds again.
"Thanks oppa" I said to him.

"Ok now let's go down to eat" he said and patted my back. We went down and sat down to eat. We eat and talked for a while and went back to sleep.

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