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It's been a normal day as usual. We just released our new album and we're preparing for other stuff. We recently had a fansign meeting. We enjoyed a lot and fans were really happy for us to see. While we were happy for the army to support us.

I was free today and was just chilling out in my room. I remember a guy from the fansign who attends it frequently requested me to hangout with him. I first denied it but he begged me too join. I felt a bit sad cause he attends every fansign and a regular fan. I see him in every fansign. He is a huge fan. So I accepted the offer. So today we decided to meet each other in a coffee shop and have some time together.

I wore this and went out with my phone , wallet and mask.

I wore this and went out with my phone , wallet and mask

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I reached the coffee shop where we were meeting. We both sat together and we talked a lot. He told about his stuff while I listened to him. He became really close. He was now considered as a good friend of mine. We talked a lot and spend some time cracking jokes and other stuff.

I bid him goodbye cause it was evening. I went to the dorm to see all the boys sit calmly on the couch.
"Where were you???" Yoongi oppa asked .
I didn't tell them at all about e meeting the guy.
"Hmm.. I am sorry. I actually went to meet my friend" I lied to them. They will be angry if I tell them I went out with a fanboy.

"You could have told us we were worried about you.." Jin oppa said as he ruffled my hair.
"I am sorry" I said.
"Hey it's fine. Just tell us were you are going ok. " Jhope oppa said.
I nodded my head.
I went to my room and just layed down for a while.

I was sleeping peacefully but suddenly got awaken by someone shouting from the downstairs. I got up with my widen eyes.
"Anna Stanley come down right now!!!!!" Namjoon oppa shouted.
I gulped down and brushed my hair.
What the hell could have happened... Did they get to know about me hanging out with the fanboy....Aish

I went down to see the boys glaring at me.
"Hmm what is it why are you yelling like that" I asked them while my voice shaked
"What is this????" Jimin oppa said and showed his phone. It was just his picture.
"Hmm!!! It's you.." I said.
"Wait not this.. this one.." he said while jungkook chuckled.
He showed me the pic of mine and the fanboy. The fanboy posted it in sns and put the cation as 'Had a great time with BTS Anna'.

I just looked at the boys who were upset while Tae oppa and jungkook were laughing at my stage. I gulped down and started off"I am sorry . I met him today cause he was requesting me to hangout. So I did meet him. I forgot to inform you guys. I thought you wouldn't allow it so I didn't tell you guys. I am really sorry guys" I said and looked at them.

"You could have told us why would we scold you.." jhope oppa said.
"I am sorry" i said and looked down.
"You are grounded Anna..." Jin oppa said with a serious tone.
"Yahhhhh what oppa. Why are you grounding me...??? I am sorry" u yelled at him. Soon I just shut up cause oppa glared at me. While the maknae line were just laughing their asses out.
Gosh is it that funny...

I just sighed"fine ok. I am sorry. I will be in the room" I said and pouted . I lazily walked to the room. It was 6pm . I went down to see the boys getting ready..
Where are they going without me..
"Where are you guys going??!" I asked them.
"Ok we are going to the entertainment.. we have some work over they.." taehyung said.
"Huh.. then what about me??" I asked.
"Oh I guess someone is grounded today and is not allowed to go out" jungkook said and chuckled. I glared at him.
"Ok fine. Go have fun.." I said and went to my room stomping.
"We are going Anna. Bye take care .." boys said.

I just sighed and started reading the novel.

BTS pov
"Guys I guess we are being a bit rude and harsh to Anna" jhope said.
"Yeah i agree with that. We already forgave her for going out . I guess we getting a bit harsh" RM said.
"I know but just continue the act. Her birthday is day after tomorrow and we need to put in this act" Jimin said
"Yah she will be shocked by our suprise"jungkook said

"I feel bad for her.." Jin said.
"Ne me to but it's for surprising her right" taehyung said. We all nodded while we made our way too the company.

We just made some preparations and suprises for Anna. We talked with the manager Nim aNd the staff about these things. They helped us for preparations.
"Guys let's goo it's late. Anna must be fast asleep" Jin said.
"Ne hyung" the others said.

We all went to the dorm . It was a tiring day though.
"Guys come let's see what Anna is doing.." Yoongi said.
We all headed to jungkooks and Anna room .
"Aish see her she is asleep. She is sleeping with the book" taehyung said as he took out the book from her arms.
"She would have slept in a good position.. her back will ache tomorrow for sure.." Jimin said.
While we just chuckled cause they know how Anna whines when she has a bad backache.

Taehyung put her properly on the bed. While RM just put a blanket over her.
"She looks cute while she is sleeping.." jungkook said.
The others smiled looking at her.
Jin gave a kiss on her forehead while caressing her cheeks.
"Ok guys let's go it's late already."Yoongi said.
"Goodnight guys.." they all said and went to their rooms.

A huge surprise is waiting for Anna...

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