Twice Jihyo

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After our tour,we had few weeks of holidays. All we did was roaming outside the Seoul and just lazily sleeping in the dorm.

And today was such a day where we didn't know what to do. The whole day I was just reading and writing some lyrics that would help us in our new album.

Namjoon oppa was out roaming to get peace in his mind. Yoongi oppa was sleeping and was busy writing lyrics. The whole day he spent in his studio.
Taehyung oppa and jungkook were playing video games . Jimin oppa was on his phone for 7hrs. Jin oppa was just taking his guitar lessons. And as for hobi oppa was writing lyrics.

So basically the whole day it was lazy and we didn't know what to do. I was with Jin oppa who was making us dinner. I just sat on the dinning table looking through the social media.
"What did you do today Anna..??" Jin oppa asked who was cooking.
"It was so lazy oppa. I just read novels and am done with one book right now. " I said with a sigh.
"Well that's so boaring " he said while chuckling.
"Well now go call the guys ,dinner is ready" Jin oppa said while I booked and mad my way to namjoon oppas room.

Jins pov

I was setting up dinner while I heard the bell ring. I went to the front door and peeked through the hall. I frowned at looking .

I opened and gasped at what I saw. I saw Twice jihyo all wet because of rain and shivering outside our dorm.
"What happened to you?? Come in" I said and I bought her in.
She was shivering a lot and coughed out.
"Anna come over here.." I called her out. I bought jihyo inside . Now all of us were downstairs getting ready for dinner.

Jhope went and bought a towel and handed it over to jihyo.
"What happened to you?? What are you doing at this hour" Anna asked her while wrapping her with a blanket.
"I will tell you later..I need to get warm first" jihyo said.
"Well Anna take her to the guest room and give her some clothes" namjoon said.
She nodded and took jihyo with her.
I went to kitchen and prepared porridge to jihyo.

Anna pov

I called the members and we were all getting ready to eat. Jin oppa calls me and I saw jihyo all wet shivering . I went to her and asked her what happened. Jhope oppa gave towel ,so I wrapped it around her .

I took her to the guest room so she could have a shower and get herself warm.
I brought her my night clothes and gave it to her.
We all waited for her to come out and eat dinner.
"Well come one ,let's eat " I said while dragging her.

"Here you go jihyo,this will make you warm" Jin oppa said while Giving porridge.
"Thanks oppa" she said while bowing.
"Let's talk after we eat,for now eat " Yoongi oppa said.
We ate in silence.
After we ate ,we all sat in living room.
Jihyo was sitting beside me and taehyung oppa.
"Well now tell us how did you get all wet and that to how did you end up near our door step" jungkook asked impatiently.

"Well I was chased by a stalker. We were practicing for our new song and I wanted to take a break. We took a break . So I went out to get fresh air and was roaming in the streets.

Well everything was good and I thought of going back but someone was following me. I kept hiding from him while being near the crowded places. And then it started raining and I started running. He was so creepy as hell. I forgot my mask and phone. I thought of calling by someone else phone but I didn't want to take risk of giving the number and that stalker guy kept following me.

And then I knew that I was close to your building so I just come up. The receptionist recognised me and allowed me to go to your house. And that's how I ended up here " she said while looking down at her fingers fidgeting them.

"Thank god ,you are safe.. good thing you came over here" Jimin oppa said.
"I am sorry for causing trouble for you . " She said while bowing to us.
"Yeah it's absolutely fine. We would help you ok" I said while I hugged her .
She thanked us again.
"He was the same stalker who asked for my mom money. He blackmailed her that he will do something to me. I was really scared that something will happen to the family. Soon jyp took control over it but he didn't stop from stalking me" she said with a sigh.

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