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I was really shocked to see the person in front of my eyes. I couldn't believe she was lying there struggling.
"Hyerin-ah.." I called out as I took off my mask.
My 1st good friend that I made in Korea during my training days was lying there and was helpless.
Hyerin was the first girl in Bighit that talked to me and became close friends. She used to help me in all the problems and we had a lot of fun during the training days. Now I saw her here in the middle of the street lying there struggling with pain and how did she get pregnant???.

I was literally crying to see her in this stage. I bring down and looked at her.
"Ann-a y-ou he-re. He-lp me. The baby is coming out" she said in pain. She was crying there in my arms. I called for the boys to help her. Jungkook carried her.
"Yeah it is BTS . Common every one" a fan said.
Gosh not now. They recognised us. We ran at the full speed and went to the car. Me and jimin oppa were behind with Hyerin in my arms.
"Please take me to the hospital fasttttt" she shouted.
"Oppa go fast"I said to Suga oppa. He drove a bit fast. I was holding hyerins hand. She was squeezing it tightly.
She was panting a lot.

"It's ok I am here right"I said. Hyerins other hand was caught by Jimin oppa. I saw him and told me that everything will be all right. Hyerin was screaming due to pain. She was crying which made me to cry.
"Hold on hyerin-ah" I said and caressed her hair.

We brought her to the hospital while the doctor and nurses took her to the operation theatre. I sat down with my members outside. I was really nervous. She was really strong friend I ever had. She supported me and helped me a lot. She was equal to my best friend. I put my head down and cried in my hands.

"She will be fine don't worry" said Suga oppa. I noded and he hugged me. After the operation the doctor came out not with a satisfied look.
"What happened doctor. Is she fine" I asked him
"Ya she is fine but..." He said and looked at us.
"But what?" Asked jungkook.
"I am really sorry to say but she had a miscarriage" the doctor said and went away.
What she had a... The baby is no longer alive. I looked at the boys . They were too shocked to hear it.
"What should we do" asked Jimin oppa . I just covered my face and cried.
"What should I tell her. She will not be happy" I said and sobbed in Suga oppas chest.
"You need to be strong Anna. You can't leave your friend in this way. Just we need to say" he said and caressed my cheek. I nodded and we all went to her room.

What will be her reaction?? What will happen to her??. After a few hours she woke up.
"Hi Anna . How are you" she said as I helped her to sit.
"I am fine. How are you" I asked as I held her hand.
"As you can see" she said.
"Oh hello Suga ,jimin, jungkook sunbae" she said and bowed to them.
"Anneyonghaseyo. How are you now" asked jungkook.
"Yeah I am fine" she said. She turned to me and asked" where is my baby Anna" .
I remained silent and didn't tell anything.
"Where is my baby Anna" she asked once again while she was smiling widely. She is really happy. What should I say.
"Uhh.." I said and looked at the boys.
"What y are you not saying anything. Is the baby fine" she asked and a looked a bit worried.
"Uhh" I said and couldn't just tell her anything.
"What is it. Why are you guys not answering anything. Is it fine" she shouted.
"The baby is gone. It's no more. It's dead" Suga oppa shouted.
"Wh-at don't play stupid pranks on me. Is it true Anna" she asked me while shaking me. I didn't answer her anything.
"It's true Hyerin" jungkook said. As he looked down.
"No I don't believe you guys. Anna tell me. It's not true right it's just a joke " she asked me but she didn't notice that she was crying.
"It's true Hyerin-ah. The boys are telling the truth" I said and hold her hand.
"Noooo nooo nooo I don't believe you" she said and just pushed me away.
"It's true Hyerin. You had a miscarriage" I said and hugged her.

After hearing that she started to sob loudly. I hugged her really tight and just made her calm. But it wouldn't stop. She is crying for her baby. It must be really sad for her. I looked at the boys . They looked at me with sorrow in their eyes. I signalled them to stay outside. After hours of crying she calm down.

The boys came in and sat on the table.
"Is she fine" asked Suga oppa while whispering
"Yeah. Ok now. She cried a lot" u said to him.
" I am really sorry Hyerin to yell at you" Suga oppa said and looked down.
"It's ok sunbae. I am fine now" she said and smiled a little.
" Hyerin-ah can I ask you something" I asked her as I sat beside her and held her hand.
" Ne what is it" she asked.
"How did you get pregnant. You didn't tell me" I asked as I look at her.
"Its that. It's about 5montgs ago. I got raped by some fucking bastard. " she said while shuttering. She was sobbing slowly.
Me and the boys looked at her in shock. I immediately hugged her and patted her back.
" I am really sorry." I said and hugged her tightly.
"We are really sorry Hyerin Shi" jungkook said.
"It's fine. I will get over it. " She said and smiled bitterly.
" You should sleep now. If you need anything call us" Jimin oppa said . Jimin oppa and I  helped her.

We came out ." Guys you go to the dorm and tell the others" I said and looked at them.
"Are you sure Anna"Suga oppa asked.
"Yes . I will stay with her. I need to be with her. I will come tomorrow to the dorm ok. After discharge I will take her to o the house and be with her" I said.
"Ok. See you then. Be careful Anna" Jimin oppa said and hugged me.
"Take care Anna. Bye" jungkook said as he hugged me.
"Take care. Be safe ok. If anything happens call me. We will come tomorrow to hyerins house" Suga oppa said and hugged me.
"Ne oppa." I said and bid them goodbyes.

I went back to hyerins room to see her sleeping peacefully.
" I am sorry Hyerin" I said and held her hand.
I made my way to the couch and slept as it was late.

What a day...

BTS 8th memberWhere stories live. Discover now