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We all were heading to music bank for our comeback...

I was walking on the corridors while the boys were relaxing in the rooms which we were alloted

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I was walking on the corridors while the boys were relaxing in the rooms which we were alloted. I was drinking my cold drink while I was busy on my phone walking slowly.

All the other artists who were just rookies greeted me while I glanced them with a smile. I was walking without looking up and suddenly I bumped into a person and spilled my drink over them.

I looked up to see it was.....GD SUNBAENIM!!!!!!!!!! I was internally screaming for doing a stupid act like this.
"Mianhe sunbaenim. I didn't see while I was walking. I am really sorry for spoiling your shirt. I am really sorry" I said and bit shaking. Gosh it was my first time talking to GD SUNBAENIM. I was freaking out internally. He was my favourite idol in bigbang. I learned a lot from him.

I mentally slapped my self. I had tissues in my had so I handed over to him to wipe it down. I really regret of pouring my drink on him.
"Yeah it fine. I need to go" he said in a hurry. I guess he is upset.

I just sighed. I made my way to the room. I went inside and sat down in the couch.
"What happened??? Why are so upset now..." Suga oppa asked.
"Nothing just leave it.." I said and sighed.
"Something is wrong with you. I can see it you keep sighing a lot..." Jhope oppa said. Now all the boys were surrounded by me while bombarding the questions.

"Ok I will tell you. And idk what will be your reaction.." I said.
"Ok so I was walking through the corridors with my drink in my hand and was on my phone too. I didn't see and unfortunately I bumped into someone and spilled my drink. Now I am upset that I spilled that drink on him. " I said and sighed.

"Who is he???" Jin oppa asked.
"Hmm it's GD SUNBAENIM!!!!" I said a bit loud. The maknae lines jaw were hanging out.
"I am sorry Anna. We can't help you..." Taehyung oppa said. All of them went away doing there work.
"Ahhhh now what should I do.???. I need your help. If subae is angry on me I am surely dead. I didn't mean it" I said.

"But is GD SUNBAENIM you did that too. He will surely be upset and will not like you" jungkook said with a smirk.. These boys it's GD SUNBAENIM so they are backing off and are teasing me.. ..

"Fine don't help I will just think something and will apologize..." I said and ruffled my hair.
"Lol Anna... You look so upset on yourself....let's see what happens .... I heard that he was really scary when someone does something to his dress. He is very conscious about his dress style.. sure you will be dead meat.." Jimin oppa said and chuckled.

"You guys are not even helping... I hate you guys.." i said and made my way to the makeup unnie.
"We love you loads Anna.." they said in unison...I just smiled.

It was our performance so we went up on the stage... After a while it was bigbang sunbaenim s performance... We all were watching it from backstage.
"Don't worry Anna. He will not be angry on you.." namjoon oppa said.
"Thanks oppa you are the only one helping here.." i said .
We were watching there performance . He changed his dress because of me..

I just sighed. I guess I may get in trouble..
The music bank card e to an end. We bid goodbyes to our army and other artists...
We went to our rooms and rested for a while.
One of the staff members came in and called us.
"Guys you told us you guys want to meet bigbang. So now you can go to there room. They are waiting for you guys.." the staff member said and went away. I stood there shocked.

All of them were really happy to go there while I was in my own thoughts how to apologize GD SUNBAENIM. If he gets upset....
"Guys come on. We should go" RM oppa said.
I just stood there...
"Anna you aren't coming???" Suga oppa said.
"No I am not. I have some work. You guys goo" I said.
"Huhh is someone being scary cat hehh ..." Taehyung oppa said and started teasing me.
"No I am not" I said.
"Anna come on. Gd sunbaenim won't do anything. " Jin oppa said.
"Ok fine" I said and sighed.

We all went to there room. I was freaking out internally...
"Come inside Anna" Jimin oppa said. I just stood there outside.
"Go in Anna. Don't be scared" jungkook said and pushed me in. We all went inside to see the sunbaes sitting down.
We greeted them.

I was turning around to go out of the room. I was going but jungkook caught my waist and pulled me in.
I cursed under my breath.
"What happened??? Why are you scared??" Daesung sunbae asked.
"Hmm....." I said
"Oh sunbaenim she is scared of GD SUNBAENIM. Today she spilled her drink on him . She thinks that he will get angry on her..." Jhope oppa said.
I gave him a glare. I mentally cursed myself.

"Ohh so she was the one who caused a lot of problem..." Top sunbaenim said. I gulped and looked at them.
"Yeah she caused a huge trouble... To GDhyung" Seungri sunbaenim said.
I took a deep breath.
"Sunbaenim...miahane I didn't mean to spill my drink on you.. I was not looking where I was walking and I accidentally spilled the drank. Sorry for causing a lot of trouble...I am really sorry for everything. I regret on doing it. I was responsible for spoiling your shirt and cause f me you needed to change. Sorry for causing a huge trouble.." I said and looked down.

It was silent but was soon broken by laughter. All them started laughing... I looked up to the boys laughing.
"Why you guys laughing... It was serious" I whinned and hit Jimin oplas hand.
"Woah guys.. you seemed so true. It was fun pranking her. " Taeyang sunbaenim said while laughing.

"What prank???"I asked.
"This while thing was a prank Anna. Sunbaenim s came to us and told us about pranking you. So played on the act while GD SUNBAENIM was acting angry and upset on you.." jungkook said.
"Woahhhhh you guying were just acting... You freaked the hell out of me.." I yelled at them.

"It was fun...Anna it's ok. You didn't cause any trouble. These were just acting. I forgive you."GD SUNBAENIM said and gave me a hug.
"Kamsahamida Sunbaenim.." I said.
"Drop that formalities. Call us oppa and you guys call us hyung" Top oppa said while smiling.

"You guys got a really lucky girl..over here... Take care of her.." Daesung oppa said.
"Ne hyung" the boys said.

We talked for a while. It was a drama come true for all of us meeting our idols.
We thanked them for advices . We bid them goodbyes and we're on our way home.
While the boys were just teasing me how I reacted. I am really thankful for these guys... They make me laugh and smile.

I smiled to myself thinking about them as I was past a sleep...

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