Golden Disk music awards 2018

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I couldn't attend golden disk music awards cause I was busy with my schedules in America... I really miss boys and all of them were attending the award show without me...

Jimin pov

Me and the boys were busy getting ready for the award show.. I miss Anna so much...
"Hyung I miss Anna...why did she go now.." jungkook whinned and pouted..
"Aish kid...she is busy with her schedule...I miss her too but we shouldn't stress her a lot .. " Jin hyung said.
"Yes jungkook she might be busy now..." Taehyung said.

"Guys let's call video call her. " I said.
"But she might be busy . I guess it's early morning over there..." RM hyung said.
"Yeah let's call her later...." Yoongi hyung said. We all nodded...

We went to the venue... A lot of fans were waiting for us... They were so excited and happy to see us... I smiled and waved at them...
We took some photos and headed to the award show...

We met other artists... They came up and asked about Anna....
"Oh where is Anna???" Jackson hyung asked...
"Well she is on her tour.. she is busy with her schedules" jhope hyung said..
We talked for a while and went to our seats...

We enjoyed the show . It was really a great day cause we won Daesang award... We are so happy..
We went to the stage and received the award...and gave the speech
We thanked army and other people for success and told them that Anna was busy so she couldn't come cause fans were worried about her...

"Congratulations on you award guys... We have something to show you.." the MC said..
We all looked at each other a d at the main screen where the video played...

"Hello everyone this is Anna. Hello oppas.." Anna said while smiling..
We all looked at each other and smiled... The video played on ...
"I am really sorry that I couldn't come to the award show.. I am really thankful to army and other people who helped us in this success . It really means a lot for us. And receiving an award in the starting of the year had given us a lot of scope and courage from you guys...
So I am really thankful for everything.. and to other artists congratulations for the awards..." She said...

While she was saying she didn't look behind her... A girl was coming and scaring her... We looked closer and it was Selena Gomez... Oh my GOSH...she is with her right now .. me and the boys looked at each other... The fans screamed when they saw them both together...

The video played on ...
"Booo" Selena said.
"Woah ...ahhhh you scared me ." Anna said and hit her arm...
"Ok well so I am with her.." Anna said while giggling..
" Kamsahamida..for winning the award bts" Selena said. We smiled at each other...

The video soon ended...
"Well I guess she is having fun with her mate over there " MC said while we all giggled. Other artists were shocked to see her with a famous artist.. they didn't know that they were school mates ...
"Well we have an other suprise..." The MC said...

"Woah so many surprises in one day.. this is amazing.." Yoongi hyung siad while we were laughing..
"Well you see come out guys.." the MC said . Two girls came from backstage smiling and waving to the fans.. all of them were screaming...and shouting... They were really happy and shocked...

I widened my eyes when I saw the girls..
"Anna...." We all shouted and went to her... We hugged her while all of them were awing while looking at us...

Anna's pov

I told boys that I couldn't come to the award show but the fact was that my schedules were finished and I was heading back to Korea with Selena ..

I came back in the evening while the boys were in the show...
I wanted them to suprise so I just waited with Selena back stage for our moment...
They were watching the video..
"You were really scared.." Selena said.. while giggling..
"Yeah I freaked out.. you scared the shit out of me.." I said to her...

"They will be excited to see you .." she said..
"Yeah you too. The fans will go crazy when they will see you.." I said to her..
A staff came and called us to go in the stage..
We both went together ... Teh fans screamed and shouted in excitement..
The boys and other artists looked shocked .. They came running and attacked me.with a hug... Selena was standing and staring at us and smiled..

"Woah you back.. Jinja ." Jungkook said..
"Yes.." I said ..
"Well see I got her here now.." u said and hugged Selena...
They all bowed while she went and hugged them..
"Well congratulations for the award ." She said...

We all thanked them and the show cane to an end.. we all went backstage while other artists came up to us and congratulated us..
They all were fangirling and fanboying over Selena Gomez...
" See I told you they will go crazy.. u said .
"Well then I have fans now..." She said and giggled...

We all went backstage and went to the room...
We talked for a while...
"Guys is it ok for you if Selena lives in the dorm for a while cause we wanted to spend time together..." I asked them.
"Well its fine.. it's going to be amazing when a famous artist is living in our house.." taehyung oppa said . We all chuckled..

"Why you guys laughing??" Selena asked..
"Oh well we were planning about how we should prank you.." I said and giggled .
"Really you..girl.." she said and chased me around the room..

"Aish now an other kid.." Jin mumbled.
"We are not kids.. you are getting old" Yoongi oppa said. Woah savage guy..
We all laughed..
"Oppa she is one year elder then you so respect" I said while laughing..
"Oh I am sorry.." Jin oppa said
"Woah don't need to me sorry..I am fine..I just understand some of what you guys are talking..." She said while smiling..

We all laughed and had fun and headed to dorms to rest...

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