Supportive Boys..

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I was so heart broken. With all my energy I got up and slowly walked to dorm. My eyes were red shot because of crying.
I rang the bell to be greeted by the boys who were worried and were pacing back and forth.
" Hey..where have you been. What happened?? We were all so worried about you.." Jin oppa said as he hugged me.

I sniffled a bit and hugged him back.
"What happened Anna ..?? Did something happen between you guys..."jhope oppa asked.
I shook my head and ran to my room.
I closed the door and threw myself on the bed. I cried out loud. All those sadness and emotions were out. I sobbed in my bed.

BTS pov...
"Where did he take her..??" Namjoon asked.
Jake out of nowhere came to Anna and took her with him. It was a bit harsh..
"Maybe they need to talk..let them be for a while" taehyung said.
We were a bit worried that they both went not knowing where...but just sighed cause they want little space..

"Yeah..let them be for a while" jhope said.
It was already an hour and she didn't call them where they went.
They were still in living room waiting for Anna. They were just relaxing and were on their phones.
Door bell rang so we all went to take it  to see Anna standing there weak.
"Hey where were you.. What happened??? We were all worried about you.." Jin said.

She hugged and sniffed a bit. Why is she crying??
"What happened Anna?? did something happen between you two" jhope asked. We were all worried. Something happens between them. Why will Anna come home crying..
She shook her head and ran to her room.
We heard loud sobs coming from her room.
She was really crying really hard.

"What happened to her??? Why is she crying..." Jungkook asked.
"We don't know. But something happened between Jake and Anna...I am worried" Jimin said.
"I will kill him if something happens to Anna..." Yoongi said as he growled.
"Calm down..we will talk to her later" Jin said.
"I am worried. Let's go talk to her..." Taehyung said.
"You sure...." Jhope asked.
They nodded and went to her room.

Anna's pov

Boys came to my room while I was still crying.
"Anna please don't cry..." Yoongi oppa said as he pulled me into his chest.
I cried more into his chest. The boys hugged me and assured me not to cry.

After hours of crying I sighed and looked at boys. They have been with me all the time.
"You feeling fine right now..." Jimin oppa asked.
I nodded.
"You wanted to tell us something..." Jungkook asked.
I nodded.
I told them everything. That is broke up with Jake and he was a bit pissed off..

"I will kill ..that bastard.." Yoongi oppa growled and got up.
"Oppa no. It's over.. I will be fine I guess. Don't do anything to him. I guess this is our fate" I said and sniffed
"Shh....calm down don't cry. It's over. Forget about it.." jungkook said as he hugged.
"Rest ok..we will call you when dinner is ready. Jimin will be here." Taehyung oppa said. I nodded.

Jimin oppa told everything will be fine. He was there with me till dinner. We just talked and joked around so that I can forget everything.
We ate dinner in silence. We hanged out for a while and went to bed.
Jungkook came up to me and apologized.
"Hey...why you sorry. It's fine. I am fine " I said and cuddled with him.

Little did I know I cried in sleep.
For a few days I was a bit off and was not active. Boys tried harder to make me happy. Jake didn't call me after that incident. I deleted his contact and tried to overcome it.
It was Sunday and was free.

I woke up and took a quick bath. I went downstairs and beamed in excitement" hello guys.." I said.
"Oh hi. You fine right..." Jin oppa asked. I nodded my head.
"Don't worry guys. I forgot about it. I am fine now" I said and smiled.
"Thank make us really worried..." Jimin oppa said and smacked my head
"Oppa ...wae.." I said and rubbed my head. I pouted while he just pinched my cheeks. The others giggled.
"I am happy that you are fine. We were worried" namjoon oppa said as he ruffled my hair. I smiled at him.
"I am glad that the old Anna is back...let's have fun"jhope oppa said in excitement..

"Yeah let's party...for lunch we will order food and hangout in that fine.." taehyung oppa said.
"Yes...'s going to be fun" jungkook said.
"Well yeah I am happy too.." Yoongi oppa said.
"Well I didn't expect this from you hyung.." jungkook said.
"Really come over here you coconut head.." Suga oppa said as he kicked jungkook.

We laughed out.
The whole day we hanged out in dorm. Having fun and chatting. It was a full on party. I was really happy that these guys are there with me. I smiled as i looked at them having fun....

#A double update😂😁... Thanks a again. Have a great day#

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