Areum unnie's daughter (Somi)

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We had a summer break for one whole month so we are chilling in our dorms... I was browsing on my phone then Areum unnie called me so I lifted up my phone...

"Oh hello unnie ... How are you???" I asked her..
"I am fine Anna... Are you guys free today..." She asked.
"Ne we are free..." I said
"Oh well nice I need to go to out for a while can you babysit Somi for today... I will come really fast after I complete my work .." she asked.
"Sure unnie...You can leave her here I will take care of her... The boys are also there for helping..." I said.
"Ok then I will came there in about 30min...Bye see youayer. And thanks a lot Anna..." She said.

"It's fine unnie. Bye..." I said..
I was really happy that Somi was coming to the dorm... It's been 2yrs I have seen her ... So she is areum unnie s cute daughter....

I went down ... I waited for them to arrive ... The door bell rang so I went and opened the door...
I saw some and areum unnie... I hugged her...
"Oh...someone is her..." I said and took Somi in my arms...I chuckled and tickled her...
"Hello Anna aunty" she said...
"You have grown up a lot Somi" I said and kissed her cheek....

"Thanks a lot Anna ..I will get going .." unnie said.
"Ne unnie u will take care of her... Don't worry.." I said and bud her a goodbye....

"You have grown up so much's been a long time I have seen you" I said to Somi...
"I miss oppas too" she said and pouted....
While I was talking to Somi the boys came down...

"Anna who is she..??? Why is she over here..." Namjoon oppa asked...
"Oh well the cutie pie over here is Somi Areum unnies daughter" I said and caught her in my arms...
"Oh..Somi you grew up . You look so cute " taehyung oppa said and pinched her cheeks...
She started giggling...

"Now guys come on let's eat..." Jin oppa said..
"Oh..Somi is here.." jhope oppa said while dancing... He hugged her..
"Why is she here..??? Were did areum nonna go" Jimin oppa asked
"Oh well she went out to clear her work so she gave Somi to baby sit" I said...

"Ok now Somi -ah come let's eat..." Jungkook said as he caught her small hand...
I helped her sit on the chair beside me and fed her up...
The boys started to play with her...

After we eat I took her to my room and filled her with toys...
Me and her started to play ..while the maknae line helped me to take care of her....
"Aunty can you take me around I want to see your dorm" she said. I nodded and picked her up...

I showed her the whole dorm... We went to Yoongi oppas studio..
"Lets scare him.." is aid while she giggled..
We went in while oppa didn't notice . We both screamed "Boo" we said...
Oppa got scared while me and similar were laughing...
She went and hugged Yoongi oppa..
"You guys scared me.." he said and hugged Somi...

They both spent some time together... Oppa was showing her to play piano...
"You are go to be a good father oppa.." I said.
He turned around.....
"Ne I am happy...thanks Anna for bringing her here.. I had fun with her.." he said..
I went and hugged him...
"Ok Somi let's go and meet other boys.." I said..
"Ne" she said and pumped her fist in the hair... I ruffled her hair and picked her up..

We went down to see all the boys gathered around... We spent our time playing with Somi. Me and the maknae line were the most who spend time with her... Taehyung oppa and jungkook were laughing out loud and we're having fun with Somi... I looked at them and smiled...

After eating lunch Simi started to yawn...
"Somi-ah are you sleepy??" I asked her as I picked her up.
"Ne " she said and closed her eyes..
"Your soft Anna aunty" she said and moved closer and put her head on my neck while sleeping. I smiled at her...
"Should I sing a song" I said.
She nodded..

I started singing...

She slept on my shoulder I was so tired so I carried her to the couch and slept with her in my arms..

BTS pov..
The boys saw Anna singing .
"They look really cute together" Jimin said.
"Ne.." they said.
They all went near Anna .
"She must be tired..." Jin said.
"Ok wait let me take Somi first..." Taehyung said and took her in his arms...
"I will take her to the room...." Jungkook said as her picked up Anna ..and put her gently on the bed...

Taehyung bought Somi to the room and placed her near Anna. They both hugged each other and slept...
"Lets take a picture..they look cute.." jhope said while giggling...
They took a photo..
"She is sure going to be a good Mom one day..." Rapmon said.
We all smiled at them.
"Now guys let's go. Let them rest.. " Jin said and tucked them both with the blanket.

Suga switched of the lights and kissed them both in their heads and left the room....

Anna's pov.
I woke up to see Somi sleeping peacefully beside me..
I smiled at her... She looks so cute...
I washed up and came out... Somi was waking up slowly...
"Aunty...good morning.." she said. I chuckled..
"It's not good morning..somi-ah it's still evening... It's 7 now" I said.

"Woah I had a good sleep.. thanks aunty" she said bad hugged me..
"Lets go eat some snacks.. shall we.." I said.
"Yes.." she screamed in excitment ..
We went down see the boys watching TV..
"Oh you guys woke up..come let's eat some snacks..." Jin oppa said..

We went to the kitchen and eat some and join date them while watching TV..
I got a call from unnie that she will come and pick up Somi in 15min...
I packed her stuff and dressed her up..
Areum unnie came..
"Thanks ms a lot guys..." She said as she hugged Somi...
"It's fine noona.. it was fun with her..." Jungkook said.

"Somi-ah did you behave properly... You didn't cause any trouble right.." she asked. While I giggled.
"No eomma we had lot of fun... We enjoyed a lot" she said...
"That's my girl.." she said and patted her head..
"Now shall we go" she said to Somi ....

Somi ran and hugged me..
"I will miss you aunty.." she said and teared up a bit..
"Ne I will miss you too. Don't cry ... Just take care of yourself and be a good girl. Work hard somi-ah when you grow up. I will see you again..." I said and hugged her....

She nodded and smiled...
"You won't give us a hug..." Taehyung asked her while he pouted.
We all just chuckled..
"Will miss you oppas..." She said and ran towards them to hug them.. they hugged her and bid her goodbyes...

"Bye guys I will see soon.." unnie said as she picked up Somi.. She smiled at us and waved to us..

After Somi went we all gathered up and talked for a while...
"You guys will be good fathers in future" I said while chuckling..
"And you will be a good mom too" jimin oppa said..
"I had a lot of fun today.. kids are fun" Suga oppa said.

We stayed for a while and talked the whole night. We had a night out and talked a lot about other stuff.


//Thanks a lot for your support guys... It's your support that this book got 5k ... thanks a lot for supporting this book... I will soon update the next chapter...Thanks once again...

Epiphany was amazing 💜💜💜💗💗💗💗💜💜 Saranghayo BTS💗💗 ...///

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