Hyerin and Fun 2

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The next day Hyerin got discharged from the hospital. We both went to her house and did some stuff.
"Hyerin are you fine" I asked her as I sat on the couch while I helped her.
"I am fine now. Don't worry." She said and smiled.
"Now we will have loads of fun" I said and she giggled.
I made her some pancakes and we both talked about some stuff. I received a call from RM oppa.
"Hello oppa. Good morning" I said.
"Hi Anna. How are you. How is Hyerin. " He asked.
"I am fine and Hyerin is fine too" I said and looked at her. She smiled and watched the TV.
" We will be coming to hyerins house . Now" he said.
"Are you sure. What will happen if we get caught" I asked a bit worried.

"Ntg will happen. We will be fine. We will be coming just send me the location" he said.
" Ok then we will have fun over here" I said while smiling.
"Yes we will have fun" I heard the maknae line shouting from the other end of the phone.
"You heard that. They are hyped mainly TAEHYUNG." RM oppa said.
"Ok oppa. I will send you see you soon then" to said and cut the call.
I went to the couch to join Hyerin.
"BTS is coming" I said .
"Jinjaa I am happy. We will have fun" she said and hugged me.

"Thanks Anna. You were there everytime I had a problem. Thanks a lot. I am really greatful to have a friend like you" she said and hugged me tightly. She has gone through a lot. Her parents wouldn't care about her. She lived her whole life alone. She is really good singer. She is a really good friend of mine. She was a trainee in Bighit. She helped me a lot. She was really a true friend..
"Yeah. It's ok. I am your friend after all. What are friends for. I am happy that you are fine." I said and patted her back.

After few minutes of talking I heard the door bell ring. I guess it's the boys.
"Hi boys" I said and hugged them.
"Hello Anna" they said and made there way to the couch where Anna was sitting. Jhope oppa was clinging to me. He was back hugging me as his hands were wrapped around my waist.
"Yah oppa stop being clingy" I said and tried to free my self.
"Ani I missed you my dongseang." He said and was still hugging my waist.
I went and stood beside Hyerin.
"How are you Hyerin Shi" asked Jin oppa.

"I m fine sunbae" Hyerin said.
"Ya drop that formalities. Call us oppa. We are fine with it" said V oppa.
"Ne" she said. I was struggling here with jhope. He keeps on clinging to me. When I went to the kitchen he was still hugging my waist. Aish...oppa
"Now let go jhope. She can't be like that while day with a horse behind her back" Suga oppa said while we laughed at his joke.

"Yaa hyung. U shut up. Don't call me horse. I am jdope" he said and did a swag gesture. We chuckled how these people were reaction.
I saw Hyerin laugh at us. She looks happy to see them.
" Ok what should we do now" asked V oppa who was getting excited.
"Ok let's watch a movie." Said jungkook.
" Which movie" Jin oppa asked.
" Not a horror movie" said Jimin oppa and jhope oppa. Aish they are really scared of ghosts.
"Ok what about romance and comedy movie" I said.
"I am ok with that. It's been a long time I have seen a romantic movie" said Hyerin. She said and looked at others for approval.

"Ok we will see a Romantic movie" said jungkook.
We selected a romantic movie and we were watching it. The story was going on while the kiss scene came out. I was sitting between Hyerin and jhope oppa. V oppa was sitting beside Hyerin. I looked at the others while they looked at us. Me and Hyerin were just not caring about it. The kiss scene was happening and Jin oppa,jhope oppa,Jimin oppa and v oppa were squealing like girls. While jungkook was just rubbing his hands and dusting himself. Hyerin just looked down and blushed. What y did she blush.

RM oppa, Suga oppa and me didn't care about it. It's just a kiss man. The movie was going on . There was lot of comedy in it. We were laughing our asses out. Even Suga oppa was laughing for a silly joke. He doesn't easily laugh for some silly joke. Maybe it made sense for him. The movie got ended and we all sighed.

" That was really a good movie" said jungkook.
"Ne I enjoyed it a lot" Jin oppa said.
We were just talking while I hear Hyerin groan . I looked at her. She was clutching her stomach.
"Hyerin ah you fine. What is it. " I asked as I hold her hand.
She groaned it pain again" I am fine. Just my stomach is aching" she said and rested her head on the couch.
" I will go get water for you wait" v oppa said and went to the kitchen . He bought the glass of water and gave it to her. We all looked at her worriedly while she just laughed at us.
"Yah why you laughing stupid girl. Were really worried" I asked.

She was just laughing. "It was really funny to see you worried. You guys need to see your reaction" she said and laughed again.
"Yahhhh we got so worried" jhope oppa said and smacked her head. She just rubbed her forehead and said" I am really fine. I just got discharged so that was the reason of the pain. I am fine" she said.
"Ok. Thank god" I said and sat beside her.
"This was the best day guys. Thanks for helping me and coming here to spend time with me. I never laughed this much in my whole life. Thanks a lot for coming" she said and hugged me.
"Ne Hyerin. Stay healthy ok. We are here for you" said Jungkook.
"Ne we will be there for you because you are Anna's friend which means our friend too" said Jin oppa.

We all had a group hug with Hyerin. After eating I told Hyerin to take rest. She took rest while me and our members were just chatting with each other.
" I am happy that she is fine" I said to them.
"Ne she is a strong girl Anna. You really have a good friend" Jimin oppa said.

It became night so we ate and played some games. We played truth or dare.
We spinned the bottle where it landed on me and v oppa.
"What do you choose Anna" V oppa asked while smirking.
"Ok I choose truth" I said.
"Ok did you have a crush on any of the our members" he asked. All were just looking at me for an answer. I saw Hyerin and she was smiling and nudging my arm . She know I used to have a crush on one of the guy.
"Ok I used to but not now. He is like my best friend now or a brother to me. Ok I used to have a crush on Jimin oppa" I said and looked at them.
All of them were owwing Jimin while they were teasing me and him. I just hugged Jimin oppa and kissed him on the cheek.

" Now he is just my brother ok." I said.
'ne thanks at least my best friend had a crush on this guy" Jimin oppa said as he brushed his hair back. He was truly teasing me he didn't had any sort of stupid feelings towards me.
" You know what guys Hyerin to had a crush on one of the members" I said and teased her. She looked at me with widen eyes. She begged me not to say but as a evil friend I need to say.

"Who is it" asked jungkook.
"Ok it is.......V oppa" I said and teased Hyerin. She just looked down and blushed. All of us were teasing V oppa and Hyerin.
"You look good together" said jungkook.
"Yah now shut up. Move on" Hyerin said and we just laughed at her. We played for hours and had a sleep over in Hyerins house. I slept with Hyerin while boys slept in other two bed rooms and some off them slept on the couches.

We had a lot of fun today.
//Hope you like it guys. Do support me. Thanks for reading my FF//

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