Love Yourself Concert Reaction

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We were sitting down in the hall Infront of the TV to react to our Love yourself tour :Seoul.
I was sitting beside namjoon oppa down on the floor Infront of jungkook.
"Ok 1,2,3...." Taehyung oppa said as he clapped his hands.

"I am excited for this.." I said while laughing.
"Woah!!Daebak..." We all said it together as the intro was playing.
"Haa I remember those scenes. The one pedaling right!! " Jimin oppa said while laughing remembering the scene.
The concert started with all bright light and fireworks.
"Woahhh this is amazing. And it's the first time dancing to idol" suga oppa said while watching to it.

"Ne,I still remember being all nervous and drinking a lot of water. Which resulted to peeing a lot in the end" Jin oppa said while laughing. We laughed out as we remembered that day.
"We worked hard for this song" namjoon oppa said.
"Woah taehyung oppa. Look at the sexy expression" I exclaimed.
He flipped his imaginary hair.

"Woah our first performance was idol and it was our new song. It looks so good. Mainly the back up dancers in the end" Jhope oppa said .
We all agreed upon it.
"Now it's I'm fine" jungkook said.
"Hyung it should be yours but why are you so whinny to do it" suga oppa said while looking at the screen when his part came in lifting taehyung oppa up.

"'s so hard. Now shut up" Jin oppa said while I giggled.
"Woah jimin hyung showing all those expressions. You are really good" jungkook said while slapping his back.
We continued watching while the video paused.
"Wae....what happened?? I said while looking at the screen.
"Don't tell me this is happening again. I don't want it" Jimin oppa whinned.

And then red bullet concert was playing on the screen.
" guys look so young" I said while laughing
"You were not there at this time right" Jhope oppa asked.
"Ne she was not there" suga oppa replied.
"Yeah. I was in the most beautiful part 1 concert. The first ever concert" I said while recalling all the memories.

"I am closing my ears and eyes. I can't see this" jungkook said while it was time to introduce .
"Whenever I see namjoon it reminds me of Ice cream" Jin oppa said while laughing.
"Ice cream namjoon. His hair lol" suga oppa said while laughing.
We bursted out laughing while looking at his hairstyle.
"That was the trend that time" namjoon oppa.said while embarrassed.

The clip was playing Jimin oppas introduction.
"Oppa ....who am I!!!" I said while laughing.
Jimin oppa was curled into a ball and was really embarrassed while the rest laughed so hard that our stomach started hurting.
"Aish wae?? I don't want to watch it. He is so attention seeker. Why was I like that??" Jimin oppa whinned.

"Who am I???!!" Taehyung oppa said again while we laughed again.
"Woah today Jimin is the main guy over here. It's so fun" suga oppa said while clutching his stomach as he laughed pretty hard.
Soon it ended and the clip started to play.
"The solos were really good." Namjoon oppa said.
It was Jhope oppas turn.
We were watching the clip.
"I like this part where you go in between and sing the song with all the army's. That was amazing" I said while looking at the video.

"Thanks. I was really scared that I will mess up the choreography when the stage was lifted up" Jhope oppa said while monitoring his performance.
"You did really good. Like a professional dancer" Jimin oppa said.
Soon the song ended and the next was jungkooks solo.
"Jungkooks solo was really good. " Taehyung oppa said.

"It was really hard while singing and dancing together. It was really good Jungkook" namjoon oppa said.
"I was worried cause it has really hard choreography so tried to take it easy" jungkook said.
Now it was jimin.oppas performance.
"Serendipity was that feel" Jhope oppa said.

"Woah look at that expression and emotions. Jimine" I said .
"It was so good. You are good in live" Jhope oppa said.
We watched the video and now it was namjoon oppa solo 'love.'
"This was amazing too. I like the way you freely rap and sing hyung" taehyung oppa said.
"See those gestures though. Reminds me of Ice cream whenever I see him" Jin oppa said while laughing.

The rest laughed out. Now it was taehyung oppas solo
"Woah...all sexy huh" I said while chuckling.
He hit my back and hid his face.
"Remember I had to be in the performance" I asked oppa while turning towards him.
"Ne..but it got flopped" he said while giggling.
"Really I never knew that" jungkook said.
"Me too" suga oppa said.
"Well.i had to be in his music video in the starting he does it with hands right. And I had to be in the choreography too. But the director said its not a love concept and it would be a bad image for you too like shipping and all. So at last we disagreed to it" I said while looking at his performance.

"Oh point though" Jin oppa said .
"You worked hard for that dance. It looks so good" Jhope oppa said.
Next was suga oppas performance.
"Oppa that was the most shocking moment of my life I tell you. Like you dancing is like high level" I said while looking at him.
"That's swag.." he said while laughing.
"I was monitoring his performance and he looked so good dancing* Jhope oppa said.

"From behind me and Anna were dancing to it" Jin oppa said.
" I thought of joining the dance but I thought it as no" taehyung oppa said while laughing.
"You couldn't slide over it right" namjoon oppas aid while laughing.
"Well yeah the first day I had rough pants. I went and changed it" suga oppa said.
The song soon ended and I nervously rubbed my hands .

"Well now it's your turn Anna" Jimin oppa said.
My solo 'memories' was playing and I was watching it.
"Woah it's smooth" jhope oppa said while I did a body roll.
"You guys will scream now I tell you" I said while closing my ears and the exact thing happened.
The dance was sexy where the dancer takes off my shirt while I had an other tank top in.
All of them screamed.
"Ah you shouldn't do stuff like that" Jin oppa yelled

"You guys should be thankful because the dance teacher reduced some sexy stuff. There was a part where the backup dancer hovers over me and picks me up" I said while looked down in embarrassment.
"Woah really" namjoon oppa said while looking at the screen.
"That is a sexy dance Indeed" suga oppa said.
"How did you even dance in that high heels" taehyung oppa asked.
"Well it was so difficult. It's been like years I have danced in those. I got a huge blister on my heel too" I said .
"Oh.." the others said.

It was Jin oppas performance. He was elegantly playing the piano.
"It's really good" jungkook said.
"I was not playing the piano just pressing the random keys" Jin oppa said.
"Hyung you are embarrassing us. You shouldn't say it onscreen" Jimin oppa said while he hit Jin oppas thigh.
"Hahh I worked hard for guitar in Japan concert. I will learn it later" he said while he hit him back.
All the solos ended and the last performance was so what.

"The stage and the arena was amazing" Jhope oppa said .
"It was a great memory" suga oppa said.
We watched all performances and it was ended at last
"That was great." Namjoon oppa said
"Well taehyung your ending speech" suga oppa said.
"Well thanks for coming to our concert and we love you all. We will work hard and thanks again for this beautiful memory" he said while scratching his neck.

"Well that was good" we all said as we got up and we're going to our rooms as the filming ended.
"Namjoon oppa I need ice cream" I teased him.
"You little girl come over here" he chased me but I was so fast to go into my room and locked it.
I could hear that Jin oppa also asked for an other one.
I laughed out and just opened the door so that jungkook can come in.
We talked for a while and fell asleep.

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