Outdoor concert

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We really had busy schedules past few months. Many things he happened in the tour. Jungkook hurt his toe,Jimin oppa had a muscle aches and Tae oppa had flu. These things were a bit sad and upsetting but it were bound to happen.
At the same time we enjoyed a lot in the whole tour. Right now all of us are in the dorm taking rest.

I was sleeping peacefully but soon got interupted by the yelling....
"Anna get up!!" Taehyung oppa barged inside my room to wake me up. But I didn't buldge a little. I was in deep sleep that i didnt know who was calling me.
"Wake up. We need to go for an outdoor performance" he said as he shook me again.

I groaned and pulled my blanket up. He took it out and threw it away. He shook me again and screamed in my ear.
I slapped his arm away. "Go away.. I want to sleep" I whinned.
I drowsed off again, but he took me in his arms and threw me over his shoulders.
I drowsed of again not caring that I was getting carried. He opened the bathroom door and put me on the toilet seat.

I leaned in and rested my head-on his shoulder. He sighed.
" Anna wake up. We are going to get late" he whinned.
"Hmm " I hummed in response and tried to open my eyes but was so sleepy.
"You didn't sleep early yesterday did you??" He asked while patting my head.
I shook my head.
"What did you do" he asked.
"I was reading a novel . It was so interesting" i said still my eyes closed.
He chuckled at my response.

"Now get up" he said and slightly hit my head. I winced and acted along .
"Ouch" I said as I held my head in my hands and rubbed the area he hit me.
"Did I hit you hard. I am really sorry. You ok right" he asked in a worried tone as he rubbed my head at the place he hit me.
I laughed out and pouted. He sighed .
Now I am sure that I am fully awake!!!

He hit me playfully again.
"Woah so harsh Mr. Alien" I said while laughing.
"Ok now as you are fully awake take a quick shower and wear the dress stylist have you yesterday.
Then come down to get your make up done as well as to eat your breakfast.
Cause we are going directly to the venue." He said while getting up.
"Ok eomma" I said and giggled.
"Jin hyung wouldn't be happy you called me eomma" he said while laughing.

He showed me his boxy smile. He headed outside while I shut the door.
"Don't sleep inside there sleepy head" he said while Chuckling.
"Yah" I said as I went and took a quick shower.
I went to my closet and wore the dress the stylist gave me.

I went downstairs to get my make up done

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I went downstairs to get my make up done. After it, the staff was busy and we're getting ready for the show, While we were eating our breakfast .
"Yah why did you come late" jungkook asked.
"Well I slept a bit late yesterday" I said and scratched my neck.
He hit me on my head while I pouted and rubbed it.
" I am sorry" I said with my puppy eyes.
"Yeah it's fine. Taehyung told us about it. Jungkook is just messing around. Don't take him seriously..." Yoongi oppa said while he sat down.
I glared at jungkook while he was just laughing.

"Well it was fun to irritate you" he said while laughing with Jimin oppa.
I threw my spoon over him ,but he ducked it down.
"Now guys hurry up" Jin oppa said while he stuffed the food in his mouth. We all looked at him and laughed.

We ate and head to the place where the concert was going to be held. We all were backstage adjusting our mics. We thought of addressing the fans first and then the performance.
We all went to the stage. There were a lot of people who were cheering for us.
We smiled at the fund who were screaming out loud.

"1..2..3..Anneyonghaseyo bangtan sonyeondan ibinida' we said together and greeted them.

"Army how are you doing" jhope asked while the fans screamed in excitement.
I smiled at them.
I was beside Jin oppa and Suga oppa.
I looked at them and smiled at them.
"Guys thanks a lot for everything. This is all because of you we had gain this much popularity and right here in the stage to participate. Thanks a lot again for showing our true self and looking after us as we grew up" namjoon oppa said.
We all started to talk with them.
Everyone was having fun.

I thought of making fun of the boys in front of them.
"Guys jungkook hit me today. I got a huge bruise on my hand" I said as I fake sniffed while talking on the mic.
All of them gasped as they thought I started to cry.
"Yeah you fine..." Yoongi oppa asked while rubbing my back.
I tried hard not to laugh.

All the fans were really worried. While taehyung oppa and jimin oppa were dealing with jungkook.
"How could you do that jungkook" Jimin oppa as he hit him on his back.
"What no I didn't do anything.." he said while he looked so clueless about what was happening.
Namjoon oppa got to know it as he winked at me.
"Jungkook I didn't expect this from you.." he said a bit disappointed.

Now everyone got to know that we were just making fun of him.
Jin oppa looked at the fans and signalled them not to say anything. They laughed and agreed with it.
"I didn't do it guys.. Anna you tell them. " He said while he walked towards me.
I sniffed again. He reached my hand as he asked again" how did you get this bruise" while looking at it.
"You did it.." I said and took my hand away.
"Army's I swear I didn't do it. What happened to you Anna. Hyungs I didn't do anything" he whinned like a little kid stomping his feet on the ground.

We all looked at him and bursted out laughing. Taehyung oppa came and playfully hit him on the shoulder.
He was so confused.
"We were just making fun of you.." I said while laughing.
Army's were literally screaming seeing what we were doing.
"You..." He said as he chased me.
I hid behind namjoon oppa while he started laughing.
He dragged me by my hand while he hit my back.
"But tell us how did you get that bruise" jhope oppa asked while he held my hand.

"Well yesterday I tripped over and fell on the table and hurt my hand ." I said to everyone . All of them shouted to take care. I smiled at them.
We were all talking to them.
Suddenly wind gushed over and made my skirt to fly a bit high. I clutched the back part of the shirt with my hand and the other had mic.
Wind gushed over again making it fly again with my hair.

I felt a hand on my thigh. I looked up to see Jin oppa clutching the front part close to my body so that it doesn't fly again.
" Thanks" I muttered.
Suddenly everyone screamed. I looked up to see all of us looking at us.
I guess they say it.
I looked down at my feet due to embarrassment.

"Well I am protecting my dongseang after all" Jin oppa said while he was still putting the skirt close to my body.
His hand was still on my dress holding it together . He scratched his neck while he laughed out.

We talked for a while and went back stage to change our dresses.
"You fine right..." Jhope oppa asked.
" Yeah" I said while still embarrassed.
"Yeah don't get embarrassed..." Jimin oppa said while he patt my back.
I nodded.
"Well thanks Jin oppa" I said while I hugged him.
"Well you are my sister after all" he said while he patt my back.
"Guys now come we need to go perform" namjoon oppa said.

We all went on the stage to perform. After the performance we all have our ending song. We thanked everyone . The concert soon ended . We all went backstage and changed our dresses.
Later we just went back to dorms to take rest and talk for a while..

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