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I woke up in the morning feeling tired.. I rubbed my eyes and brushed my hair. I looked at my right to see jungkook still sleeping.
I massaged my forehead and let out a dry cough.
I saw that jungkook was moving in his sleep. He woke up afterwards. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me.

I smiled at him" Good morning.." I said.
"Good morning..." He said
I went to my closet and took my dresses. I went to the bathroom to take a quick bath.
I was so tired that my head was aching a lot.
I was not feeling well. I just shrugged it off.

I changed into my dress and went downstairs.
"Good morning Anna" Jin oppa said. The boys were sitting on the chairs .
They waved at me. I smiled at them aNd sat beside jhope oppa and jimin  oppa.
I rubbed my forehead.
We sat down and ate our breakfast quitely

I slowly took small bites..
"What happened Anna...why aren't you eating??" Namjoon oppa asked.
"I don't want to eat..I don't feel like eating.." I said and rubbed my forehead.
"Just eat now.." Jimin oppa said and shoved the food inside my mouth.

They giggled. I just pouted..
"Guys let's go practice our dance.." jhope oppa said.
We all completed our breakfast and headed towards the practice room.
We practiced our dance for a while. The boys were having fun around while I was sitting on the chair.
I was so weak to even stand. My back was aching a lot.

It feels like the whole world was turning. The last thing I knew was I hit the cold surface. I didn't faint though but just fell down from the chair.
The boys came running towards me.
"What happened..??" Suga oppa asked as he helped me to get up. I rested my head on his lap.
Jin oppa put his hand on my forehead to check the temperature..

"Woah you are burning a lot.." he said.
"Bultorune.." Kookie started to sing the song to cheer me up. I just chuckled..
"Why didn't you tell us anything..we were worried a lot" Tae oppa said as he rubbed my palm in circles.
"Oppa just give the lecture afterwards..I am tired. Take me to the room. I just don't want you guys to worry about me.." I said and let out a cough.

"Woah being savage even though you are not well.." Jimin oppa said. I just chuckled.
"Now just take rest.." Tae oppa aid and picked me up bridle style.
He took me to the room. The boys followed me. He put me on the bed and covered me with the blanket.
Suga oppa cane and gave me the medicines..

"Now just sleep..ok if you need anything call us. Ok" namjoon oppa said.
I nodded.. He tugged me in and left the room. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

BTS pov
" She looks so cute when she is asleep.." Suga said as he brushed her hair.
Jin came with a bowl of water and a wet cloth. He dipped it in the water and pressed it on Anna's forehead so that her body can cool down.
The boys left . Jin brushed her hair and kissed her forehead.. and left the room to catch up with the other boys..

Anna's pov
I woke up feeling freshed. I still had cold and cough. I went downstairs to see that boys were preparing dinner. I sat in the table.
"Oh you fine right" Kookie asked as he put his hand on my forehead.
I noticed .he smiled. The other boys came and sat down.

"Here is your soup.." Jin oppa said. I smiled at him and thanked him. I was sitting beside Yoongi oppa and jimin oppa.
Yoongi oppa fed me the soup.
"I look like a small girl right now getting treated my her dad" I said and chuckled.
" can say that" Suga oppa said as he smiled.

"Oppa enough now I don't want to eat" I whinned.
"Why do you look so cute when you whine" Tae oppa said and pinched my cheeks. I pouted while the boys just chuckled.
"Just eat some more. If you don't eat you will not be in a good should be strong." He said and fed me.

"Oppa please now at least stop it. I feel like throwing up" I said and made weird noises like throwing up.
"Don't throw over here "Jimin oppa said and moved away. We laughed out.
" drink some water and go up and sleep" Suga oppa said.
I nodded my head..

I went up and took my medicines. I tried to sleep but I couldn't.. I just shifted and stared at my ceiling..
Jungkook came after a while and directly went to sleep. He looks tired. He said and goodnight and went to sleep. I tugged him in all corners and adjusted the blanket. I smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

I went bed. Suddenly jhope oppa came to the room.
"Oh you didn't sleep.." he asked. I shook my head.
"Well then come let's sleep.." he said and went under the blanket.
"Oppa go and sleep in your room. You will catch cold if you sleep with me . " I said to him.
"Nothing just come and sleep.." he said and close his eyes..

I sighed and I went to him . I went under the blanket and hugged him . I cuddled with him. My forehead was on his chest. He was so soft like a sunshine ball.
I was getting drowsy so I yawned.
"Sleep well Anna. Get well soon" he said and kissed my forehead.

He brushed my hair . I closed my eyes and went to my dream world while resting my head on his chest.

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