Break up

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I was sleeping peacefully while got interupted as my phone rang. I groaned and shifted in my sleep.
It rang again but I was so lazy to pick up the call.
I just ignored it and tried to sleep again. It rang once again.
"Anna pick the phone already..." Jungkook said as he groaned annoyingly.
"I am pick it up" I said and turned away.

He threw his pillow at me and whinned" Pick it up already. It's disturbing my sleep.." he said and tried to throw a other pillow but I stopped.
"Ok wait.." I said while giggling. It's fun to irritate this guy.
I didn't see the caller name and just picked it up.
"Yeboseyo" I said.
"Oh Hi Anna... Hmm let's meet in park at 11. Ok. Bye" he said in a serious tone.
He cut the call immediately.

I do know that voice. It's Jake. It's been a long time we talked. He sounded so serious. I don't know what has gotten over him. I couldn't even answer him. He just cut the call without hearing anything.
We were not in good terms at all.
I didn't had time and was so busy with my schedules that I couldn't hang out with him.

I do understand he was pissed to hell that I couldn't spend much time with him and I regret it a lot. We were fighting a lot which was a huge stress.
I sighed and sat on my bed.
I brushed my hair.
"Who was it.." jungkook asked who was now sitting on his bed and was staring at me acting all weird.

"It's Jake ." I said. Boys don't know that we fought and are not in good terms. I don't want them to get worried and them getting involved in this.
"Oh did he ask you to meet" he asked while wiggling his eyebrows..
I nodded..
"Well then have fun Anna.."he teased me. I just smiled at him.

He went to bathroom to get ready while I was just sitting there and staring down not knowing what to do..
As soon as jungkook came out , I went to bathroom to take a quick shower.
After a quick shower I went downstairs.
"Good morning guys" I said as the boys were sitting for breakfast.
I smiled at them.
"Good morning" they greeted each other...

"I am so hungry hyung..." Taehyung oppa said.
"Well then who said not to eat dinner yesterday.." namjoon oppa said and smacked his head lightly.
"I was busy playing video was fun.." Tae oppa said in excitement..
"And you didn't call me.." jungkook said as he crossed his arms..
"Well I thought it was not necessary..." Tae oppa said..
"Hyung..." Jungkooks said while we just giggled.

They both are really famous to know as game buddies together..
I just giggled.
"Well come guys..let's eat" Jin oppa called us.
We went to eat. We sat and ate in silence.
"Well it looks like you are going out somewhere.." Yoongi oppa asked..
" Well yeah.." I said and ate.
"Well she is going to meet her prince charming..." Jungkook teased.
"Really...woah..Anna...." Jimin oppa cooed as he nudged my arm.
"Anna and Jake sitting under a tree...kissing..." Jhope oppa teased..

While I just looked down and blushed.
"Stop it guys.." I said.
"Oh someone is blushing.." Jin oppa said.
"Oppa.." I said and covered my face.
"You look cute.." Jimin oppa said as he pinched my cheeks. All were just teasing me .
"But we have a dance practice today.." Yoongi oppa said.
"Well then..I will tell him I will meet him in evening.." I said and ate .

"Ok guys complete eating..I am going first" jhope oppa said.
We ate and went to dance room.
We practiced for a long time. The boys were joking around as usually. I took my phone and shooted a video.
Maknae line were teasing namjoon oppa how he danced in BST.

We laughed out. Suga oppa was showing his so good dance skills and was making funny faces. Jin oppa to joined us and did his own steps. We laughed out so much how everyone were being so funny..
We got tired so just sat down. Some were laying down flat.
"Yuh...I am tired. I want to sleep" Yoongi oppa said.
"Well when are you not sleepy hyung.." jimin oppa said.

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