Something Unexpected

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I woke up having a massive headache. I groaned and moved a bit. I rubbed my eyes and saw who was sleeping beside me.
I saw jungkook sleeping soundly and that too.....WHAT!!!!!!!!
He was half naked beside me and that to sleeping while his hand on my waist. Like I had seen him without shirt but not Inn my bed near me.

I felt a little awkward. I looked at my self and saw that I was not wearing my shirt. I was only with my bra and short that I wore yesterday. My eyes buldge out from its sockets. My eyes widen.
Did we do something yesterday. Something bad happened. WHATTTTTT THE HECK. I DONT REMEMBER ANYTHING!!!!!!! I thought.
I should ask him after he wakes up. I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself. Did we really did something . I ruffled my hair in frustration. I don't remember anything- I thought and I just sighed.

I took a quick shower and went down quickly to be greated by Jin oppa who was preparing breakfast.
This oppa is really hardworking I thought.
"Good morning oppa." I said and went beside him to help him with cutting the ingredients.
"Good morning Anna. Did you had a got sleep." He asked.
"Ne but my head is aching a lot " I said and rubbed my forehead.
"Ya I know we drank a lot yesterday. I made hangover soup to everyone. We will drink it during breakfast" he said smiled.
"Good idea" I said and helped him.

I was still thinking about yesterday night. I was half naked to like my shirt was not there while jungkook was sleeping with no shirt on. Gosh I am going maddd right now..
"Good morning Anna" RM oppa and jhope oppa said.
"Good morning." I said.
"I guess we drank so much yesterday. I don't remember anything at all" jhope oppa said.
"No one remembers here" v oppa said as he was coming down.

We prepared breakfast fast while the members were coming down. I went to Jin oppa and Suga oppa.
"Oppa can I ask you something" I whispered.
"Ok what is it" Suga oppa said.
"Oppa do you remember what we did yesterday night" I asked.
"No ntg. I just don't remember anything. Why do you ask." Jin oppa said.
"Me to nothing" Suga oppa said.
"Oppa did me and jungkook did something yesterday" I asked.
"Why are you asking this. Did something happen" Suga oppa asked.

"Hmm I am trusting you guys. Ok don't tell anyone. When I woke up this morning I saw jungkook halfe naked means no shirt on. And he was sleeping beside me" I said.
"What about that you know he sleeps without shirt. What is the problem in that" Jin oppa asked.
"First listen oppa. I know I was not shocked. But I saw myself half naked. I didn't had my shirt on and my hair became messy " I said and looked at them.
They looked at me wide eyes." What you were half naked with him sleeping that to he was half naked" Jin oppa nearly shouted.
"Yes" u said and looked them.
SuGA oppa just stood there and he didn't say anything.

"We all heard what you guys are talking" Jimin oppa said from behind.
I jumped due to suprise.
V oppa and Jimin oppa were smirking . What the....
No it can't be.
"Please I beg you don't tell him." I said and begged them.
"Are you serious Anna" jhope oppa asked.
"Yes now what do I do" I asked as I was fidgeting was fingers. I am nervous.
"Oppa what if we had done it unexpectedly" I said while I looked at them. All of their eyes are wide open.

"No. Ntg like that happened. Don't just jump into conclusion" Suga oppa said.
"Ne just talk to him after breakfast" RM oppa said.
We all sat on our seats while jungkook came down.
"Good morning everyone" he said and smiled.
He sat at the edge of the table which was beside me. On the other side Jimin oppa was sitting. I was nervous.

Did we really did something wrong. I was deep in my thoughts. I felt jungkooks hand on my shoulder which made me flinch.
"Are you ok. You didn't touch your food at all. Now eat before I eat everything" he said and continued eating.
I looked at jhope oppa and v oppa opposite to me give me a look that everything will be fine.

I ate in silence. I was again in my thoughts.
Did we do something. Am I just being stupid. Or am I overthinking. Did jungkook took advantage . Even he drinks he gets to know what is happening around him. Or did we just do it unexpectedly. Or we didn't do anything and I am just thinking about it so much.

My thoughts were interupted by Jin oppa.
"Guys have this hangover soup you will feel better" he said and gave it to us.
I smiled and looked at him. I thanked and drank my hangover soup.
We completed our breakfast and we headed to our rooms.

We didn't have any special schedule today but only after lunch we need to practice our dances.
I was going but got stopped by RM oppa.
"Don't think about it much Anna. Just go talk to him" he said and patted my back.
"Yes don't think about it" Jimin oppa said as he came towards me. He gave me a hug.
"Yes" I said and went up.

I went up seeing Jungkook on his phone. I just nervously went to and sat on my bed. I need to talk to him.
"Jungkook....."I called him with my voice a bit low.
"Huh" he looked at him.
I stood up from my bed and went to his side of the bed.
"Jungkook hmm I want to ask you something" I said nervously as I was fidgeting with my fingers.
"What is it" he asked.

"Hmm.. jungkook hmmm it's that..." I said but I couldn't tell anything more. I was so nervous.
"What is it Anna. Is something bothering you" he asked as he took my hand.
"Please tell me this honestly. Did we do something wrong that we shouldn't do anything last night. I mean you understand right. Soo....did we do something wrong" I asked and looked at him nervously.

He started leaning closer. I just stood up and took a few steps away. We got up and just came closer. My back hit the wall. I was so nervous that I couldn't see his face. I just looked at him. He moved closer and whispered in my ear.
"Ne we did something yesterday" he said which sent a chill down my spine.

I filled down and pushed him. I was dumbfounded. How can I do it. How can he. I don't like him like that. I just like him only like a brother and a best friend. I just looked at down and was imagining how pathetic I am. I closed my eyes and prevented from crying. But I couldn't. Obviously any girl would feel vulnerable. I looked at him and his eyes widened up.

"Heh don't cry. I am really sorry. I was just joking. I was only playing a prank on you. Please don't cry I am really sorry. We literally didn't do anything wrong yesterday. We all were drunk a lot especially you. It was hot yesterday so you took your shirt off. And you slept. As you know I sleep with no shirt on and I eventually slept with you unknowingly. We didn't do anything. Just please don't cry. I was just pranking you. I was just joking around" he said and hugged me.

I just pushed him and sat in my bed. I was seriously like this is not a prank man. I was really shocked when he said that he did it to just joke around. I was happy we didn't do anything.
"I am sorry" he said while he sat beside me.
I hit his chest multiple times.
"Aish jinjaa I was really scared. And you were playing a prank huh. Stupid Kookie" I said and hugged him.
"I am sorry. But you need to see your face when I said it to you" he teased me.

I hit his arm playfully.
"Obviously every girl will react like that ok" I said and looked at him.
"I will never do it Anna. You are my sister and I never had any feelings like that" he said and hugged me.
"Thank god. If you get a girlfriend that how can I saw that" I said and teased him.
"Yahh now shut up. We are back to normal right" he asked.
"Yes" I said and we just enjoyed our time.

It was lunch time. We both went down as all the boys were staring at us.
"So everything is settled" Suga oppa asked.
I nodded.
They all sighed."yeah we were soo worried you know" Jin oppa said
"You need to see her morning Kookie. She was literally freaking out" jhope oppa said.
"Yes she kept on thinking dirty things" Tae oppa said.

"Huh oppa shut up. Now leave it . I am hungry. We need to eat we ahve practice remember" I said and went to kitchen to avoid the conversation.
"Ok ok we can understand. Now let's go" Jimin oppa said.

We all went and eat our lunch.
"Guys come we need to go practice dance for the award show" RM oppa said. We all went to our dance studio.
We danced and danced for a long time.

I was dancing for a long time. We practiced Dna,not today and spring day. We had lots of fun while we were practicing.
We all were really so tired. It was 2am. My head was resting on Jimin oppas shoulder. Tae oppa was just resting in my lap. While RM oppa was on my other shoulder.
Other members were just on the floor and we're leaning on the wall.

"We all did a great work. Now let's go and sleep" jhope oppa said.
"Ne all of you go sleep" Jin oppa said.
We all went to our rooms and changed our dresses. I went and jumped on my bed and in a second I slept and went to my dream land.

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