Is this the end ? (continuation 2)

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"Arghhhh " I groaned in my.
"Oppa" I said while clutching my stomach. Everywhere I could only see blood. My stomach was hurting a lot. The glass pieces went so deep. I tried getting up but it was in vain.
"What" jungkook said and they all turned around. I was breathing heavily . All of them stared at me shocked.

"Anna" they said and ran to me. Jimin oppa helped me and turned over.
"Oppa" I said again.
"Jungkook come on lift her up. We need to take her to the hospital" Jimin oppa said. Jungkook lifted me up. I saw Tae oppa was really crying hard. Each of them hard tears in there eyes.
Jungkook carried me and took me downstairs.

"Hyungs come down. Anna is in trouble. We need to take her to the hospital" Jimin oppa yelled but his voice cracked. Soon all of them came running.
"Anna what happened" Jin oppa asked. He saw me there eyes went wide.
"Tae oppa promise me you won't blame yourself. " I said in pain.
"Just don't talk now. We will go treat you well" he said and held my hand.

They bought me to the car. We all got in. Jin oppa drived.
"Hyung go fast" RM oppa said .
"Oppas listen do you all forgive me right" I asked them. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. I groaned in pain.
"Yes we do forgive you already. Please Anna just don't close your eyes" Suga oppa said.
"Oppas if something bad happens to me don't blame yourself. Don't ever do something to yourself. You guys should be happy ok. Promise me that you won't fight and you will not do any reckless things" I said and held my hand. All of them were crying.
"Nothing will happen to you. Don't talk anything about it" jhope oppa said.
"Just promise me" I said and breathed heavily.
"Ne we all promise" they said in unison. They all started crying. I just chuckled.

"Oppas you still look the same boys that I have met 3yrs ago. I will miss you guys" I said and coughed out blood.
"Anna" the maknae line shouted.
Jungkook took a tissue and wiped my mouth.
"Nothing will happen to you Anna. We all are there for you" Suga oppa said. He was crying really hard.
"Nothing will happen . Hyung please go fast" jhope oppa said.
"Nothing will happen right" I asked them. I don't wanna leave them. I don't wanna die. I was crying really hard.
"Nothing will happen to you. We promise" Jin oppa said.

I was loosing conscious. I breathed heavily and closed my eyes.
"Anna"they all said. That was the last thing I heard and closed my eyes.

Will this be the end??

BTS pov
"Anna wake up
Wake up please" Jimin said while he was crying.
"Hyung go fast please. Anna wake up" taehyung said to Jin.
We came to the hospital . We didn't wear mask so people recognised us. Jungkook took Anna. We hurriedly went and sent her to the ICU.
"Doctor. Come fast. Help us" Suga yelled. Anna was taken away and the operation

We all went and sat on the bench . The maknae line was crying. All of them were crying. TAEHYUNG was crying the most. Jin as the eldest was taking care of the members by consoling them.
"Hyung it's all my fault. It's because of me that Anna is in stage. If anything happens to her j will.bevwr ever forgive my self" taehyung said and stared crying while RM was consoling him.
"TAEHYUNG please don't cry. Anna will be fine. Nothing will happen to her" RM said to him.

We waited impatiently outside.
"Hyung the doctor isn't coming . Anna will be fine right" jungkook asked jhope.
"Ne she will be fine. Nothing will happen" he said to him.
After a while the doctor came out with a blank face.
"Doctor how is Anna" Jin asked.
"She is fine right" RM asked.
"Is she fine right now" Suga asked.
"We want to see her. She will be fine right" jhope asked.
"Can we see her" Jimin said.
"She is fine right . We need to see her" taehyung begged.
"Doc say something. We need to see her" jungkook said.
All of them were asking so many questions.

"Guys wait. Listen to me. We tried our best. Sorry we couldn't do anything. She is---" the doctor got interupted by the nurse who came from Annas room.
"Doctor her heart beat and pulse increased come fast" she said and the doctor went into the operation theatre.
We all were waiting outside. All of us were crying a lot. After few hours doctor came out again.
"She is absolutely fine. She will wake in a few hours. She just needs rest. And no physical activity like dancing should be done. She need to rest for about two weeks. We took out all the glass pieces and now she is fine. She needs to be for a week here" the doctor said.
We thanked him. We all hugged each other and sighed a relief.

Anna's pov
I woke a bit tired. My stomach was aching a lot. I looked at the surroundings to see the boys.
"Anna you woke up at last" jhope oppa said.
"We were so worried a lot" Suga oppa said. All of them were crying.
"Oppa I am fine. See absolutely fine. Please don't cry" I said them and held there hand.
"If something had happened to you I would never forgive my self" Tae oppa said.
"Yeah it's fine now. " I said.
"Just take rest ok.we will be outside ok" jungkook said.
Thank god everything is fine.

1week later.
I was getting prepared to go to dorm. It's been whole 1week and I feel so disgusted to this environment.
"You ready" RM oppa asked as he came with jungkook and jhope oppa.
"Ne"I said and got up.
They helped me to get up. I caught jungkooks hand while I was walking.
"You fine right" Suga oppa asked me while I came out. I saw all of them waiting for me.
"Anna actually there are so many people outside. They know that you are in hospital. But we didn't tell anything about the incident. There are many press members over there" Jimin oppa said.
"It's ok oppa. I will handle it" I said and walked with jungkook who was holding my hand while the members followed me. There was a lot security.

I went outside to see many people.
The security was stopping them asking questions.
"Why are you in the hospital we need to know it" a person asked
"Guys I am absolutely fine and I just met with an accident. That's it. Nothing more or less. I had an car accident" I lied to them.
"When,where and how"the people started asking questions. The boys just took me to the car. We drove to dorm.

"Anna why did you say a lie" Tae oppa asked who was sitting beside me. It has drawn the members attention
"Oppa I lied because I wanted to protect you. And it's was an accident. Just leave it. I am fine right. And we know you will never hurt me" I said and hugged him as his head was.on my shoulder.
"TAEHYUNG don't think about it. It was just an accident. You didn't do anything. Now smile" rm oppa said. We all smiled at him.
"Now we can have fun after we go home" jungkook yelled in excitement.

"No fun only rest. Anna you need to rest. If I ever found you having fun see what I will do" he said. I just laughed at him.
"Ok eomma" I said .
"No practice too" jhope said.
"What nooo" I whinned.
"Yes but if you want you can watch us dance"Suga oppa said.
"Ne you can see your handsome oppas dancing" Jimin oppa teased . I just smacked his arm.

We just laughed and talked for a while till the dorm came.

It was night. The boys were taking good care of me. I was trying to sleep then suddenly Tae oppa came to the room with puffy eyes.
"Anna can I sleep with you" he asked.
"Ne oppa sure" I said and made some space. Jungkook was sleeping peacefully.

"Oppa did you cry" I asked him. He just nodded while he cuddled with me. I was playing with his hair.
"Oppa I told you not to blame yourself right. I am totally fine" I said
"What if something happens to you. It would be all because of me" he said and cried slowly.
"Oppa do you want your Anna to see you crying like this" I asked. He shook his head.
"You live your dongseang right. I am really fine. If you blame yourself and start crying then this Anna will be angry" I said to him.

"No Tae oppa is not crying at all. He is happy that Anna is safe" he said an wiped his tears and showed his box smile. I smiled at him.
"Oppa let's sleep" I said. We both cuddled together.
"Never leave me Anna. Be safe" he said while he kissed on my forehead and slept. I smiled and stroked his hair. I hugged him tightly and slept.

Back to my Dreamland.....

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