Mom and Fun with boys

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We were having free days cause we just completed recording our new song from our new album live yourself tear. We are just chilling out in the dorm. We were practicing dance for the upcoming tour. I woke up and took a quick bath while jungkook was still sleeping.

I went down to see only Jin oppa awake

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I went down to see only Jin oppa awake.
"Good morning oppa"I said and greeted him.
"Good morning Anna" he said and smiled. I just went to the couch and sat. I was looking through the social media. Slowly all of them came down.
"Good morning everyone"jungkook said in his sleepy voice. I looked at him he didn't had any shirt on and he has perfect ABS.
"Wow you have such perfect ABS" I said as I looked at his abs.
"Ohhhhhhh is someone fluttered"V oppa teased.
"Yahhh shut up"I said and gave him a glare.
"Oh by the way thanks"jungkook said.

"By the way Anna have you checked my body" Jimin oppa asked. I just looked at him with a blank face. He just showed me his abs.
"What the heck I am not a pervert oppa. Byuntae" I said to him.
All of them just laughed at Jimin oppa.
"Ok now stop it let's hear some dad jokes" Jin oppa said.
"Hugh why. Just don't " Suga oppa said with no interest.
"Yahh shut up and listen. "Do you know what a group of cows is called when they sing together??" Jin oppa asked.
We all just looked at him.
"It's 'group lawsuit' " he said and bursted out laughing. Only Jimin oppa sand jhope oppa were laughing to it and the rest of them where just having blank faces.

"That wasn't funny at all"RM oppa said.
"Oppa did you finish or need to tell something" I said with no interest. Some jokes are really good but some are like lame.
"Yaayyyyy " Jin oppa yelled at me as we didn't laugh. We bursted out laughing at his reaction.

Suddenly the door bell rang .
"I will go and look for it" I said and got up.
I went and opened it. I literally didn't believe my eyes when I opened the door.
"Mommmm" I shouted. She was here in Korea and that to in front of the dorm. All of the members attention was on us. Mom came in and I hugged her.
"How are???. How did you come. You would have called me. It's a huge surprise that you came to Korea" I said and bought inside.
"Ne I just came 2 days before. We had a high school trip to Korea so I came with the the students and then here I am with you as I wanted to meet you" mom said she she hugged me.

I took her inside.
"Who is it Anna" Jin oppa asked
"It's mom. Mom came to our dorm"I said while I was smiling widely. All of them looked at mom and greeted her.
"Oh aunty anneyonghaseyo. It's nice meeting you here" V oppa said.
"When did you come. You would have called us to pick up" jhope oppa said
"I came 2days before. I just don't want to disturb you and thought of giving a suprise to you guys" she said and hugged them.

"Wow what a mess . Whole dorm is mess" mom said. She doesn't like things being scattered. She likes it neat and tidy. And of course I too got habituated living with these boys for so many years and the dorm is whole mess with things.
We all scratched our head.
"Yay Kim seok Jin you should take care of these things as you are the mom of the group" mom said as gave a snack on his head. They both look like mother and son.
"Ne aunty I will" Jin oppa said . While we just giggled.
"You guys no need to call me aunty you can call me eomma cause I am like one" mom said.
"But you don't act like one mom" I said
"Yay I heard you little kid." She said and caught my ear. All of them were laughing at seeing this Anna in front of her mother.
"Sorry mom leave me now. Jebal" I said. She left my ear and I just rubbed it and pouted.
"Common guys let's have breakfast" Jin oppa said. We took our seats.

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