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It's almost the end of the new year. It's Christmas . I am really excited to celebrate Christmas for this whole month. I was the first one to get up. I took a quick shower and went down to great everyone. But no one was there. The whole house was dead silent. I went back to room to see jungkook still sleeping. Aish these boys.
"Jungkook wake up it's Christmas today. Wake up" I said and shook him . He didn't even buldge a bit.
"Yahhh jungkook wake up.." I said for the last time. He didn't get up . I was getting pissed off so I took a glass of water from the side table and threw at him.

He woke up all wet.
"Yaahh Anna. What is it. I am sleepy" he said.
"Now get up or else" I said and turned around to go.
"You threw water at me so you should get punishment too" he said and I just ran away but he caught me by my waist.
"Caught you little girl" he said and smirked.
"Yah leave me jungkook. Now or else.." I said.
"Or else what.." he asked.
"Hmmmm I will destroy your favourite speaker into pieces" I said.
"No way you are doing that" he said and hugged me tightly. He rubbed his wet face to my face making my face wet. He was just laughing.
"Yahh jungkook you spoiled my beautiful face" I said and cleaned my face.
"Ok ok now why did you wake me up" he asked as he moved.
"Uhh it's Christmas you pabo. We need to go out" I said and smacked his head.

"Oh ok... I will get ready" he said. I was going but he caught me again.
"My morning kiss" he asked in his cute bunny voice with a pout.
"Aish Kookie your not a baby for a kiss. Now go" I said .
"Please.." he said with a pout. I just giggled.
"Ok ok." I said and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled and went to the bathroom to get ready.

I went down to see Jin oppa and Suga oppa preparing breakfast.
"Good morning Anna" Jin oppa said. I smiled and hugged him and Suga oppa.
"Good morning to you guys" I said.
"Where are the others?" I asked.
"Well Jimin and v are still sleeping. While namjoon and jhope got up now they are getting ready" Suga oppa said.
"I don't know about jungkook" Jin oppa said.
"Oh..he just woke up now" I said
"We need to go out today" I said.
"Why.? Anything special" Jin oppa asked.
"You guys don't know what is today" I asked.
They just looked at each other.

They shook there heads.
"Aish oppas how could you forget. It's Christmas today. We need to go out for shopping and also church" I said.
"Yes right. U totally forgot. Today will be fun" Jin oppa said.
"Anna go wake up v and jimin" Suga oppa said. I nodded and went to Jimins room.
I knocked and went in. Jhope oppa was getting ready

"Today is Christmas" he shouted and was jumping. I went and hugged him while we both were jumping.
"Tess today will be fun" jhope oppa said while we started to scream . While we were shouting Jimin oppa woke up..
"What is this noise early morning" he asked.
"It's 9 oppa and you day it's early morning" I said and smacked his head to get up from his Dreamland .
"Oh ok" he said.
"Now get up and go ready fast. Breakfast is ready. We need to go out" I said.
"Where do we need to go" he asked.
"Yahh pabo it's Christmas today. We need to go out" jhope oppa said.
While Jimin oppa went to get ready and jhope oppa went down as I made my way to V oppas room.

I knocked and went inside to see him sleeping. RM oppa already went down to eat breakfast. I went and shook him up.
"Tae oppa wake up we need to go" I said.
"Please 5more min" he asked as he whinned.
"Oppa get up we need to go out for Christmas shopping" I said. While he jolted up.
"Really it's Christmas today. Woow daebak" he said and jumped.
"Now go we will be late. Come down fast we need to eat" I aid and went down

After a few minutes all of them were down on the dinning table. We ll started to eat.
"I didn't expect Suga hyung to wake up early" jungkook said.
"Ne I agree with it" v oppa said.
"Aish these kids. Now shut up and eat or else that pancake will be in my stomach after a few minutes" Suga oppa said.
I just chuckled at them. While the both just ate their food in silent.
"Where are we going by the way" jhope oppa asked.
"We will go to shopping and church. That's my plan. If you want to add something we will go there to" I said while eating.
"Ok then what about we go to fireworks at night" Jimin asked.
"Yes that will be fun" Jin oppa said.
"Are we sure we have to go. What about the people around us" RM oppa asked. He was concerned for our group.
"It's ok oppa ntg will happen. We will enjoy ourselves" I said.
"And anyone wants to come to tattoo shop" I asked.
"We all will come" they said.
"You guys want anything. I will buy for you" I said.
"Why are you asking" RM oppa asked.
"Today as it is Christmas I will give you guys a treat" I said.
"Really. Thanks a lot Anna" v oppa said and hugged me.
"Now eat fast we need to go" Jin oppa said.

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