Happy with boys..

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Each and every day is becoming so tiredfull. We didn't even get the time to hangout for a while. All of us are working our asses off. I decided to do something today with the guys. At least we can have some time in the dorm. I went down and shouted at the top of my lungs so that the boys could hear me out.

"All of you should come right way now. Come down now" i shouted. In a second all of them came running down as if an accident happened.
"What is it. Why are you shouting" jhope oppa asked.
"What happened is everything fine" Suga oppa asked. Each and every one started asking questions.
"Huh oppas stop it and listen" i yelled. They became quite. I just chuckled.

"Oppas you guys are not even having a proper break. Me too. Each day it's becoming so stress full. We can't even spend time with each other. Can we please have a free day today. Just for today think as you are normal people but not kpop idols. I am really getting sick of this everyday. Let's have a break.for a while. We did even hangout at all. We will just do some fun in house. Please just this one day." I said and looked at them. There faces were like just blank.

"But -" I interupted Suga oppa.
"No buts now let's go make some food. I mean I will make for you guys. Let's me try it. It's anyways lunch time" I said and smiled widely.
"Sure we do need a break" RM oppa said.
"Ok I am fine with it" Jin oppa said.
"Anna are you sure you are going to make the food" Jimin oppa asked.
"Ne let's give a try. I learned some right" I said.
"Ok but just don't add poison in it" jungkook said.
"Ne I agree with jungkook. Just don't burn the kitchen" he said while others just laughed.

"Yay you both" I yelled and ran towards them.
"Now Anna I am hungry make food" jhope oppa said.
"Ok" I said and prepared myself. I tied my apron on my waist. I put all the ingredients. I thought of making bulgogi,meat and japche with strawberry mimosas. I was doing everything. It's really tiring job. I never learnt how to cook. I just knew basic things like pancakes and instant Noddles. While I was cooking the boys just had fun around. Out of nowhere Jin oppa came.

"Do you need help?" He asked.
"Ani oppa I will handle it myself" I said.
"Are you sure" he said and saw what I was cooking. I just nodded but was still there.
"Oppa you go ok" I said. He nodded and just left.
"Do it properly Anna. I don't want to die" Jimin oppa teased.
"Anna do we need to cheer for you. Ok let's go. Anna~~~fighting~~. Don't kill us ~~~" the maknae line sang along with jhope oppa.
"You guys better shut up your mouth or else you won't get anything" I yelled at them. They shut there mouths.

I was still cooking. My hair keeps sticking to my face. Gosh why did I leave my hair. My hands were oily a bit because of cooking. Tae oppa saw me struggling.
"Wait I will help you. Now where is the hair band" he asked.
"It's in the pocket" I said and turned to him. I pointed to the pocket. He took it from the front pocket.
"Ok I got it. Now turn around I will tie your hair up" he said. I turned around. Tae oppa helped me and tied my hair up.
"Thanks oppa" I said to him while he patted my back. He was slowly going towards the meat that I cooked. I smacked his hand away.
"No way. You will get it afterwards" I said and shoved him out of the kitchen. I just giggled at them.

I was garnishing the plates. The boys were just having fun around. I called them.
"Guys the food is ready come on" I shouted from the kitchen. I placed there plates while I stood there.
"Good now sit down and eat" I said. They all sat and stared at the plate.
"Is this even edible" jungkook asked.
"Aish..if you don't want to eat then give it to me" I said and was about to snatch the plate.
"Nooo I will eat" he said.
All of them took a bit. I looked at their reactions.

They were just blank. "So how is it" I asked.
"Anna what is this" RM oppa asked while his face was just blan
"It's food" I said.
"Is it not nice" I asked them.
"Anna I guess its---" Suga oppa was about to say but I interupted.
"It's ok. I guess it's not nice. I will eat up everything. Sorry for ruining your lunch. I am really sorry again" I said and bowed to them .
"Aish I am such a bad cook" I mumbled myself. I was about to take their plates but got interupted again.

"Wait just listen what I am going to say. " SuGA oppa said.
"The food is really amazing" they all said in unison.
"Really. You guys are not joking right" I asked them.
"It's really good" jhope oppa said.
"Thanks a lot" I said and smiled at them.
"It's really good Anna. My baby is grown up now" Jin oppa said.
"Thanks for you oppa. You thought me very well" I said and hugged him.
"It's really delicious than Jin oppas food" jungkook said.
"Yay" we both yelled. We just laughed.
"It's really good. You really did a great job" Jimin oppa said. I smiled and thanked him.
"And from next time you should make food for us" Tae oppa said.
"Not again oppa. I just died there. Jin oppa should cook" I said. The members just chuckled.

We all eat my food. Wow u improved a lot in cooking. Back when I was in New York I literally burned the kitchen . I just did an experiment and surely Robert uncle(the cook) and mom scolded me a lot.

We spent our time while learning English.
"Ok guys now it's only English time" jhope oppa said as we all were in the living room.
"Ok I am perfectly fine with that. Now what do we talk about. Let's talk about ourselves" I said.
"Ok hum I am world wide handsome Jin. I cook. I am the eldest one in the group" Jin oppa said.
"I am the rapper. I am Suga" he said and did a swag sign. We all just chuckled because he just gave a simple introduction.
"I am rapmonster. You all know I like pink so people call me pinkmon. And I am a rapper. I am good in English" he said it perfectly.
"I am your hope. Your my hope. I am jhope. I am a rapper too" he while giving his brightest smile. I just chuckled at him.
"I am park Jimin. I am a singer. I am the vocalist of the group" he said a bit broken.
"Hello I am v. I am a singer. My hobbies are movie watching"he said
"Ok watching movies" RM said.
"Music listening"
"Oh listening to the music" RM oppa corrected him.
"And shoot movie video" Tae oppa said.
"Oh you shoot a music video as a hobby" RM oppa said. Tae oppa just nodded his head.

We all laughed at him at how he is speaking English cause most of it were corrected by RM oppa.
"I am jungkook. I am the main vocalist" he said.
"Ok it's my turn. I am Anna. I am the vocalist and also the rapper of the group. It a pleasant day today. It's really nice having you guys over here. I really had fun today. And you guys are making good improvements in speaking English. Good and practice harder" I said in my life American accent.
All the boys stared at me
"Pardon" jungkook said.

We a bursted out laughing.
"You really have a good American accent. I sometimes don't understand it very well too" RM oppa said.
I smiled at him and thanked him.
"Now we get to know that we need to study English really hard " Suga oppa said. I smiled at them.

"Now guys it's evening let's watch some movies" Tae oppa said.
"Ok let's go" we said. We all sat down on the couch to see a movie. We selected a romantic English movie with Korean subtitles. I was sitting between jhope oppa and jungkook. A scene popped out were the actors were making out. Obviously in English movies it's common. I was just watching it. Jungkook just shyly looked down. Jhope oppa and Jimin oppa were just smiling. God knows what it means. Tae oppa was just rubbing his hands. Jin oppa coughed continuously. As usual me,RM oppa and Suga oppa didn't react for anything.

Jin oppa just forwarded it.
"Yahh why did you forwarded it" me and RM oppa yelled at him.
All of them looked at us.
"Ok chill out " I SAID. We all bursted out laughing.
We selected an other Korean drama. We were enjoying it a lot. My eye lids were heavy. I just fall asleep on jungkooks shoulder.

BTS pov
"It was a good movie" Jimin said as he stretched his arms.
"Oh Anna fell asleep" jhope oppa said.
"Ne I will take her to the room" jungkook said as he carried her to her room.
"Ok guys. Good night go to sleep" Jin said. We all went to our rooms and slept.

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