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Everything was pitch dark. The whole room was silent. There was no noise but just the wind gushing. I took a deep breath . Suddenly I heard a gun shot. I flinched at the sudden sound. I closed my ears.

I was so scared right now. I gulped down and went down with all my courage. But I was stopped in middle because of an other gun shot . I took a deep breath and went downstairs.

I was really shocked to see teh scene in front of me . I gasped and run towards Jimin oppa show as lying there down in a pool of blood. I shook him up.
"Oppa get up. " I said and shook him. He didn't wake up. I was now crying crazyily.

I turned to my right to see the other boys lying there down. All of them in pool of blood. I was crying my heart out.
"Jin oppa get upp.. don't prank me.." I said and shook him up. He didn't move at all.

Suddenly a laugh was heard. I turned to see there was man with a gun near the doorway.
"What have you done you asshole..." I yelled at him and charged on him.

But suddenly everything went blank. I got blacked out. I couldn't help the boys...

I woke up gasping for air. I was panting a lot... I wiped my tears. I took my inhaler from the side table. I pumped the air inside . I took a deep breath and looked at my side to see jungkook sleeping peacefully.

I went to him and tucked him in his bed with the blanket. I looked at him and smiled.
I went to check on the boys if they were asleep or not. Thanks good it was just a dream . I sighed and went to Jin oppa and Suga oppas room.

They both were sleeping peacefully. I went and caught Jin oppas hand and caressed it.
I adjusted Suga oppas blanket and smiled at the both. I went to jhope oppas and jimin oppas room.
They both were sleeping soundly.
I chuckled . I went and kisses them on their foreheads.

I adjusted jhope oppa in him sleep cause he was sleeping awkwardly.
I made my way to RM oppas and Tae oppas room.
I opened to see Tae oppa sleeping but namjoon oppa was busy with his work.

"Oppa why are you awake. You should take rest.." I said as I came inside and sat down on Tae oppas bed.
"Oh Anna. You scared me. I was working on a new song and some beats. While not disturbing taehyung. Why are you awake. Go sleep" he said

I kissed taehyung oppas forehead and caressed his cheeks.
" Oppa I had a bad I woke up in the middle" I said.
"Was it about us??" He asked. I nodded.

He came up to me and hugged me .
"Oppa can I sleep with you today. Can I cuddle with you..." I asked.
"Yeah sure.." he said.
I was pulled into his embrace. "Everything is fine" he said and patted my back.
He caressed my hair. He talked about their training days. I listened to them and slowly fell asleep while hugging RM oppa.

Next morning...

Jhope pov.
I woke up and went to the bathroom to change myself. I made my way downstairs and saw that Jin hyung g and jimin both were doing breakfast.

"Good morning guys...." I said
"Oh good morning hyung.." Jimin said when giving his eye smile.
"Guys can you go wake up Suga and jungkook" Jin Hyung said.
"Ne we will" we said and made my way to sugas bedroom.

I went inside ."hyung get up.. Jin hyung called us to eat.." I said shook him.
"Go away jhope. I want to sleep" he said. I just chuckled.
"Hyung get up let's go down or else Jin hyung will start nagging...' I said and pulled his blankets off.
'i will get you..." He said and head locked me.

I just chuckled "hyung leave. Now let's goo..." I said.
He gave a smile.
"Ok go now I will come.." he said and shoved me from the room.

I went down to see Jimin and jungkook. Suddenly
Taehyung came running downstairs. He was panting.
"Calm down taehyung..." Jin hyung said.
Suga hyung came down after a few minutes.
"Guys come to my room I need to show you something..." He said.
"Ok but it should be productive...or else..." Suga hyung said.

We all went to his room. He opened the door wide open . We awed after what we saw.
Namjoon and Anna were cuddling together...
"Should we wake up them...??" Taehyung asked.
"They look cute ..." Jimin said.
"Ne they look tired tooo" I said...
"Let them sleep for a while..." Suga hyung said.

We turned to see Anna wide awake while rubbing her eyes.
"Good morning" we said.
"Oh...good morning.." I said.
"Well get ready and come down to eat.." Jin hyung said while smiling..
We all followed him while Anna went to her room to change and RM also woke up.

Anna's pov
I heard whispering so I woke up. I saw that I fell asleep in namjoon oppas embrace.. I woke up to see the boys standing near the door.
I rubbed my eyes.
"Good morning " they said.
"Oh good morning..." I said.
RM oppa to woke up.
"Well get ready and Come down" Jin oppa said.

I went to my room to get changed. I took a quick shower.

RM pov
I woke up due to the boys. I saw that Anna too woke up. She went to her room to get changed. While I changed myself and went down to see the boys ready to eat and were sitting.

"Hyung why is Anna in your room. I woke up and I didn't see in the room. " Jungkook said.
"Oh well....." I told them everything about the dream. I told them how Anna was freaking out and was upset... "So that's how she ended up in my room to cuddle with me" I said.

"Oh...poor her . She would have freaked out a lot.." Jin hyung said.

Anna's pov
I came down to see the boys talking.
They all looked at me . They came and attacked me with a hug..

"Woah ..what is this?" I asked while chuckling.
"We got to know everything about the dream.. don't worry Anna. We are safe. You are there for us" Suga oppa said.
"Well that dream looked so real..." I said.

"Yeah everything is fine. We are there for you. We all are safe" Jimin oppa said.
"I was scared that something happened to you guys. Just tell me if something happens ok. Don't hide anything. I am there for you guys .." I said.

"Yeah we will tell you. You are there for us to support us. Just don't stress yourself" taehyung oppa said.
"You guys are like everything. So just be careful ok." I said.
"Ne mam we will take care of ourselves.. " RM oppa said while chuckling.
"Our doseang is caring about us. Aw..." Don't worry. We are there for you.." jhope oppa said.

"We will never leave you.." jungkook said while smiling.
"Good Now let's eat. Just don't think about that dream Anna. " Jin oppa said and ruffled my hair.

We ate our breakfast. After a few minutes we went the dance room to practice for our new upcoming album.
I smiled at them as the boys were having fun .. I looked at them and smiled at them.

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