Fan meeting

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We were having a fansign meeting in seoul for our new album wings.

We were having a fansign meeting in seoul for our new album wings

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We arrived at fansign meeting

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We arrived at fansign meeting. We saw many fans have come for meeting us. I sat between Rm oppa and Jimin oppa.

"i want to sit beside Anna" whinned jhope and jungkook.

" ha you guys be quite. It will start and i know the purpose for sitting beside me. You will go on irritate me and listen how to fanboys. So you both dont sit with me." i said. They just pouted. Each member is really protective when it comes to you. They often listen what fanboys say to be.

The meeting started and we all signed their albums. The fangirl came and asked me"Unnie who do you like the most in bangtan".

" i dont know... i like each and everyone but i like myself" i said and wink at the boys who were waiting for my answer.

" nice one Anna but you like me the most right" said jhope oppa.

" no you likie me" said suga oppa.

" haa i like you all fine"i said.

The other fangirl came and gave me a teddy bear." ohhh aigoo it looks soo cute. thanks for it" i said and hugged her. She gave me a piece of paper and told me to read it. It was a dare and says that i should kiss jhope oppa on the cheek. I looked at her."please jebal.. Anna". I nod and got up. All the members were busy signing the albums

i went to jhope and back hugged. He was smiling brightly. I turned his head and kissed him on his cheeks. All the fans were squealing,screaming,shouting and cheering. I just laughed at them.

"we too want kissuuuuu" whinned the rest of the bts. I went to each and everyone and kissed them on their cheeks. The fan sign went on.

Now the fanboys came and i could see that Members were paying more attention to me.

"Noona sarangahaeyo he said a. I smiled as i signed his album.

" yah she is mine" said jin oppa from the other end. I just chuckled.This fanboy kept on talking non stop. He was continuously praising, talking how cute i was and how just fanboying in front of me. I gave him my warm smile and did a finger heart. He was really blushing.

I saw the maknae line were teasing and imitating the fan boy. The fansign went on. There was an other fanboy . I saw he was really calm.

" hello" i said and held his hands."anneyonghaseyo" he said." you are really cute" i said and pinch his cheeks. I signed his album. I saw a bruise on his hand.

" how many yrs are you" i asked out of curiosity." i am 19yrs old" he said.

" could you tell me what is this bruise on your hand" i said and showed it to him. I saw that rm oppa was looking at us both as he heard the word bruise.

" its nothing noona. " he said and fake smiled.

" something is there that is bothering you. Tell me to your noona please" i said and held his hand

" Its that... Noona am i that terrible that people hate me " he asked. I was really shocked and said him no.

" noona the thing is that... i get bullied in my school everyday. I dont know the reason behind it. This bullying was happening from past 1yr. The boys in out school treat me badly. They beat me up if i didnt do anything they tell me, they even embarrass me infront of the whole school. They ruin everything i make. They tell me to do the whole work and just punish me. I even got death threats. Every day i go to home with bruises. In the house too parents wouldnt care about anything. The boys tell me to just jump off the building. They treat me badly outside the school and as well as inside the school. Even in the home to its just make it worse. I used to cry for a long time. I used to listen to your songs as i was really passionate towards music. Your voice and music had helped me get out of this depression. It has given a lot of strength . I am really thank ful to you nonna" he said and was crying slowly.

i didnt realise that tears were just rolling down my cheeks. I was really shocked to listen that i had given him strength and moral support. I saw rm oppa and jimin oppa looking at me. I took the tissues and gave it to him. I was really sad for him so i hugged him and told that everything will be fine. I saw the fans were really shocked but i ignored them. I saw the boys giving me and the boy a concern look.

" dont worry at all. As you told you are really interested in music will you audition for bighit" i asked and held his hand. I saw rm oppa for approval. He nodded.

" yes noona. it will be great. Thanks a lot" he said and smiled.He had to move on to the next member.

" stay strong and be never be weak. I am there here for you to help" i said and bid a bye.

After the fanboy went i just stared dreaming at my lap.

" are you fine Anna" jimin oppa asked.

" i am fine oppa just recalled that boy" i said and gave him a side hug.

The fansign went on. I saw a other fanboy who was covered . He had a mask on. I thought this guy was a threat to the bts members. I saw that members were also looking at him.

He came to me and gave his album." why are you wearing a mask" asked out of curiosity

" oh this one. I actually have flu so i put on the mask"

i signed his album and looked at him. He took off the mask.. I couldnt believe my eyes.

He is here....

//cliffhanger. hOPE YOU LIKE IT GUYS.//

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