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Today was the last day of our concert...and we were backstage preparing for the songs and other stuff..
I was bitting my nails so hard .. I was pretty nervous today performing in front of army ..This isn't the first time though but I really am getting nervous in fact..

I was sitting on the couch backstage while bitting nails. The boys were busy with the stylists doing their makeup.. I tried to calm down my self.. I took I deep breath...
A hand comforted my back .. rubbing it smoothly to calm me down...

I turned around to see NAMjoon oppa smiling brightly showing his cute dimples.. I smiled back....
"Hey don't worry...don't be nervous..take it easy..we are going to have lot of fun today with army" he said and caressed my back...
"Thanks oppa.." I said and smiled at him.

"Anna go it's your turn..stylist nonna is calling you for the dress up" taehyung oppa said and made his way to the dressing room... While I went to the other room where my stylist handed over the dress...

 While I went to the other room where my stylist handed over the dress

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A simple one with a pair of Sandals... I just liked comfortable clothes so that it makes it easy to dance... I adjusted and came outside.. I went to my makeup artist and she did my make up...
"Thanks unnie" I said and way towards the boys who were working out...
"Hi guys..." I said..
" look good.." Hobi oppa said and ruffled my hair...

We arranged stuff...
"Oppa.." I whinned and pouted. I can't mic at the back of my dress. This happens everytime.. I gave it to Suga oppa and pouted..
He chuckled and took it.."You can't even put it my dongseang..." He said while mocking...
I pouted and whinned..."oppa.." I gave him my cutest smile ever..

"Ok..fine" he said while Chuckling. He put it at the back of my dress.. I thanked him..
"Guys come on its time to start the concert .." the staff member said ... I took a deep breath and went with Yoongi oppa..
"Lets go guys... Bangtan!!! Bangbang tan" we said and made our way to the stage...

As soon as we entered the while crowd cheered for us.. I was watching them not watching though but gaping at them with suprise. This crowd and cheering makes me happy a lot.. it makes me lively to be around them the boys as well.. I looked at the side and smiled at them..

We introduced ourselves and talked for a while.. we started our concert with dancing our songs...

Imagine you being in this...

We performed a lot of songs... While the armies were cheering for us...
It came to an end.... It was sad but also the happiest moment of my life to perform it in front of them...

The boys started off by thanking them.. Suga oppa, Kookie and jimin started crying... I on the other side was suppressing my sob..but I couldn't.. I just hide my face with my hair while looking down...
"I am really thankful to all the people over here who had supported us a lot. This is all because of you support and love we had grown up like this... Thanks a lot... It may be the last day but for sure we will come up with a new album next year and make you guys happy..." namjoon oppa said...

It was turn...I told them I would go in the last.. now I was on the big screen.. Jin oppa on my right looked at me..and comforted by rubbing my back .. I looked up to see them.. j eyes red from crying...
"Uljima...don't cry ." The fans said..
"Yuh... miahane.." I said and started crying again... I covered my face Nd turned back..
Jimin oppa gave me tissue to wipe my face... The fans were screaming and shouting not to cry...

I turned and faced the fans...I started off
"Kamsahamida's been a great day o be with you till the last... I hope we be together for a long time... In the starting of this all I felt like I was not fit in the group who had 7good and handsome men. I thought I was ruining it and making them hate because of me.. but now I get it that whole thought was just wrong... I am really thankful to support us and help us grow up...

I wanted to tell this for a long time..but I couldn't I guess this is the correct moment to tell it...
Oppas....." I said and went forward and faced them..
"What are you making us nervous.." jungkook said..
"First thing guys..really really really thanks a lot.. I love you guys so much and kamsahamida for staying with me..." I said and  bowed them....

All the boys and the armys were shocked.. they started screaming and were shouting due to excitement and the love we show each other...

"You guys the the ones helped me a lot through my difficulties . I still remember Jin oppa taking care of me when I fell sick, namjoon oppa used to come and talk about stuff while sharing our things, Yoongi oppa how you called me to the studio to hangout and have fun while making songs.., Hobi oppa thanks for making me happy with your silly jokes and your dances, Jimin oppa for you eye smile which give me a lot of strength as well your vocals are really amazing..., Tae oppa for your cuddled and all amazing stuff we have done and lastly Kookie...thanks for telling me what life is..and your strength makes me lively ... So yah thanks a lot guys .. you had played a major rule for my success as well as yours.. thanks for teaching me all the stuff" I said and breathed in .. I didn't notice that fresh tears were rolling down my cheeks...

The boys ran up to me and gave me a bone crashing hug... I chuckled ...
"We love you too" they said and stroked my hair..
I pulled back and faced the audience. Army's were awing at the sight.. j smiled back at them.
"And second thanks to you guys for supporting us for a long time . Not giving up on us and help us get through all the difficulties... And third that is to my parents and Alex and Eliza... You guys have supported me a lot.. Eliza that is a lot for supporting me.. I can't see you though but I trust you you are helping me out by all the difficulties.. I miss you a lot and sorry I was not there when you were win pain.. thanks a lot guys... Love you all" I said and hugged the boys...

"Everything is going to be fine.." Jin oppa said. The concert came to an end.. we bid goodbyes and went back stage..
The boys came up to me and hugged me again..
"You are really precious to you" Kookie said while he kissed my forehead...
"I didn't know you would do this.. it was shocking first but I am happy Anna.. we will never leave you" Yoongi oppa said...
"Thanks a lot Anna.. you were the one we are here..thanks for this " namjoon oppa said..

"Thanks let's go I am tired .." I said while chuckling.. I went back stage and freshed up. The boys and me went out to the car. The staff came along with us.. I snuggled beside Jimin oppa as he caught my hand with his little had. He started caressing it. I was tired so I slept beside him..

We soon went to the dorms and directly went to sleep... Back to my Dreamworld again.....

//Sorry guys ..I couldn't write for a long time cause I was busy lately
..sorry again.. thanks for supporting and reading my book. Thanks ms for 7k//

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