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"Alex..." i said. I was really shocked to see my younger brother here in korea that to in front of my eyes. Its been like 3yrs i had seen him and eomma. Finally he came. I really missed him. Tears were just rolling down my cheeks due to happiness. I stood up and ran towards him. I hugged him really tight. He was there for me when in was depressed. My dongsaeng was like the best brother.

" How are you anna" he said and hugged me back. I didnt realise that My members and the fans were really shocked by my action.

" Ha... alex. I missed you a lot. I really missed my Mr. handsome(his nick name).

" yes. I missed you too".

" Who is it unnie. Why are you hugging him. Is he your boyfriend" fan asked me.

" Aniyo. He is my brother Alex" i said and smiled at alex.

" Now go sit . I still didnt take the autographs of the other members. You really have so many fanboys yaa.." he said while teasing. I hit him playfully.

He went to the next member and took the sign. He was friendly talking to the members and was constantly teasing me with maknae line.

" Be back stage. I will come after i meet my army" i yelled at him. He nodded and the staff took him to the backstage.

The fansign came to an end. I rushed back stage to meet with alex. I saw them with the staff unnies.

" is my brother flirting with my unnies" i said in the teasing way. Rm oppa chuckled.

" no shut up u coconut" he yelled yet me.

" ya you.. dont call me coconut you pig fat" i said and teased him. He was chasing me the whole time. I took the opportunity and hid behind tae oppa and jungkook.

" oppas please help me from this pig fat guy. I will buy food for you guys" i said and pouted.(Pig fat is used by anna to alex when he was young cause he was really chubby and adorable.).

yeah dont worry we will protect you from your brother" they said and acted as if they are going to a battle for protecting the princess.

" if you guys move i will give you my new video game" he said and was smiling evishily". To my suprise boys moved and obeyed for his offer.

" haa i thought you will protect your princess" i yelled as Alex head locked me.

All the others were giggling at how me and my brother treat each other.

" ya leave me alex. I am sorry Mr. handsome" i whined and pouted. He left me and hugged me.

"ha i miss this fun with you anna" he said while hugging me tightly.

We went inside and talked for a while.

" ok i will introduce my self. I am Alex and the brother of the greatest coconut head anna.Dont introduce yourself cause i know you all and anna brags about you guys a lot" he said. I smacked his head as he called me coconut head.

" oh so what did anna tell you about us" asked suga oppa.

" oh well.. should i say it anna" he said and teased me. The fact is that i just made up some silly jokes about my members and told this guy. I just covered his mouth and told him not to tell him to them.

" what is it Alex. You can tell us" said jin oppa and all of them glared at him.

" Ok the thing is that she makes lame jokes about you guys. She told me that maknae line irritates her my doing stupid stuff. She told that you guys steal her stuff when she isnt around.Rm hyung she keeps on saying that you break stuff and it is really funny to see when you break stuff. She tells that the hyung line sometimes act like kids and she as eomma need to take care of you guys. She did memes of you guys too" he said was laughing like a madass guy.

I saw that my members giving me death glare. I opened my mouth to say something but the members tackled me and started tickling me. I was laughing and told them to stop doing it.

" Mianhe oppas. Please stop" i said in between my laughs. THey stopped and were laughing out loud.

" ha you boys are all same idiots" i said and pouted.

" ha we love you dongsaeng.." they said and hugged me.

" but one thing hyungs she really cares for you guys a lot" Alex said and smiled. All of them smiled at him. I pulled him to a hug.

" How , why and when did you come. You didnt even tell me." i said and hit him playfully.

" Ok i actually came to meet you. And i came 2days ago. I came here to also meet my friend who lives in korea over here." he said.

" when will you go back again" i said a bit sadly

" i will go next week" he said and smiled which made me smile.

" Alex are you really going to give your new game" asked tae oppa desparetly.

" ya hyung i actually bought you guys one" he said and took out a big cover . He bought them presents.

" rm hyung i know you like books so i bought your favourite novel and new brand clothes. Jin hyung i bought you pink stuff and a mario. Suga hyung i bought you a kumamon bear and a music pad for writing songs.V hyung i bought you a new video game so share it with jungkook hyung. Jungkook hyung i bought a camera for you. Jimin hyung i bought you some expensive rings, ear rings and also bandanas as well as snapbacks. Jhope hyung i bought you the puma shoes and some accessories. Hope you guys like it" he as he was giving the stuff

All were really amused to see the gifts.

" thank you so much Alex" said jhope oppa .

All of them hugged him and thanked him a lot.

" what about me Alex" i asked and pouted.

" i didnt bring anything to you noona. i am sorry" he said

" yeah its fine. i am ok if you wont bring anything for me" i said and smiled

" i was just joking here i bought you a bracelet" he said and gave me. I saw the bracelet and was really beautiful. Our both the names were printed on it. I took it and hugged me.

" haa my credit card was in vain while i was buying your stuff" alex said sarcastically. We laughed at how he was reacting to this.

" its ok my dongseang we will give you a food treat" said jimin oppa said. We went to a nice restaurant where they were less people. We eat and chatted for a while. We went back to the dorm

" i am full" said alex as he was relaxing in the dorm.

" i need to go Noona see you later" he said

" what wait.!!Dont go, stay here for a while" i said

" no anna i need to my friend will be waiting for me. We guys are having a party" he said

" ok fine. Just be careful. Be cool and explore korea. Dont get into problems and dont drink too much" i said and hugged him.

" ok miss coconut." he said and smiled.

" take care Alex" jin oppa said and hugged him.

" we will meet you soon" said jimin oppa and suga oppa.

" yes, And we will lots of fun. We will meet soon v hyung and jungkook hyung. We will play video games together" he said and hugged everyone.

" just be careful Alex. Be well and goodbye" i said and gave him one last hug.

He bid good byes and went to his friends house.

We all the members rest for a while. I went to my room to sleep .
What a nice day .. i thought and went to sleep.

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