Harry|Night Out

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"Y/n come on stop doubting yourself." My sister groaned. Lately I've been doubting myself, majorly doubting myself. She was trying to get me to go out tonight and tonight of all nights I felt the most insecure. Skin wasn't looking it's best, hair was being difficult to work with. Hell the bags under my eyes looked like they could carry luggage to the airport. "You never know you may meet your soulmate." She pretended like she being innocent rather than annoying. "Or a drunk bloke with bad breath." I half heartedly joked.

"Oh shut up! Not all people at a bar are drunk blokes." I shot her a look of are you sure about that? Surely she'd remember the last time we went out. "Right. You're right. Maybe it's different this time." I snickered at her hope. "What's the place called again?" I asked. "Something with head in it." I gave her a look. "Oh get your mind out of the gutter!" I laughed at her assumption. I finished trying to get my hair to look as decent as I could. I wasn't fully satisfied with my look but it'll have to do. I grab my belongings and hop in the car which my sister to no surprise was blaring the horn. I'm shocked the neighbors haven't called the cops every time she does it.

Walking in you could smell the perfumes and colognes mixed alcohol, cigarette smoke and the light scent of someone just lighting a blunt. Personally smells like a night of regret. Immediately my sister drags me to the bar. "Two Jameson please." She asked pulling her shirt down just a bit so he'd bring down the price of our drinks. Luckily it did. She handed me my drink and I let the warmth of the liquid slip down my throat. By my second sip my sister had already emptied her cup. "I'm going to get another one!" She yelled over the noise. I have a feeling I'm the designated driver tonight.

An hour passes and my cup is yet to be emptied. I sit in my seat wallowing in self pity as my sister goes to get her 10th drink I think. I love her but since it was just the two of us it was pretty boring. If we were at a party with friends it'd be a different story. I'd be saying fuck it and blacking out an hour later. I look over to the bar and catch my sister flirting heavily with someone tall blonde guy. Well talk for me. I'm short as fuck so anyone is taller than me even if they're considering short to everyone else.

Every once and a while his eyes will shoot down to her chest. Good ole trick of the tits. What kept my interest was they guy I'm guessing he's with. Every few minutes or so he'd go up to him and tap his shoulder to tell him something only to get brushed off. I felt bad for him and kind of understood probably how feels right now. Before I could realize what I was doing, my legs carried me to this mysterious guy. My confidence kicked in for about a minute before I realized who he was, who my sister was flirting with and who his older brother is.

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned back around hoping no one is noticing. Unfortunately my drunk sister did. "Y/N! Comere!" She slurred. Shit. Harrison turned around and watched me as I nearly stumbled over my own feet. "Oh careful now. One too many?" He asked. "I uh, um, uh no. No not, not one to many." I gave a nervous chuckle. He picked up on why I was nervous and said no more. I tried holding a conversation with him but I was so nervous and it was obvious my sister at some point tonight will be hooking up with him. So I stood there looking awkward.

What didn't help was Harry constantly stealing glances over to me. It made my heart jump out of my chest. I was always into Tom because of the obvious reasons. But tonight something is telling me something different. Eventually the game of pool they were playing came to an end with Tom groaning because he lost. That's when I thought I'd become a puddle from my nerves. The two came over and patted Harrison on the back. He nodded at them. I was so star struck that even if I wanted to run I couldn't. I was glued to my spot.

My mind was racing so much I hadn't realized that Harry had said something to me. "Oh uh sorry what did you say?" I nervously laughed. Way to look cool Y/n. "Would you like a drink?" He smiled. My mind went to other places with that smile. All I could do is nod my head. He chuckled and placed the order. Harry handed me my drink and nodded his head in the direction that I guess that they were sitting. It was a booth with a chalkboard above it with a menu. I got goosebumps when he placed a hand on my lower back. Just the gentle touch made my mind go further.

I wasn't sure if he was sensing how I was feeling. Part of me hoped he was because just like Tom, I found him very attractive. The other part begged for him to not notice because of the possibility of rejection. "So love where are you from?" Harry asked. I wasn't exactly sure what he had gotten me but it was strong and I could feel it kicking in. It helped with my nerves that's for sure. "I'm from Long Island." I bit my lip with a small smile. Vodka with juice. Vodka always loosens me up within minutes. Harry must've sensed my uneasiness. That or it was written on my face. Probably the second option.

"Oh New York? I love it there." I nodded with a smile. He chuckled at my buzzed state. I was probably making a total fool out of myself. "So what brings you to rainy Kingston?" He placed an arm around the top of the booth behind me. "A change and university. I needed out of New York. Fortunately for my sister and I, the university excepts twins which we are." As if a light went off in him his face brightened even more. "Oh you're a twin? So am I." He smiled. I bit my lip again which caused him to chuckle.

"Yeah I know. I'm kind of a uh, fan." I looked down feeling my face heat up from alcohol and slight embarrassment. "No need to feel embarrassed. But you do look cute when you blush." A tipsy smile crept on my face. Harry tucked a piece of hair out of my face. I was now a mess for a different reason but I'm not going to to complain. Things could be worse. About an hour passes and now I'm a drunken giggling mess. He definitely was a comedian like his dad. Every time I laughed my hands would land in weird places like his chest. This time though was different.

It was until I was done laughing did I notice where my hand was. Harry kept his smile on his face but the color of his already dark brown eyes darkened. For some reason I didn't move my hand. He grabbed it and held it for a second. "Did you drive here?" I nodded my head and I got a bit dizzy. Yet again, ending with a giggle. "Would you like me to drive you home? I didn't even have my drink so I'm good." It's true. He didn't. It sat there still full. I nodded my head for us to leave. As we got up I handed him the keys and Harry told Tom and Harrison where he was going.

The ride there wasn't terrible. My hand found it's way back to his thigh as he drove. I giggled majority of the time. It only added to the entertainment of the ride. When we got up to the door I tried to unlock our apartment door but failed miserably. Harry took the key and unlocked it. What he wasn't expecting was for me to pull him all the way to my bedroom. From there was history, sweaty, steamy history.

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