Peter Parker| The Adventures of Peter and Y/n, Part 5 of LDS

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The adventures of Spider-Man and Y/S/N. Kick names, take ass or something like that. Mantis is a bit off with her sayings. That's right, you're officially an Avenger. Tony saw how your powers could help with enemies and dubbed you an Avenger. Peter was over the moon that day and may have been too excited. That night you two went home and immediately he pinned you against his bedroom wall when he closed the door. It was one of the best moments sexually that you two shared.

But things changed. Peter had gone on a field trip for one of his classes when a spaceship invaded New York. The entire school was on lockdown and you weren't able to slip out without someone noticing. You hoped Peter was ok. You knew that he'd find a way to escape the group to be the amazing Spider-Man but you weren't expecting the next four years ahead of you. You tried texting, calling, anything to get into contact with Peter. There was no signal. No response back. Dead silence.

Your heart aches as you watch classmates, friends dust away for the second time in your life. You expected to go yourself but when you realized you weren't going anywhere, it ripped you to shreds. You shut your bedroom door in tears when you arrived home. As you sat there crying your bracelet vibrated. You had gotten a voice message from Peter.

"Hey Y/n. By time you get this it may already be too late. I'm not on the field trip anymore. You probably won't believe me but I'm in space... again... haha. I don't know how long I'll be up here. But there's a couple things I'd like to say. First off is Happy 17th Birthday baby. I'm so proud of your accomplishments in the past year. Second happy anniversary. I can't believe it's been a year." Then there was a pause.

"Lastly, I love you. You're my everything. Thank you for making me the happiest man child alive. Check your top drawer. I left something for you. I have to go now. I love you." Tears streamed down your face.

You got up and checked your drawer and there was a box with a note. It read:

"I love you. I wanted to do this around graduation but I wasn't able to. Not sure if I'll be able to. It's a promise ring. Something that has no actual meaning until I'm back, if I do. I love you Y/n. See you soon." You could almost not see the note but you powered through.

You open the box and a whimper immediately comes out. It was so beautiful. You put it on and got into pajamas. For the next few months you were monotoned. No emotions showed and you hadn't even used your powers. You were a zombie and everyone knew why. Slowly, within the next four years you become yourself again. But you retired from your short run as an Avenger. It just wasn't the same without Peter by your side. You wore that ring every day. At important events like prom and graduation, you would sit there, twisting the simple gold ring on your finger.

You thought you could never feel love like that again. You didn't want to feel love like that again. It wouldn't have been fair to Peter. But your grandmother reminded you of what Peter would've wanted you to do. So, in your sophomore year of college, you tried again. You found someone but something deep inside you said that Nelson wasn't the one. You ignored it though. Nelson is sweet and head strong like Peter, but he wasn't Peter. In the middle of your sophomore year, Nelson moved in with you and your grandmother. At the end of your junior year of college, Nelson proposed. You said yes but he could see in your eyes that something was telling you no.

It was the same for your first day of college with the ring twisting. The first one in your family to go, thanks to the new laws. After the second 'blip', crime rates went up. The only people stopping the crimes were mutants. Because of this, congress passed laws that allowed mutants complete freedom and no more tests at the security doors. This meant that they could attend college without trying to mask their identities. And here you were, four years later, looking in the same mirror like you did for every important event. It was your second graduation day.

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