Tom| Soulmates (SMUT)

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I didn't believe in spiritual worlds and realms. Part of me didn't want to because the thought is odd and terrifying. Part of me just didn't believe it. I had to see it. Even my best friend, a psychic like spiritual guide who can see things others can't, told me what my dreams have been telling me for the past 10 years. I thought my mind was just playing tricks on my childish mind. Giving me hope when I needed it most. Life was hell after all and I needed a sliver of happiness.

But then I became friends with her and things changed. She would hint and tease about the things I refused to believe. The things I thought were just fantasies. I never told her about them and the fact that she knew was slightly terrifying. But she meant no harm. As we got older, the dreams became more intense. More... sexual. I chalked it up to raging teen hormones wanting to experience physical pleasures for the first time.

I always thought the handsome guy in my dreams were the guy I had feelings for. I couldn't actually make out his face anyway. But a part of me knew it wasn't the guy I had a crush on. It couldn't, too muscular. Not that there's anything wrong with that. She would continue to hint and tease. I began to ignore her and try to live my life. That in itself was a big mistake. I should have listened. Should have believed sooner. Not think she's some crazy girl who can be awesome at the same time.

One night, my life changed. I was just beginning my adulthood when it happened. She was over for the night. I was going through a rough patch and just wanted my best friend to be physically there for me. We lay on my bed talking, just talking. We had a brief moment of not talking, just soaking in everything said. Me excepting quite possibly defeat and her soaking in everything to figure out a math equation to get me out of the sticky situation. It was our thing. I began feeling weird, like a tingling sensation in my woman hood.

"What the fuck?" I mumbled.

Whatever was happening felt great... but what the hell was it? Next thing I know I'm in a bed, fully naked. The view was filtered by a white vignette like filter. But what I was feeling was incredible. I was a virgin in the real world with only experienced pleasure from myself. It felt great when I did things to myself. The sensations and intensity it brought. The chills, if I did things right with my fingers and objects that were safe to use, I got afterwards. But this, this was an out of body experience that I've craved since.

The way he knew how to please me with just the thrust of his hips. My eyes traveled from his hips to his torso as I blinked and moaned in ecstasy. The toned abs, bulging biceps. His hands gripping my hips like he'll fall off the cliff if he lets go. Oh how I wanted to grab his shoulders and run my hands from there to his hair. The lovely, chocolate auburn-ish hair that fell onto his forehead and bounced a little as he focused on both our pleasure. The glorious sounds he made. No man in a porn video has ever sounded the way he did.

But since I couldn't grab a hold of his hair that probably felt like dream even with a light coat of sweat, I gripped the sheets and let him dominate my body. He was doing it perfectly anyway. Why stop I'm and take charge? If I wasn't squinting my eyes in pleasure, I was looking down at that sumptuous manhood of his. I couldn't believe my eyes. I got someone to put something like that resplendent dick in me? Bonus points for me! Screw everyone else that doubted a hot guy would ever date me let alone have the greatest sex of my entire life with me.

He really knew what he was doing. I was groaning for him to not stop. He listened. Mental note: great listener. I don't know how, but he managed to lift my fat ass off the bed with ease to go deeper in me. This just shot a whole new electric current up my body. His gripped stayed the same. What drove me wild was his nickname for me. It struck a chord in me that had me singing louder with each thrust. I really hoped we were alone that night. I was his Scarlet Lily.

In different terms, I was something beautiful but oh so naughty when the time called for it. It hit me. This wasn't just some hook up or great sex. I felt the loving passion that fueled a glorious fire. How he was more focused on both of us, but mostly me. The love that was already there. I had looked down our sexes that were feeling the upmost pleasure. I felt a third thing. The knot. It was time.

"My beautiful Scarlet Lily." He huffed out. He was close to.

"Please! Oh god! Don't stop!" As the knot grew stronger.

My eyes repeatedly opened and closed tightly. All kinds of noises left my vocal chords. He began grunting like the sexiest beast I had ever heard. Then, BOOM! The greatest climax of all time. We were both hot, sweaty, properly pleased messes. He carefully collapsed on top of me when he finished, not pulling out of me just yet. My woman hood throbbed now and felt like it was 150 degrees. My heart raced and breath shocking as I tried to catch it. He softly moaned as he held his face in the crook of my neck.

I took the opportunity to run my fingers in his hair. Sweaty but still felt like a dream. It was in this moment that I realized how big his manhood really was. How did he manage to get that thing in me? He eventually rolled off and began chuckling.

"What?" What was so funny?

"Nothing. I just... this was the best sex I've ever had." He chuckled again.

"It's the first for me." His smile that looked familiar as it became clearer than it ever has in my dreams, grew bigger.

My mind started running but I couldn't connect the dots. So rather than wasting my time figuring it out, I snuggled up to him. His heart still beat rapidly but on the outside he was calm, content. He rubbed his finger tips down my biceps, sending chills down my body. He was just rough in the best way possible, but now he's gentle. This is what I've been waiting for.

"I can't wait." His voice was my clearer now.

British, beautiful, familiar. Very familiar. I knew that voice. But who is this god of a guy? I also took the pauses to take in my environment. Simple bedroom in the middle of the night. A dim light coming from his closet. Familiar red and black Nike's sat on the floor in said closet. Walls were a light shade of this grayish blue color with the trim that was a dark, ashy gray. The moon shown bright in the window, causing the most breathtaking shadows of his stunning torso. Even just his torso looked so familiar. Bed sheets and comforter were also a grey color. He clearly had a neutral palette for this room.

"Can't wait for what?" I asked softly, leaning up to look at his face.

It began to hit me who he was. Brunette, British, beautiful body. His name didn't come to me at first but I knew who he was. The blurred mask that this illusion cause began to clear up. It was him.

"Can't wait for this to be more than just a dream." That handsome smile spread for me as his eye became clear.

"Tom?" I questioned.

Before I could continue his and I's conversation, my conscience was adverted back to reality. My heart raced and I was completely out of breath. I was clammy with sweat and felt as if I had me suffocated. My friend started giggling.

"Were you trying to kill me and that was all just an illusion I just had?" I felt anger bubbling.

"No dumbass and I told you so. But you didn't believe me... do you believe me now?" Shit, she was right. It's all real.

"Yeah I do." I could and couldn't believe it.

"Go get 'em Tiger!" She flopped back on my bed with a giggle.

Tom fucking Holland is my soulmate. What the fuck?!


Hello my loves! I've been thinking long and hard on this and possibly want to make this a legitimate story. Please let me know if that's what all of you would like as well! Till then, please enjoy the half revamped Avengers Academy (I have about 14 more chapters to alter on it), or The Secrets of Old Salem. It is a near historically accurate fanfic about a beautiful love affair during the Salem Witch Trials. WARNING: It contains more sensitive content than Avengers Academy. Pick and choose, it's up to you! Enjoy!

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