Tom| Chosen for Pleasure, Part 2 (BDSM Smut)

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~September 19th, 2019~ *3 1/2 months after Rose's confession.*

I sat there, sipping my bourbon as she finished dressing for the evening. The beast was hungry. Just the way she fastened her garter with such ease could make any man fall in love with her. My jaw clenched on sight. It ached when I opened my mouth to take my last sip. Rose had made her way to me, sat in my lap and planted a sweet kiss on my lips. She reminded me that she is mine and will be mine forever.

You see, it has taken us months to get where we are. It doesn't have to do with us though. No partner has clicked. We started with men. That was a terrible idea. For one, we should've mixed it up. Kept it spiced up. For another, none of them understood the true meaning of BDSM. The first night with the other man took things too far.

Rose loves a little bit of pain. That's the point of the small amount of pain inflicted. This man took it too far. I have never seen her cry from so much pain. There was no after care either. The rest just wanted to get their dicks wet. It was obvious that they were inexperienced. They didn't know how to do proper bondage or create a safe word. They didn't understand lace cuffs and asked for the stereotypical pink furry ones. Amateurs.

The Dommes (female equivalent to male dominates) were better, but not quite there. They knew how to work all of the toys, but refused to use the pain inflicting ones, like whips and chains. Occasionally making the cuffs too tight. But the way they pleasured was beautiful. With the way Rose moaned, tended and cursed, I was fully convinced that I'm the only man she'll ever love. If we were to ever break up, I swear she'd move on to a woman. No, that's not an issue. Her happiness is everything to me.

The way her hips lifted as the women would swirl their tongues in all kinds of patterns. Her screams filling the room as they would find the spots that I already knew about. When it came down to pleasure, the women were my equal. But they were no match. That's why we've kept trying. But tonight, before what was just experienced, she had her doubts. She was beginning to feel as if this were a terrible idea.

We had headed to the club and I could tell she was nervous. It hurt to see her confidence dwindle. To watch as she had a drop, a feeling of deflation or slight depression after a kinky interaction. If tonight had ended up a failure, then I would've called it quits. That was until we got there. The euphoric, lust filled energy was immediately captivating. The lighting only made it stronger. The red tint set the perfect mood. I could that Rose was getting back into her groove.

The woman we were meeting is a friend of Sam's. Since him and Elysia broke up... again, he was able to attend an orgy party. He wanted to try my field of action. Needless to say it's not his scene but he did meet great friends from it. He said how this woman worked wonders on him. Blew his mind to receive such pleasure. Her name is Ivy. He joked about how her name suits her. Her work is intoxicating, like poison.

From what we experienced with her, he was right. We had a room reserved specifically for privacy. The media shouldn't catch wind of our endeavors. They'd have field day and spread rumors faster than wild fires. Rose and I had been in the room less than ten minutes and this Ivy, this intriguing woman entered and approached us. She asked if we had been the people Sam recommended.

I knew by the look on Rose's face that she was the one. Ivy had walked in the room like she owned the place. I could tell by her aura that this was going to be fun. When she had finally got comfortable at the table, we were able to take in her features. She wasn't much taller than Rose, equally as curvy and wasn't afraid of her body type. It helped Rose's confidence more than a plus size woman like her was interested.

We began the same process as when Rose and I agreed to have this life, except I didn't make her sign a contract. With Ivy we had to. Too much is at stake with reputations and hell fire media posts. Ivy thankfully accepted. She understands. She wouldn't say who, but she's related to someone equally as famous as me. If word got out on her, it would be the same consequences.

That hungry spark was back in Rose and I couldn't wait to see what Ivy had in store. Before I could finish my last bite of steak, Ivy was taking Rose's hand and guiding her to the bed. Ivy began the bondage process. I was immediately expecting to be let down. But she immediately impressed me. The made out like hungry animals, dominating each other for the last bite of meat. It was a struggle to keep myself from joining but I stayed strong.

The way their clothes fell on the floor. Only Rose was fully naked by the end of it. Ivy knew her stuff. It was if I was watching the female version of myself. The way she made Rose listen to her commands. Watching her touch Rose in the way she did was captivating. Ivy was like a long lost equally as dominating twin. She listened. She started with the whispers in her ears of what she was going to do to her.

I began studying her work. The ropes around Rose were snug enough to where no circulation was being cut off. The knots were sturdy but easy to undo when they're done. The cuffs weren't too tight and left enough room for pain free struggle. The tap of the whip brought my attention back to the women. Rose hissed. Another thing Ivy payed attention to. Tap her thighs or her breasts. I saw the goosebumps on Rose's skin. Ivy did it right.

I watched as Ivy teased Rose's flower with the bristles of the whip. She tickled the skin, cause her to buck her hips. Rose couldn't see Ivy's smile for she was blind folded, but I knew she could feel it. The communication between the two was beautiful. It was perfectly balanced. Ivy always making sure to ensure dominance while also making sure she wasn't going to far.

But Ivy did something I hadn't done before. She took an ice cube in between her teeth and began tracing Rose's body. The way Rose gasped when the cube made it to her flower sent shivers down my spine. The ache of needing to be in the action had returned. But I kept myself in check. Ivy kept rubbing until the cube was fully melted. That's when she went to work.

The only time I've ever heard Rose scream like that is with me. The sight was perfect. I knew we had found the right one. I even got a little treat myself for behaving and waiting patiently. I've never had two women suck my dick at once but let me tell you, it's something special.

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