Author's Narative| rAging, BUrning, conSuming lifE

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Roaring, blazing, burning out of control. Consuming, raging, and ready to destroy. An immolating inferno. Crackling and blazing, taking out everything in its path. Raining down hellfire with every letter, syllable and word. Words. The spark. Thoughts. The match hitting the stoke surface on that little box of matches. The truth settles in the ashes that fly up and out of the blaze. When it falls on bare skin it burns but never enough to cause 3rd degree burns. Just enough to leave a mark.

It feels like it burns right thought your skin when it will just be a little red mark for a while. But like all wounds, they heal. The scars vary from skin types. But eventually the skin grows back, scabs over and you continue on with life. But the fire catches up, adding more to it. There goes the tree. There goes the lawn chair. Growing to catch up with your knowledge on how to stay safe. It makes you feel humiliated when they catch up to you with more gathered around. Again you will be burned but a moment of realization will keep you from being completely engulfed but the wave of rage.

It's a lot easier when you know what your future may consist of. It makes things less painful. It gives you hope to move on. So you follow the light rather than stand back and let them seer you like a perfectly cooked steak. Then you finally find buckets water. You take the chance when it presents itself. Eventually the fire is now a soaked smolder and you're drenched with sweat. But you're smiling, chuckling even. Excitement bubbling inside. You walk away with pride.

There will always be pain and drama. It's just how life is. But you can and will pull through. You can have a voice. Things will be better not things will get better. As the great and not evil Harrison Wells said to a brave but conflicted Barry Allen, "Run, Barry. Run." Run to your future happiness. This is for all of you in abusive situations. It is possible to leave. You can do this.

If you ever need help, call this number 1-800-799-7233. I just recently got myself out of an awful, abusive situation. Verbal, physical, mentally, emotionally, it does not matter, if it checks even one box too many of signs, get out. Save yourself. Run. You deserve better.

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