Sam| Code Word

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One text. That's all it takes. Loyalty goes far. Especially for the Holland's. All it took was one text from Y/N and Sam was on his way with her favorite things. Y/N is Tom's girlfriend of three years but with how busy Tom has been lately, it felt as if they were just friends. When he'd come home, he would want to spend more time with his family, which she had no issue with, but where's their time? It was almost nonexistent and whenever she confronted Tom on her loneliness, he'd give an attitude. He'd say things like, "You knew this would happen when we started dating."

Yes, she did. It's what she was more than willing to go through because she loved him. True love defies all odds. But now she wasn't so sure. Especially tonight. On Friday nights, she works the graveyard shift at the local grocery store. Y/N is too stubborn to live off Tom's income. She probably could but she's not that kind of person. Independence is key. Just 15 minutes before her shift started, her boss called and fired her over the phone. Yes, it was awful but she wasn't going to let it ruin her night. So she prepared herself for a self night in with self care.

That was until an hour after the call, she got a call from her sister saying that their older brother has been arrested with no bail. He was the prime suspect in a gang related incident. More details were yet to come. Her first instinct was to call Tom. When he answered, he sounded a bit groggy. Kind of like he had too much to drink at the pub.

"Hello?" He clearly didn't see the I.D.

"Babe, it's me. Can you come over?" Y/N tried to keep it together over the phone but she couldn't.

"The hell is wrong with you?" He slurred.

"What do you mean what is wrong with me?" She sounded a bit snippish but that's just from the crying.

"Why are you crying?" He tried to cover the background. It was obvious he was out and trying to hide the fact that Tom ditched her.

"Something bad happened. Can you get someone to drive you here? I need you. I'll tell you when you get here." Y/N cried harder.

"No." Tom scoffed. "I'm sure you can figure it out on your own since you're so perfect."

"Fucking... really Tom? What the fuck? I'm going through one of the worst things ever and you won't leave to come to me? What happened to the Tom I fell in love with?" Her pain was now replaced with rage.

"What the fuck Y/N? You know I never get to spend time with my friends. Why are you acting like this?" This wasn't like him.

Y/N couldn't believe what she was hearing. She understood that fame was hell for Tom but this was outlandish. She knows that he's not an asshole. At least not to everyone else. To her it was a completely different story. He was amazing to her up until he started working way too much. Without giving him an explanation, she hung up. She was too old for such childish games. And that's how Sam ended up coming over. She shot him their code word for comfort. They came up with it as a joke when her and Tom started dating.

They were based on things they found absolutely adorable. Not shocking when Tom chose Tessa. Harry chose teddy for teddy bear. Paddy chose chocolate. He thought the adorable thing was nonsense so he chose comfort food instead. Sam was a kitten. Y/N's was Bonnie. She named it after a childhood stuffed dog that still brings a smile to her face when thinking of the joy the fabric and fluff plush. Those things were just a joke until Sam texted Tom and Y/N one night. They rushed to him and it turns out his now ex Elysia had dumped him for some university frat shithead. After that, the words had full effect.

Sam stood there in the doorway holding her until she fully calmed down. He followed her to the couch so they could be sitting for the news she was about to unload onto him. When she did, Sam's heart shattered. This poor girl was handed the worst nights in history. No job, incarcerated brother and dick boyfriend who may not even be her boyfriend anymore. He also felt angry. He had no idea what had come over his brother. He's losing the best girlfriend he's ever had, and for what? A paycheck and some guy time?

"I don't know what to do Sam. I can't do this anymore with Tom. i know he's not a horrible person but this isn't the Tom I fell for." Sam kissed the top of her head.

"I'll make us a couple drinks, ok?" Y/N just nodded.

He made her favorite cocktail, grabbed her snacks and headed back to her. It wasn't long before the rest of that night became a part of the wild history. One, two, three... five cocktails later. Somewhere between one and three, Y/N broke up with Tom through text. He wasn't willing to come and support her then he wasn't going to be dumped decently either. But he was too busy to care. Slowly after five was a few laughs and a pause. Then a surprise kiss from Sam. He apologized but before he could finish, Y/N was devouring him with her lips. That kind of passion that they had been lacking for so long.

Y/N couldn't remember, and not even from intoxication, when the last time Tom and her had sex. Just sex. Not even love making. What was going on right now made her feel confident, free and powerful. Beautiful. Sam went with it. He had felt something for her for a while but buried it so low that even he thought it was gone. In this moment he knew for damn sure that it was still there. He attacked her neck as he pushed her against the hall wall.

"Does Tom live here anymore?" He asked.

"No. Moved out before Cherry." Y/N was breathless by his skills.


Within a couple more minutes, her bedroom door was being slammed shut and locked. She hoped that none of her family would show up tonight. She didn't want any interruptions. They both knew what they were doing. They knew that if anyone found out, it would be a storm that would never end. But at that moment, they didn't want to think about what could happen. They had quickly sobered up before they ended. Sam loved the way she called his name and Y/N loved how it had such a powerful effect on him. It had been so long since they both had a moment like this.

By morning, both their headaches were strong. Anything would make them groan in pain. They knew this could never happen again. If they didn't have the issue of Sam just slept with his brother's ex-girlfriend, then they might consider doing it again... and again... and again. But they were both satisfied and Sam was gentleman enough to end things right where they started. After that night, they stayed nothing more than friends. Friends who may or may not have hooked up one other time six months after the break up. 

I'm so sorry that it took so long for me to post. I've been going through a lot lately. It's unbelievable how fast life can just through itself at you. I have a couple more short stories coming your way. Hold tight loves!

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