Sam| Wanted Dead or Alive, Pt 2 TLOTRO

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It's all the same, only the names will change. Everyday, it seems we're wasting away. Another place where the faces are so cold. You and Sam were able to get together a group to create a rebellion. Once you had enough people they scattered across the country and then across the globe. Every government hated you and had a bounty on your heads. They didn't want to bring back the freedom. They wanted the world to be shit. It only meant more money in their pockets and more control over what you do. You had brought Sam home with you that night. He didn't know where his family had went off to so he's been sleeping on a bench in the train station. At least you had a bed. It was small but you could make it work.

It was that same night that you heard on the radio that women were no longer allowed to have the same position or power as men. You got so mad that you locked yourself in your room leaving Sam with your family. Your mother told him to just let you cool off but he was persistent about talking to you and helping you through your emotions. He even sat outside your door for two hours until you opened up.

"I want to do it." You said as he stood.

He knew what you were talking about because of what was talked about on the way home. He nodded his head and said that the two of you will figure out how it will happen tomorrow. The whole night you couldn't stop thinking about your rebellion. The next day was spent on figuring out how to do this rebellion. You needed flyers for speakeasies, signals for when law enforcement was nearby, everything you would need for a rebellion. The people were the top priority. Now, you've made it this far.

Your family is proud of you but also terrified. They hear about the things you and Sam have done on the radio. Your mother cries every night, terrified of possibly hearing your name on the radio the next day saying that they had got you. Worst of all she's terrified to hear if your dead. The governments don't care anymore. If you do anything to rebel, they don't negotiate. They take heads. No more people incarcerated. Too many people are in prison anyway so now they're just executing those who "deserve" it.

Everywhere you go you see flyers with yours and Sam's faces on them with the title "Wanted dead or alive" with an amount of money. You scoff at the thought. Like they're going to give up their precious dollars for your dead body. It makes you laugh. No matter how dangerous it is you still do it. Even if you drive all night just to get back home. It's all worth it if one day it'll change the world. Sometimes you sleep, sometimes it's not for days. It's just how things have to be if you two want this to work. What breaks your heart during this though is your dad. He's gone back to his old ways and says your to blame. Sometimes you tell the day by the bottle that he drinks. Sam hates it. He's already gotten into a few fights with your dad because he had gotten violent and also threatened to tell authorities where you were.

He knows how much this means to you. Why he would betray you like that you have no clue. Your younger sister has nightmares now but not of you getting killed or going to jail. The world has gotten so messed up that she fears for her own life. It breaks your heart but also motivates you to keep moving forward with the rebellion. You were doing this for others and her.

She's still so innocent but soon that will be robbed from her. You and Sam aren't going to let that happen. Your sister had actually grown to love Sam. Her favorite thing about him is when he comes home with candy that he smuggled. But she doesn't need to know he stole it. Over the course of this they had grown close and sometimes you watch them as they play.

He played with dolls and did tea parties with her. She even raided your makeup one time and put it on him. She actually didn't do that bad of a job for a 7 year old. When you came in she was smiling from ear to ear.

"Sissy! Look! I made Sam look like a pretty girl!" She got up and took your hand, dragging you to him.

"So, how do I look?" He said in a sassy voice. You laughed at his theatrics.

"You look so pretty!" You said with the same voice as him.

"Give him a kiss sissy!" Hearing those words made the color in your face change slightly.

You were trying to protest but no words would come out. You basically looked like a fish. Sam started getting a mischievous smile on his face.

"Yeah Y/n, give me a kiss." He teased.

You gulped and took another second to think. He is attractive and you two were obviously close because of the rebellion. Oh Y/n, just say fuck it! Which you did. You didn't waste another second and pulled him in for a kiss. You felt butterflies in your stomach as your lips touched and his hands found a place on your hips. You two were lost in the moment. You had completely forgotten that your sister was right there until she started squealing and then hugged the two of you.

"Does that mean your boyfriend and girlfriend now?" she asked with an adorable smile.

Instead of answering you two looked each other in the eye. You both smiled. The answer was in your looks. You both leaned back in and kissed. That night your sister was over the moon and by midnight you were too. Luckily you two knew how to stay quiet. Your sister continues to see you and Sam as a superhero couple. She sees you as cowboy, on a steel horse you ride. The old beat up Harley that your father inherited but never did anything about.

Once you got your license you learned how to fix it up to where it can be used. Now it's yours. When you have to leave she stands by the window waving until she can't see you two anymore. It's adorable yet frightening because you never know if that'll be the last time she ever does that. She doesn't know you two are wanted dead or alive. It's best that she doesn't know. You play for keeps because you might not make it back. You family always on your mind.

Tonight is another meeting. It's a dangerous night to be out but you don't know when to have it again. It's St. Patrick's day so you know feds will be out at any corner. Who knows how the night will end. It'll either be home making love to Sam or your blood trickling into the drain in the road nearby. You never know but what you do is that this was all worth it. You two have got the night on your side and that's all you need. One wrong move and everything will turn to shit.

Inspired by Bon Jovi's Wanted, Dead or Alive.

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