Tom| Peter Pan Part 1

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There once was a boy who parents told as a bedtime story to children. He never grew old and loved to play. He had his own crew of boys from young children to nearly teenagers. Some were teenagers but have not grown older since moving to the magical land that kept them young forever. There was magic everywhere and pirates who loved to mess with the boys. Mermaids who have been rumored to have been there for nearly a thousand years. A massive crocodile that was always after the captain and his crew. A world where Wendy Darling and her brothers visited nearly 40 years ago. Both she and her brothers tell their children of the stories of the land of never growing up, but never the bad parts.

Wendy even had her then very young daughter Jane, visit the boys of the land of never growing up until she turned 12 years old. To this day, Jane looks out her window to see if the boy would return. He stopped returning after she stopped going. She was now a beautiful young adult, 17 years of age. Jane wondered what the boy looked like. Last she saw him, he looked around 13 years old. No older, no younger. She wondered if he had left the island and grew up some. If he did, she had no doubts that he looked different. A little more masucline. Deeper voice. More chiselled features. All she wanted to do was walk away from her tough reality of being a young woman and fly back to the island where she never has to continue to grow up.

On her 18th birthday, she looked out her window for the last time. Jane knew he was not coming. But it felt good to just gaze at the stars. The millisecond her eyes caught a star moving across the sky at the speed of light, she closed them and made a wish. She knew it was childish thinking but it does not hurt to try, especially on the day she was brought into this world. When her wish was done, she sighed and opened her eyes. Jane walked away from the window and tucked herself into bed. She slowly fell asleep with the thoughts of the good times in the land of never growing up. She never knew any bad moments.

Just as sleep consumed her mind, a light gust of wind blew through the window. She was too asleep to realize that was one. In her dream state, she was fighting the captain with an overweening smile. Jane could hear the boys in the back cheering for her as she was winning the fight and waiting for the captain to fall into the crocodile's mouth. She could feel the boy smiling with an equally as smug smile. She was impressing him. In her dreams, they were an unstoppable pair. The captain never won and the boys partied for hours after the victory. The boy would later take her to his hut and... why was the fairy interrupting this one?

She began to yell at the fairy for disturbing the usual victory ritual. But her jingling would not stop. Jane sat up and pushed the boy off her. The boy wasn't pleased but knew the fairy would not stop bothering them until they gave her attention. Jane covered her bare chest and told the fairy to get lost. It wasn't until she actually understood what the fairy was trying to say that things began to click. In fairy jingle, she was telling Jane to wake up, that it is time to go. Suddenly everything began all too real. Her eyes shot open and none other than the fairy was there, tapping Jane's nose with her tiny hand.

"Tinkerbell?" Jane sat up and suddenly felt the need to cover her chest, though she was not naked. The fairy smiled and waved.

"How? What? Why did it take so long?" Tinkerbell"s jingles let Jane know that she needed to reunite with the land for something odd has happened.

"Give me a moment. I need to..." Jane stopped mid sentence for she was stood up and changed into clothes of the land all by Tinkerbell's magic.

"Alright then, off to Neverland, shall we?" With that, Tinkerbell used her magic to make Jane fly.

She hadn't felt this free in such a long time. Feeling giddy, Jane spun and did flips through the air. She spun around Big Ben and flew so high that she could see all of London. Maybe a little bit of Kingston upon Thames as well. She flew higher, feeling her body break the clouds. Jane took a deep breath and closed her eyes, letting her body drop back through the clouds at a hasty speed. Tinkerbell fluttered there with a silent laugh as she watched the girl did the tricks. Jane fell from the sky with a smile on her face and eyes still closed. Her legs tight together and arms straight out. She used her intuition and stopped herself from dropping too low.

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