Tom| Easier Part 2

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They giggled like children as they stumbled through his door. Tom was mentally thanking the fact that his mates and brothers stayed behind while he came home with the most beautiful girl. He grabbed her hips and pushed her against the wall with a hungry kiss. She sighed, reliving the vibrant feeling of his lips. Oh, how much she missed the fire every kiss brought. The goosebumps that his rough hands caused. The scent of his cologne causing butterflies to erupt in the pit of her stomach. She took off his jacket with such speed the Quicksilver would be put to shame. The softness of his t-shirt brought back memories of the long nights she spent holding him while having emotional breakdowns. How he was always there.

His lips traveled to her neck while his hands gentle took her jacket off and lifted her shirt off her body. She didn't fight him. She went with him because she wanted this just as much as he did. Y/N inhaled sharply when he reconnected with her neck, this time scraping his teeth against her skin gently enough to not hurt her, but hard enough to leave a mark. Tom's hands traveled to her bum and squeezed. She knew exactly what that meant. Y/N jumped on him, causing him to stumble back a little bit. He looked over her shoulder and made his way to his room. When he was there, he set her down on the bed and closed the door. He pulled his shirt off in the process. Her heart fluttered.

His toned body. The many nights she can recall watching them ripple and tense as they made love or just fucked because they needed to get off. She can remember taking in every detail of him. Now she can do that again. He kissed her again and she could hear the slight clinking of his belt coming undone. Y/N unhooked her bra and threw it to the furthest part of the room. That bra made her boobs look amazing, but it was fucking uncomfortable. She more than glad to take it off. He lifted her by her hips and sat Y/N in his lap. She scooted closer to him so she could cover the growing tent in his pants. Y/N slowly rolled her hips, causing slight friction for both. Tom grunted with probably the hottest smile he cold ever give.

His hands went from her hips to her breast, causing goosebumps once again. This feeling they had was electric. The same spark they've always had. He squeezed her flesh lightly as she continued to move her hips. Tom left a sporadic pattern of kissed long her chest, ending at a nipple. He took the sensitive flesh in his mouth. The sensation sent her hand flying to his luscious locks. His tongue licked while he sucked and switched it up with his teeth touched the skin tenderly. She needed this sensation elsewhere on her body. She pushed him back and got off, stripping down to night. Y/N could almost hear him gulp at the sight but his posture made her weak kneed.

Tom was leaning back on his elbows, watching her with hungry eyes. His biceps bulged from lifting his body off the bed while his chest and abs were more defined by his skin being pulled down by gravity. Y/N got back on the bed and laid there, waiting for him to take control again. Thankfully he got the hint and climbed on. She knew what was next. Rather than a trail of tears, it was a trail of kisses. This time her stopped at the opposite nipple and worked his way down. His bruning hot lips could seer holes into her cold flesh. Her heart pumped at the speed of light. But her body jolted when her found the one spot she had been aching the actions that just happened on her boob. Her aching core.

Y/N bit her lip with a smile as he worked his glorious magic. It was as if someone slipped ecstasy in her drink earlier. Her moans reached a few octaves she had no idea that she could reach. It only made him do more. Another thing she missed. After stressful days at work, if she really needed a release, she'd get one. She would look forward to his tongue work after work. All she had to do his text him two words, bad day. He knew immediately what she needed. Boy, oh boy, did she have a bad day at work today. He was releasing her. But before she could actually, he stopped.

Tom got off the bed and matched the state Y/N was in. His actions mimicked hers. With a devious smile, she made her way on top of him. She repeated his actions with the trail of kissed down his body. His muscles twitched with every kiss. When Y/N finally made it to where he needed her, she slowly took him in her mouth. Tom's jaw clenched and hand balled the sheets in his fist. The other reached to the Back of Y/N's head, helping her go faster. She remembered to patterns his tongue made and tried his best to recreate them on him. Clearly what she was doing was working. He was a grunting mess at her touch. But just like with her, she stopped before he could release.

Y/N went into his night stand where she remembered his condom stash. She only remembered because of the few times her birth control ran out and she was too busy to renew them. This is one of those times. Then again, she is technically single and not worrying about getting laid. He knew that and didn't fight it. Tom grabbed the package from her and motioned for her to lie down. She obeyed and he slipped the condom on, making sure it was properly on. Definitely not the time for mishaps. Their heart thudded in sync as he lowered himself. Tom made sure she was ready, and when she was, he had no issues sliding in. They both gasped at the feeling.

This is when he muttered the three words he had been dying to say all night, I love you. Y/N didn't say it back, but she sealed her love for him with a kiss. Tom began thrusting slowly, knowing it had been sometime since she, in general, has had sex. It was the same for him but it wouldn't irritate him as much as her. She gave him permission to go faster and he gladly did. Her nails softly trailed his back while his hands stayed positioned at her hips. Gasps and groans filled the room as they made love. This wasn't just some "I'm hooking up with my ex" situation. This was them still loving each other to no end. Never wanting to let go of this moment.

She knew she didn't want it any other way. But, she loves him so much that she hates him. Every beautiful thrust brought back a memory, sexual and not. All the fights, all of the happy moments. All of the times they nearly broke the bed and his brothers and mates had to suck it up with hearing them get it on. Not like they weren't doing the same every other week and they had to listen to them. All of the passionate kisses and all of the tight hugs when they were sobbing. For Tom right now, it's so hard to blame her. She's so damn beautiful. Every rough or gentle touch in this moment would bring back a split second thought of the little velvet box in his top drawer. How he's held on to it in hopes she'd come back.

But the pleasure would draw his attention away. The sound of her sweet voice as her body trembled from pleasure. Is it easier to stay? Is it easier to go? Tom didn't want to know. Sweat began to build on their skin as they knew they were close. Moans went from sweet sounds to almost animal like. Their hearts are now beating out of sync. Her nails dug deeper into his skin which only turned him on more. Occasionally her fingers wrapped his strands in them and pulled. His grip was tighter on her hips and his thrusts were sloppier. The sound of skin slapping filled the room. She knew how her body worked. She was close but not close enough.

His this thumb connected with her clit. The sudden sensation made her back arch and eyes widen. Her body shook as the feeling of release was close. His grunts got louder as he reached his release. His body coming to almost a full stop as he filled the condom. But he kept going a few more thrusts. Just the sound Tom made Y/N release a few moments later. But she was silent. He smiled to himself knowing her silence meant that the orgasm was out of this world. Y/N always did that when the sex was that good. Tom rolled off her with a huff and a light chuckle. That was a success. But the elephant was still in the room as to where they stood now. Was this just hooking up with my ex situation, or was it so much more?

They didn't want to know. They just needed each other tonight. The hardest part of all is that they were only built to fall. A celebrity hottie dating an underpaid waitress is not how the world is supposed to work... right? He's supposed to be with someone like Zendaya or another 'model like' female who he's known since his childhood. Just so those little twits can have a great fanfiction story to write where he gets married and has babies with her. So they can have a 'ship' to vote for at the Kids and Teens Choice Awards. Not her. But he saw through the publicity stunt bullshit. He wants her and only her. That's why he bought and engagement ring in the first place. No one understood him like she did. Except his family members. Fans never and will never understand true love.

But that conversation will have to wait till morning. Y/N wrapped her arm around him as he lifted a blanket onto them. She slowly drifted to sleep at the beat of his heart. Something she had done multiple times before. Something she missed the most. The thought of "Was it easier to stay? Was it easier to go?" popped in her head but sleep took over at the last second. She didn't want to know. She just doesn't want things to change again.

Sorry for the delay! I finally finished my story on @pipers_kingdom ! Go check it out if you like dark true stories with a twist! WARNING: There is some triggering and tough content to go through. I will have more up soon! Hopefully starting tomorrow and going on until the end of summer (in my book, that's September 1st).  The best is yet to come. Love you all! 

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