Tom| Beautiful Crazy

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Inspired by Luke Comb's Beautiful Crazy. I'm sure we can all see this for Tom.

Her day starts with a coffee and ends with a wine. Takes forever to get ready so she's never on time for anything. When she gets that come get me look in her eyes. Well, it kind of scares Tom the way that she drives him wild. But he knew he was in love. Anything she did drove him to above an beyond. Her laugh, her smile. Y/N had his heart by lock and key. She didn't even have to try. She was imperfectly perfect to him.

Beautiful, crazy, she can't help but amaze him. The way that she dances, with just a t-shirt and panties. Carefree and not afraid to take chances. He watches from their bed with a smile, laughing along with her. Making weekend mornings the best thing to exist. Work can be stressful, but when Y/N is with him, all of his worries melt away. Days like that make him recap the reasons why he's so in love with her. On being she wears her heart on her sleeve.

She's crazy but her crazy's beautiful to him. She makes plans for the weekend, can't wait to go out. Until she changes her mind, says, "let's stay on the couch and watch TV." The way she rubs her thumb on the side of his torso as they cuddled. Her head on his chest, listening to his heart. Y/N said that his heart beat was her favorite song and she felt safe in his arms. The way he had goosebumps whenever she traced his abs with her fingers. Her delicate touch made him feel some type of way.

At some point in the night she falls asleep to the rhythm that makes her feel comfortable. Beautiful and crazy, she can't help but amaze Tom. The way that she dances at parties or clubs. So carefree like no one is watching. Making his heart explode with joy. All of the other girls at the club don't even try to get with him anymore. His focus is all on Y/N and they know they can't change that. She's ain't afraid to take chances.

She's unpredictable, unforgettable. Heart of gold but ambition like wildfire. Skinny dipping in Hawaii and and making love in a beautiful G.T. 500CR Classic Shelby Mustang that Robert Downey Jr. let them borrow for a night out. Dancing in the rain in Richmond Park, London. It's unusual, unbelievable. He can't help but fall deeper in love. It's the healthiest kind of love. He'd be such a fool to let a woman like her go. He's a sucker for her beautiful crazy. Her crazy is beautiful to him.

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