Peter Parker| Memorial

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On a day like today, you'd expect there to be rain.  Not birds chirping and cars honking at the idiot who cut them off. You'd expect people wearing black and laying roses down. Well that did happen at the memorial ceremony they had this morning. But MJ Watson chose not to go. Her dad was a bit pissed off at her but she didn't care. He had no choice but to go given he's a chief for the NYPD after having a failed career as a college professor. She did and her choice was not to go. It was later that day that she went to the sight.

MJ looked down at the water display from behind a name on the barrier. Her finger slid across the engraved name that read, "Gayle Watson-Byrnes." She just stared down at the polished granite. Had it already been 19 years? Gayle was much older than MJ. She was still just a kid when Gayle was a fully grown, beautiful woman who was just starting her life with her husband and daughter. A daughter that MJ has not seen in 19 years.

She was never allowed to visit her niece because of her father's wrongdoings. Makes her wonder what would life be like now if her father hadn't been such a prick. She was 7 when it happened and her sister had just turned 21. Gayle married young, 19 years old. Had her daughter at 20 and started her intern job at the World Trade Center at 21. She was going places and fast. She was successful and amazing. MJ used to imagine herself growing up to be like her older sister.

MJ is now 25, mid relationship with the most incredible man for two years now and holding a steady job at the Daily Bugle. Yeah, you can say she's grown up to be nearly as successful as her older sister. Just thinking about that puts a smile on MJ's face. She did it. Thank you Empire State University! She wouldn't be where she is without them. But the thoughts of her father boils the anger back up again.

He was a terrible, abusive father. He's most likely a decorated cop in all of the worst ways. At least her mother understood why she didn't want to go. It was a memorial full of politics and egotistical cops who didn't actually care enough to be there. Then there's her father. He did not deserve to be there. He used to beat Gayle. It's why their mother divorced him, left him in the cold with his rotten heart.

He absolutely hates her boyfriend thanks to J. Jonah Jameson and Quentin Beck. She held a massive grudge against Quentin. If it wasn't for him giving that footage to J. Jonah Jameson then her father wouldn't want Peter's head on a spike in Times Square. Peter has never done anything wrong. But people believe the internet, you know? It must be true if it's there. She continued to run her finger over Gayle's name.

"How are you?" The voice she wants to hear asked.

"I could be better." She didn't dare look up though. It was silent for a few moments.

"You've never told me much about her. Do you want to talk?" Peter offered.

"We've been in each other's lives long enough. You deserve to read that chapter." MJ sighed, not really wanting to talk but she knows she has to tell him at some point.

Peter just stood there, ready to listen to the woman he loves when she's ready. It took a few minutes. She was fighting back tears and horrible images. Peter noticed her body beginning to shake as she fought her inner demons. He wrapped her in a hug and for a moment, just one moment, MJ let go. Her body continued to tremble as she soaked his once freshly ironed shirt.

"I was seven," she began. "I had been in class for maybe five minutes. Suddenly our principal came over the speakers to tell us we're on lockdown." Peter rubbed her back and kissed her head.

"Yeah I remember. My school did the same." He remembers the same sudden fear in the principal's voice.

"Everyone could sense a suddenly fear in her voice. Like something bad is happening. We did what we were taught to do. We all huddled in the corner for about 16-17 minutes. I can't remember exactly how long. In that time, sirens were going off from every direction you could think of. Only being seven, I was horrified as to what could be happening. That's when we heard this loud sound of an airplane flying low, followed by a loud bang." She squeezed Peter tighter.

He remembers everything the exact way that she does. The panic and fear. Sirens everywhere. But unfortunately for him, his class room had a full view. He'll never forget watching Flight 175 hitting the South Tower. All he could hear were kids in his class screaming for their parents that had been in those towers. He, to this day, does not know if those kids were ever reunited with their parents.

"I was terrified. I knew my sister worked there. I had no idea if I was going to see her ever again. Then at 10:03 a.m. the windows were covered by a massive cloud of dust. No way to see in or out for what felt like hours. We weren't released until 7 p.m. that night. My mom was the only one able to get me because she worked further onto Long Island. We got home that night and she hugged me tight. I felt her tears on my shirt. I asked if she was ok. She told me that she didn't know where Gayle and daddy were but prayed they were safe." MJ cried even harder. Peter stayed silent. He just wanted to listen.

"A day later my dad came home. For once he didn't seem like he was about to beat the shit out of our mom. A week later... a week later we got word on me sister." Peter began to cry himself. He too was terrified that day, but he was able to go home to a family who had not lost a single soul.

"I wish it had been my dad. Not Gayle. He deserves to die for being who he is. Now because of him, I can't even see my niece. The last piece of my sister that I could hold onto. I have nothing left. Just her name engraved on here. That's it. She had been in one of the floors just under the South Tower. She was a goner before she even had a chance to escape." She now looks at her sister's name with such anger.

They continue to stand there and listen to the water rushing through the monument. Birds chirped, cars honked, people laughed like they don't remember that this day existed. A day that should be remembered forever but is unfortunately becoming a dead memory to those who were born years after. She wished that she could teach everyone about her sister. How gracious and kind she was even with her horrible past. She just wished that everyone would remember. Remember, remember. Never forget. Never forgotten.

For those who had lost someone during this tragedy, I deeply apologize for triggering you. I just felt this one needed to be done. It was hard to write. I just want to let you know that you're not alone. Continue to hold your loved ones and tell them that you love them. Life can change in a blink of an eye. If ever need anyone, I am here for you. Love you all!

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