Harry| Cliché

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You watch the taxi driver as he pulls away. A sense of freedom washes over you as you look around. Finally you made it to London. It felt like it took a year to get here even though it was a 15 hour flight and a 30 minute taxi ride to a local park. But you made it and that's all you gave a shit about. Your parents didn't like the idea of you traveling by yourself but you somehow managed to convince them that you'll be ok. Truth was you had no idea how safe you'll be. But you weren't going to tell them that. If you did you wouldn't be standing in the middle of... you checked the location on your phone. Ah, Richmond Park. definitely thankful for not telling your parents that you had no idea what you were doing.  

The place was beautiful though. Very peaceful. You also admired the fact that you saw families having a day out. Not something you're used to but it warms your heart. As cliché as it was, you take a long, deep breath in to take in the fresh air. You were always one for cliché things. You grab your head phone and pop them in your ears. Your mind drifts as you walk along a path. You think of a few moments that would be copy and pasted straight from Tumblr. There was where you listen to music and pretend that you're in a sad music video. Then there's the finding the love of your life in the middle of a public, romantic place. Lastly those aesthetically pleasing short films you see on YouTube of people reminiscing in a park about the past or the future.

You laugh to yourself as you think about all these moments. You spend way too much time online. Eventually you stop by a pond and take a seat near the edge. You watch as coy fish swim around. The many shapes and colors that they have had you mesmerized. So much so that you didn't even realize that there was a group on the other side of the pond. "Aaaaand Action." you hear. Your head shoots up and your cheeks start to feel hot. You didn't know if you should get up or stay in your spot. It was confusing you till eventually you decide to stay until told to move. They didn't seem to notice you were there anyway. You smile. Another aesthetically pleasing video you'll have to find.

There was a young "couple" and they seemed to be having a picnic. It was all going well until the girl got up and started yelling. "Who's this girl calling you baby?" the guy got up and tried to protest but she walked away. She started walking in your direction. "Shit." you muttered to yourself. You knew being in the background that you'll be seen but now they're walking towards you. You froze. Shit, shit, shit. "And cut!" the director yelled. You gulped. He totally is going to say something to you. Sure enough he headed towards you. You panicked and the only thing you could think of is pretending like you weren't paying attention. Keep calm Y/n, keep calm.

"Ello!" you had no choice but to turn your attention to him. You look and nearly gave away your shocked state. He's actually really cute. "I hope you don't mind us. We're just going to be filming here." he smiled. Wow. "Uh yeah no go ahead. Do you, uh need me to leave?" you stuttered. What happened to keeping your cool Y/n. "No you're good love. Helps with the scene." he winks at you. The blush comes back and you nod with a smile. He smiles and goes back to filming. So you kind of just chill until they start to walk away. A part of you feels a bit upset because your shyness didn't get up at the end and ask him out. Hell you didn't even catch his name. Just your fate right?

After 15 minutes of sulking you decide to get up and start walking again. No point in just sitting around. As you walk again you text your parents which you haven't done yet. They're probably pissing themselves worried. You make up some lame excuse as to why you didn't text right away. Somehow they believed you. It made you wonder if your parents were that gullible or they know you're lying but won't say anything about it. Either way it's time to enjoy your time here. You pop your earbuds back in and just stroll to other parts of the park. That is until someone started waving for your attention. You realized it was the guy from like an hour ago. You walk over to him. "Hey uh, what's up?" you ask. He smiles and hands you a piece of paper. "I'm Harry." he says with another wink. You nod and walk away as does he. You open the paper and it has a number. Now that was cliché.

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