Tom| Hungover In A Hotel Room

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"Hey, when you gonna come pick me up? You always say we're gonna burn it down." you say over the phone to Tom.

"Don't worry love, I'll be there in 15." His sexy accent said cheerfully.

"See you then Tiger." You hung up with a sultry smile.

Tom wasn't your boyfriend but you two had something "special". When the need to be touched is strong you call each other in hopes that your free for one another. You live far away from him but being that you're the daughter of someone rich and powerful, traveling expenses weren't an issue. Tonight was the Annabel's Mayfair Charity poker night. Although Tom was going to be showing up with his mate Harrison, he wanted you as his plus one. You gladly said yes in hopes the night will end with a bit of fun whether he wins or loses anything. It is for charity after all.

You arrive and are asked a million questions by paparazzi on whether or not you two are in a relationship but you ignore then. They don't need to know the truth. It's none of their business. The night was a success as always with AM's charity parties. It's a dream and it's a bit of a dance. A bit of a posture, it's a bit of a stance. Many rounds of poker and cocktails later you two head to your hotel room. But not before starting to feel each other up. You get to your room and slam the door.

As you make out you two head to the bed. Tom falls back onto the bed as the back of his knees hit it. His eyes were dark and glossy. The top of his shirt was unbuttoned and his once nicely groomed hair was now a curly mess. His pants had a tent. You were thankful that you had worn your best panties under your outfit. Slowly and teasingly you dropped you dress. You made sure to keep some class into your outfit without looking like you were going to the club. But you also made sure the sex appeal was still there so you could make it to this point. You had no bra on thanks to the low cut neckline.

Tom bit his lip as the dress fell to the ground. Your heart was beating abnormally and you were too drunk to figure out why. At this point you just needed Tom in your aching core. Tom started to undo himself as you walked over. He struggles to get his pants off as you climbed on top. You stopped him and did it yourself, making sure to give a lustful smile. He relaxed his body as you undressed him. His skin formed goosebumps at your touch. Every dip and curve of his body made you shiver. People make fun of him for not being as tall or as big as the rest of the Marvel men but to you he was a god with his body and most definitely a god in bed.

You give him the utmost pleasure with foreplay but he one upped you with his lethal thrusts. The rest of the night was filled with curses and praises of pleasure. You had your hands tangled in his soft locks or scratching down his back leaving red makes that will take a minute to go away. In return he left multiple spots on your body covered in hickeys. You realized what you had been feeling before. It was love. You loved Tom but you didn't know if the feelings would be returned. So you pushed it to the back of your mind. You two know each other well and were friends before the benefits came into the picture. But once the benefits were there, you two couldn't keep out each other's pants every time you saw each other.

The next morning Tom woke up hungover in this hotel room. Cell phone's dead and you're stretched out next to him. Lost somewhere in a dark whiskey dream.

"It's room 704. Thank you." He called the concierge for two bloody Mary's and some cigarettes so you can wake up to breakfast in bed.

His mind replayed what he could of last night. Other than poker, you two had been dancing in the dark half the night. Your body killing him, throwing off sparks. Gucci falling on the floor with the lights down low once you were in the room. Spent the whole night last night all messed up, making love. He swears he's never felt this good waking up hungover in a hotel room. Then it popped up in his head. He said to himself with a smile, "making love."

He decided to slide the curtains back to light up the room a bit. He took a look at you as you started stirring in the shadows and sheets. Last night on repeat as you woke up. There's that smile driving him wild as he made his way back over to you.

"Good morning beautiful." He flashed his gorgeous smile at you.

"Morning Mr. Holland." You bit your lip. "Breakfast is on it's way up love." He brushed a piece of hair out of your face.

The gentle touch sent chills down your spine. Then it hit you again like it did before you met your high last night. Love. his touch indicated it but he didn't say anything.

"Do we have to part ways later? Wasn't it late check out time?" You asked.

You didn't want to leave him. You needed him now for more than just sex. He had his thinking face on. You knew that look all too well.

"You know, better yet, let's book it for another night." He said with a smile. You giggled at his optimistic attitude and at certain times envied it. He slowly leaned over.

"Y/n..." He said softly.

"Yeah?" You said back in the same tone.

"I think I love you." He said, nearly touching you lips.

"I think I love you too." You giggled and grabbed his face, pulling him in for a kiss. Things started getting heated when there was a knock and call for room service at the door. Both of you laughed and got decent before letting the man in. The rest of the day was filled with loving words and eventually ending with praises again.

Inspired by Luke Bryan's song Hungover In A Hotel Room and Harrison's post of him and Tom at Annabel's Mayfair.

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