Tom| Crazy and Perfect (SMUT)

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Life is a crazy thing. It starts out pure and beautiful. Make it to your teen years and it's an insane roller coaster. Then the adult years roll around and you're wondering where time went. That is until you stare at the pregnancy stick that says positive and you swore that you had used protection or you're waiting there for the kid you just adopted. That's where the ultimate new life begins. A now 30 year old Tom Holland wouldn't have guessed his life would turn out like this. Now married for four years with a six year old and a one year old.

After his first child was born, he took a few years off from acting. He didn't want to subject a toddler to fame. He didn't want to subject a child to fame either but it came with the former role he had as Spider-Man. His time as the webslinging hero ended right after his 29th birthday. He was glad to have had ten years as the character. He felt as if he took over the mantle as godfather after Robert officially retired as Iron Man. That was only a year after Tony Stark died and they used the character as an artificial intelligence character.

Since then, it's been him, Paul Rudd, Chadwick Boseman, Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, and Brie Larson that are now seen as the new OG 6 Avengers. His time as Spider-Man ended just like his new life started. Peter married his one and only true love and by the end of the last Avengers movie where Peter retires the hero, he and his wife are expecting their first child. Tom Married Y/N two years after they got together and a year after their son, Elliot was born. He couldn't be happier.

Y/N has stuck by his side through rumor after rumor. From people practically forcing Tom and Zendaya to date, to his scandalous hand holding with Olivia while drunk. Didn't help that after he told her not to stick around for the sake of their friendship, the woman continued to follow him around. To the massive uproar when Tom started dating Y/N and the hate she got. It forced her to delete all social media for about six months. Tabloids would trash her and fans would attack her because she was plus size. Not the same size as Zendaya. Anything about her that wasn't Zendaya, people hated.

But they pushed through and that's when Tom realized he had his forever lover. Now he was more than excited to get home. He hadn't seen his wife and kids in nearly two months. He was homesick as can be. Y/N was currently trying to do the dishes while Elliot and their daughter Charleen "Charlie" made a bigger mess in the living room. Her hair was in her eyes and a mess. She couldn't remember when the last time she showered was. Did she brush her teeth this morning or is that the lunch she was trying to get to?

Elliot was Tom through and through and Nikki, Tom's mom warned her way before they found out it was a boy that if it was a boy, to keep all senses working at all times. Tom was a handful. She wasn't wrong. Now Elliot was the new Tom and the second she heard a thud come from the living room, she called out to see if she needed to stop what she was doing or keep going. When Elliot said it was just his Legos, Y/N let out the breath she had no idea that she was holding and continued doing what she was doing. That was until Elliot yelled daddy.

Y/N's heart skipped a beat. Every time he came home from filming it was like when they were first dating. Those memories would flood to her every time. Butterflies erupted and a smile plastered her face. There in the doorway stood her beautifully aged husband looking jet lagged and ready to let go of any stress he had built up. Elliot let go of his dad and ran back to his masterpiece in the works of a Lego building. Tom left his things at the door and grabbed his wife's face, kissing her deeply.

"Hello to you too." Y/N chuckled.

"Charlie ready for her nap?" His voice was deeper than usual and she knew exactly what he wanted.

"It's possible since she's stopped taking her morning naps." She kissed him again as his hands slipped down her sides to her ass.

"I can put her down and then we can have a little us time." He said in between kisses.

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