Harrison| Have A Nice Day

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"You're having difficulties trying to get this so called acting career going, Y/n. why don't you just go to college?" your mum was getting on your case yet again. Oh the things you want to tell her lie, "Why you wanna tell me how to live my life? Who are you to tell me if it's black or white? Mama, can you hear me? Try to understand." but you keep it to yourself. It would ultimately lead to a smack upside the head. It hasn't been an easy ride and her not supporting you doesn't help. It probably has something to do with your estranged dad. There's a reason why he is, but your family doesn't talk about it. Your daddy lived the lie, it's just the price that he paid. Sacrificed his life, just slaving away. 

If there's one thing you hang onto, that gets you through the night. That's the hope that you'll be able to prove everyone have ever doubted you that you made it. You ain't gonna do what you don't want to. I'm gonna live your life. Standing on the ledge, you show the wind how to fly. You decide to ignore her and get ready for work. Currently you're doing modelling gigs until your call comes. Every time she brings the college talk up or anything other than what you're doing currently, you reflect on something a friend of yours said. "This is what I say 'When the world gets in my face I say, have a nice day." Harrison said with a smile.

You giggle and shake your head, "Nice Bon Jovi quote bub." he shrugged and chuckled. Since then you two have been thick as thieves. Nothing romantic though. The thought of having anything romantic between the two of you makes you feel weird. You get to set and get "glammed" as you call it. You take a look around you; nothing's what it seems. This is the fantasy you wish you could live in forever. You think about the environment you live in now. You're living in the broken home of hopes and dreams. Oh how much you want to change that. You know your mum won't approve but at least she wouldn't be living in a shithole anymore.

After getting hair and makeup done you always go to the catering table. They always have such good food. Whenever you see it you turn into the heart eyes emoji. "Boo." a soft but deep male voice said from behind you. You turn around with your cheeps popping out like a chipmunk with nuts in its mouth. Harrison dies laughing at your state. "Aye! Um hunwy!" you say with a mouth full of food. "You're gross." he laughs. You swallow before speaking again. "Momzilla was out again and I didn't have time to eat breakfast." you turn back to the delicious food. "Ah." he nodded. He knows everything about your life. He's your best friend after all. Harrison is the best person to turn to for advice. He also helps you stay level headed and not lose your shit on your mum either.

"Looking for forgiveness?" he said in a hushed tone. You shook your head. "From her? Not a chance even if she wanted to give it to me. What's left to believe? I'm stuck trying to keep the house a float. What's she doing? God knows what." you huff. "I'm gonna live my life... I guess." Harrison puts an arm around you. Here comes the theatrics. "You're shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice. Standing on the ledge, you show the wind how to fly. When the world gets in my face I say," you cut him off. "Have a nice day." you sing and giggle. "That's my girl." he chuckles. This is why your friendship is something you cherish. Harrison can get all dramatic but at least it's for good intentions and not to be annoying. It cheers you up on your darkest day.

He is right though. When the world keeps trying to drag you down, you've gotta raise your hands. You're gonna stand your ground. No more of this bullshit. This isn't the life you've wanted and it surely wasn't your mother's plan for life. You're still young enough. You can change everything. You just hope that it happens soon. Hopefully Harrison will still be by your side which, you have no doubt that he will. He's helped you so much already. You've needed someone like him in your life and now he's here. So here's a message to the world...

Have a nice day

I'm sorry for another short one but I hope I got a message out of this. I can personally relate to it. Inspired by Bon Jovi, Have A Nice Day. 

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