Sam| Preacher Man

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You've been stumbling through the door after 6AM. That's what a summer of a lifetime is about right? Well sort of. You are at least making sure to make amazing memories during the day and at night you let loose. Especially these crazy past couple of weekends in Australia. You and a huge group of friends booked an amazing trip. During the day you were explorers or as fans of Harry and Sam Holland would put it, tourists. But you all agreed on explorers to sound a bit fancier. Tonight in particular thought was something else. Something that no matter how drunk you get, you will somehow remember it all. It definitely isn't one of THOSE nights. All of you hopped in a rental car and just drove. The radio is blasting. Blow a hundred miles an hour and the wind is in your hair. You were driving through the city, just looking at yourself.

Your conscious telling you that you should just turn this car around. But man, you've got these demons and they're telling you to go. Who was going to stop any of you? The police? You guys were going the speed limit. All of you finally made it to a beach and grabbed everything you could, chairs, tents, towels, blankets. You were prepared for another crazy, fun filled night of laughter and drinking. "Hey Sam. A couple of nights ago where did you and Y/n go? It certainly wasn't a tent or the car." Andy, one of the guys with you, nudged Sam. Your face turned bright red and you had to turn around. Everyone knew. It was obvious from the 5th night here that you two were hooking up.

You two had snuck off to an alleyway and had gotten it on. The entire group went looking for the two of you and well the almost saw Sam's ass. Thankfully you had been wearing a flared out dress that night so majority of what you wanted to be was covered. As for Sam, he couldn't pat down his shorts like you could with your dress. Ever since, whenever you two sneak off, Andy, one of the guys, or even one of the girls have a smart remark. Luckily it's all in good nature. You'd be lying if you said it was all hormonal and strings attached. Both of you constantly flirt throughout the day and he's always sending cute texts that you think are just being friendly but deep down you know damn well they're not.

"Oh fuck off Andy." he laughed and pushed back. "More like fuck on." which earned Andy a smack upside the head. You chuckled and shook your head. Boys. Suddenly a hand is on your ass with a light squeeze. "Sam! Not in front of everyone!" you say lowly through gritted teeth. "Guess again darling." your eyes widened as you whipped around. "Andy you ass! I thought you were Sam." you smack him. "Only proves that your used to him touching YOUR ass. Kind of freaky how you think we have the same grip." Andy made a disgusted face. You look over his shoulder and see a very serious look on Sam's face. They may be friends but Sam is clearly not ok with him touching your butt.

Throughout the night Sam acted like he was ok but you could see in his eyes that he wasn't. "Hey Mr. Preacher man, can you help me get away from this life of sin? I'm ashamed of the dark places I have been. Fix my soul so I don't lose a love again!" you all shout rather than sing at the top of your lungs, ending it with what's supposed to be a woo but sounded like a bunch of howls. The only one not really singing was Sam. it was still bothering him about what Andy did earlier. He sipped his beer and chuckled every once in a while if a joke is said or someone sings WAY out of tune on purpose. Eventually you became annoyed. Sam should know that even if Andy wasn't kidding, you'd choose him.

You took one more sip of your beer and stood up. You walked over to Sam and grabbed his wrist. It jerked his body and his chair nearly fell back. This received oh's from the group. "What Y/n?" Sam sounded annoyed. "Don't give me an attitude. I didn't do anything. Spill." you crossed your arms over your chest and popped your hip. Sam rolled his eyes and started to head back to the group. "Nuh uh. You're not walking away without saying anything." you turned him back around. "You already know what the problem is so why bother trying?" he said even more pissed. "Because I want to hear it from you and I want to tell you what actually happened." you weren't letting him off easy and he knows it. "Fine. I didn't like how Andy was hitting on you. He knows..." you cocked an eyebrow. "Forget it. It's useless." you grabbed his shoulder before he could turn back around.

"No it's not. He also was joking around. I even called him an ass for it. I thought it was you grabbing my ass not him. It's creepy how you two have the same grip." Sam held back a laugh. "So whatever you were about to say isn't useless at all." you reassured him. His head hung. You didn't know if it was from embarrassing himself or you made him blush from his own unspoken words. All you knew was that you couldn't stand there much longer. You grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for a surprise kiss. You two didn't even realize that the group had fallen silent. They were watching you two make out. Sam's hands traveled their way to your ass and then gave a squeeze that drove you wild. Your hands made their way to his hair.

"GO SAMMY!" one of the guys yelled, breaking silence. Then the rest of the group started hollering. You two broke away and looked back at them. "Don't stop because we're cheering you two on. Go on! Keep snogging!" all except you two laughed. Instead you looked at each other, back at the group and flipped them off. Sam turned back to you. "Fuck it. They already know." he pulled you closer to him again and went back to the same position he was in before. They continued to cheer you two on. You felt something rubbing your thigh and Sam starting to pull down your shorts a tiny bit. You broke the kiss. "Two options. Car where we risk being heard or down the beach a ways with a towel?" you asked. Sam smirked and walked back to the group.

They all watched him like a hawk. He bent down and grabbed a towel, winking at the group. Sam came back to you and you grabbed the towel from him with a kiss. He was about to put his arm around you but then had a smartass idea. "Hey Andy!" he yelled. Andy turned to him to see what he wanted. Sam wound up his hand and then lightly smacked your ass, ending with a squeeze and small jiggle. The sudden action made you yelp and giggle. "MINE!" he yelled back to him. You cackled now knowing why he just did that. Andy laughed and gave a thumbs up, getting the hint not to touch you like that again. Even if it is a joke. The rest of the night you two went at it under the stars. It was pretty romantic in your opinion. Unfortunately sand got in places it shouldn't but in the end it was worth it. You had your Sammy in this life of sin.

Inspired by The Driver Era's song Preacher Man. 

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