Sam| Careless

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Inspired by Neffex's song Careless.

All day and all night, we'd stay up. It felt so right. We were so young, we were so dumb. We would get drunk and then hook up. We were ok, we were alright. Staying awake till the sun rose. We watched the beautiful colors cascade over Brighton. How we managed to stay wake, I have no clue. Maybe the adrenaline of youth pumping through us. We were in love. Couldn't stop us. Like a good drug, never enough. We'd hook up in my car, drive it so far. Not worrying about what people might say. Ignoring the world and enjoying each other.

Sam would play his guitar, humming or singing to anything from Elvis to Chris Stapleton. I'd show him my art. It was his favorite talent of mine. Sam would say I made Van Gogh like art. It always made me blush.

"I'm not THAT good." I'd chuckle trying to hide my face. Sam would always turn me to face him anyway and then kiss me.

We let down our guards. Thought with our hearts. We would stare at the stars. Pretend we saw new shaped and connected the cots with them. Sam would come up with the craziest things that would have us laugh until our stomachs cramped up. We were never apart. Even at parties where we trusted the people around us not to cause any problems. Drinking too young, the night always ended with the two of us giggling like idiots as we walked past Nikki who watched us walk to Sam's room. Way too much fun out in the sun. Always ended those long summer days with sun kissed skin. When it's gone that meant school was back in session... gross.

Of course the year went by like any other year. Well most of it. Him being the brother of THE Tom Holland, a lot of girls were all over him. So we kept our relationship a secret. We left it a secret because he wanted more normalcy in his life, considering he was a famous actor's brother. I was the only normal thing outside of school and sibling comparisons. So I didn't mind being his dirty little secret.

Then came prom time. This when things were pretty much out of the bag, all thanks to Sam. He walked up to me with Captain America's shield saying "Save me from a lonely prom?" How could you say no to that? Of course I had to pull a Peggy Carter and say don't be late. I knew he wanted to kiss me but he chose not to. People were already speculating and we didn't want to further their suspicions. He took me to prom. We danced to our song and danced all night long. He tried to do some of his dancing With The Stars moves but it didn't quite work out. Too many kids. Everyone danced till the lights come on. It was the time of our 16 year old lives.

But after that, that's when things went sour. You could probably imagine the details so I'll spare you them. But it's too late now, I remember everything and how careless we would be. But it's too late now, I remember you and me. Late nights, long fights. We were your average couple. It felt right because we were alive. Our love was one of a kind. We would go out with friends and eat froyo at 3 a.m. We were so loud, we were so proud and we had no doubts. Weekends and weekdays we'd spend our own. We called ourselves The Children of The Night. Up all night, sleep all day. Somewhere in there Sam and I would find time to hook up. Faces beat red from our rendezvous and our friends would start chanting, knowing exactly what we just did.

We were careless, fearless and reckless. Time was precious even though we loved to waste time.
Whiskey and wine, drinking all night. Music was too loud and we'd beat it before the police showed up. Of course we had designated drivers. We'd only go to the next backwoods over. I would end up falling asleep by Sam's side, finally feeling alive. School was pain but also pleasure. This was our year. We would just drive, blasting music and hurting our vocal chords. But it was worth it. It was so freeing. We would never arrive. Our journey was life, staying out late. Testing our faith and running away. We lived for today. We were so young and so bold. It would never get old. Screw what we're told, we can't be controlled!

But it's too late now, I remember everything and how careless we could be. Adulthood is here and we've gone our separate ways. That's just how it is. That's just how love is. Unless you've met the one, it never lasts forever. I guess he wasn't forever.

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