Harrison| Ashes

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Inspired by Céline Dion's song Ashes. I could not find a proper picture of Harrison to post as her representation of her mind. So just imagine a patient at an insane asylum.

What's left to say? These prayers ain't working anymore. Every word shot down in flames. What's left to do with these broken pieces on the floor? I'm losing my voice calling on you. But it feels like m words are going unhea Or am I even talking? Am I screaming? Or is this just a delusion and I'm stuck on repeat like a broken record? Cause I've been shaking, I've been bending backwards till I'm broke. Watching all these dreams go up in smoke. Let beauty come out of ashes. And when I pray to God all I ask is can beauty come out of ashes?

Can you use these tears to put out the fires in my soul? Cause I need you here. But you're so far away. Hell fire has broken out in Venice and only his passion can put them out. The expectations of young adults my age is too high. They expect us to be geniuses with doctorets already yet we just walked to the door of adulthood. We literally just opened the door. Can they stop for a moment? Let us breathe? We just had weeks and weeks of exams. We're beat. Not all of us can live out our lives at the drop of a dime the second summer starts. Harrison is in Toronto and I'm still here. It feels like I can't breathe.

Cause I've been shaking, I've been bending backwards till I'm broke. Watching all these dreams go up in smoke. I wanted to go with Harrison. But my parents refused to let me go. They never trusted him but he never gave a them a reason to not trust him. I too was a theatre kid, but at a different school. We met at a summer camp meant for theatre. I was his Sophie to his Sky in Mamma Mia the musical. We constantly made fun of my awful blonde wig. He was actually my first kiss. Cheesy, I know. But after camp we stayed in contact.

It was actually hilarious. Our schools were actually rivals. It felt like we were in Romeo and Juliet minus the relationship. Though I had wished a few times we were in one. But whenever I finally had the courage to ask him the risky question, he was in a relationship. Don't get me started on some girl named Lola. Even the mention of her name would make my skin hot. I felt like I couldn't compare and still do. Harrison constantly talks about her and she's always all over him. I feel like I can't win. My dream career and my dream guy. Guess that' apart of growing up. Guess I have to live with it. So I'll let everything burn down in flames. Let beauty come out of ashes and when I pray to God all I ask is, can beauty come out of ashes?

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